When and how peonies are transplanted: instructions for beginners

Our gardeners are no longer surprised by the abundance of all kinds of flowering plants that can turn your garden into a real work of art. Peony is one of them. Of course, growing them is somewhat problematic for beginners, but all the difficulties are worth it.

Particularly urgent is the question of when and how peonies are transplanted. And this is not accidental, since these flowers are very sensitive to growing conditions. Agricultural technology must be observed exactly, because otherwise you will definitely not get the desired result.

when to transplant peonies

A bit of history

In our country, the first passionate lover of these flowers was Peter I himself, who brought bulbs from the Netherlands. Since then, domestic breeders have bred many excellent varieties, some of which are known to this day.

Before you ask yourself when and how peonies are transplanted, you should consider the appropriateness of such actions. The fact is that with normal tillage and pest control of flowering plants, they can be left in one place for two decades. In addition, with frequent transplants, peonies cease to bloom regularly.

But if such a need really arose, the plant must be transferred to another place as a whole. Being divided, it will not only not bloom normally, but may simply die.

Getting ready for a transplant

how to transplant a peony in the summer
The easiest way (and therefore this method is more often used by beginners) is to transplant not the plants themselves, but their rhizomes. This operation is performed somewhere in late August. Plants are carefully dug, and then removed from the soil. Rhizomes as delicately as possible cleaned of the earth, remove the old and rotten parts, and then cut them at an angle.

It is best to transplant those sections of the bush that have about five eyes and the same number of full roots that are not affected by pests. A quick tip: it’s easier to divide those roots that are in a state of slight drying.

Start transplant

Prepare a pit of suitable sizes in advance: its depth and width should be equal to 60 cm. The bottom is gently loosened by a bayonet shovel, adding a mixture of turf removed from the top layer, humus and a small amount of mineral fertilizers. The eyes should be located five to six centimeters below the soil level.

when and how peonies are transplanted
If they are higher - the plant is almost guaranteed to freeze in the spring. Having buried the eyes too deeply, you are unlikely to wait for full flowering. After replanting the flower, gently tamp the soil around the bush. With the question of when and how peonies are transplanted, we almost figured out, but it is necessary to mention some of the nuances of their cultivation.

To get high-quality and annual flowering, for their "wards" should choose well-lit and as much as possible protected from winds areas. This should be thought first of all, wondering when and how peonies are transplanted. It is very important!

However, it is not necessary to completely isolate peonies from the circulating air, since in this case the likelihood of various kinds of pests and diseases sharply increases.

Therefore, before transplanting a peony in the summer, carefully examine your site to find the best place.

The best soils are well-dug and fertilized loamy soils. The slightest stagnation of moisture in the soil can put an end to your dreams of a garden with fragrant peonies, so that at a depth of approximately 0.7 m it will not hurt to make a drainage of gravel.

So you found out how and when to transplant peonies!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15796/

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