Chihuahua breed standard: description and photo

Today, the Chihuahua breed is becoming increasingly popular. More recently, people chose serious dogs to whom they could trust their property, but modern alarm systems have become more reliable watchmen. However, it is pleasant to return home when a loving creature awaits you. Therefore, people began to look for an alternative. She became miniature creatures that are perfectly suited for home maintenance. Surely you have already guessed who it is. Today we’ll talk about the Chihuahua breed standard. A sweet and gentle creature will become your reliable friend and companion.

Chihuahua breed standard

Favorite glamorous girls

Yes, when the puppies of this breed only appeared with us, it was so. They were expensive, and acquired them solely because of prestige. But today the situation has changed. The standard Chihuahua breed is suitable for keeping even in the smallest apartments, where a person cannot afford a larger pet. Great demand prompted the creators of nurseries to pay great attention to the breeding of this breed, which increased the number of offers and reduced the price.

chihuahua breed standard

For home and for the soul

The standard Chihuahua breed provides not only tiny sizes (the largest dog does not exceed 3 kg), but also the features of character and temperament. Lovers of the breed note their amazing ability to like and make friends. This dog does not require special care, is unpretentious to living conditions, it is very simple to raise, it is easily trained in basic commands.

Despite the fact that the standard Chihuahua breed shows us a very small animal, they love to play and run, never give up walking with their master. They do not experience such a catastrophic lack of physical activity as, for example, a Doberman in a one-room apartment, nevertheless, you need to walk with them.

Briefly about the breed

Let’s now take a closer look at how a Chihuahua should be. The breed standard indicates that the weight of the dog reaches 3 kg, the weight of bitches - up to 2.5 kg. Male growth - from 18 to 23 cm, female growth - from 15 to 20 cm. Color can be very different, from white to chocolate. A huge number of colors and shades.

Do you know that this breed was born in Mexico for a very long time? However, only in 2009 the official standard was adopted. From this moment, the popularity of these dogs began to flourish, they began to participate in exhibitions. The Chihuahua breed standard (RKF) brought its representatives into the ninth group of miniature dogs and companions. They do not pass working tests, for them only an examination of the exterior is carried out.

breed standard chihuahua rkf

Chihuahua mini

In fact, such offers are not uncommon in the market. Small Chihuahuas are given out as exceptional representatives of the show class and are sold for a lot of money. There is also an opinion that the standard Chihuahua mini breed differs from ordinary representatives. This legend is also used by breeders, selling miniature representatives of the breed called "pocket". In fact, there is no difference between them, like people, there are tall, with a large physique, but there are small ones.

Chihuahua mini breed standard and standard are distinguished exclusively by their size. With a dog weighing from 0.5 to 1.5 kg, it is considered miniature, starting from one and a half kilograms - standard. The length of the mini-chihuahua starts from 25 cm, and the growth reaches a maximum of 14 cm. Everything above these indicators fits into the usual norms. But if the dog’s weight is less than 0.5 kg or more than 3 kg, then it will be disqualified, it does not fit the breed standard.

For those who want to make themselves the smallest representative of the Chihuahua, you need to remember that you will definitely encounter a number of problems. First of all, this is nutrition. The baby needs special feeding, as he is often not able to eat enough to maintain his strength. The second point is heat transfer, a tiny creature needs clothes. Finally, the life span of a miniature chihuahua is less than that of the same regular sized dogs.

chihuahua breed standard photo

The purpose of the breed

This is already clear from the description that gives the standard Chihuahua breed. The description clearly shows us a tiny and loving creature that is not able to be a guard or a hunter. This is a companion dog that can wait for you from work and joyfully meet, spend the weekend with you and enjoy running for a walk. Great friend for kids. The only caveat - a small child can injure a puppy, so it is better to wait a bit with its acquisition. A preschooler will be able to take care of the dog quite responsibly.

The chihuahua never did any useful work, his task is to be friends with you, decorate your house and brighten up your free time.

Dog cost

Until recently, they were not available to everyone. Today the situation has changed. Of course, there are puppies of star producers, exhibition winners who are very expensive. However, if you need a dog for the soul, then just select a responsible breeder. On average, prices are distributed as follows. With hands you can buy a puppy for $ 150-200. It can be without a pedigree or with a document confirming the origin, but his parents have never participated in exhibitions and have no ratings.

However, this is not the limit of the cost of a chihuahua. The dimensions of the breed standard are given above; each pedigree puppy is evaluated by them. If he was born to good parents, meets the standard, but he has malformations (malocclusion, cryptorchidism), then he clearly loses to his fellow tribesmen. This is a pet-class dog, and the cost of such a puppy is usually from $ 300.

Brid-class - these are wonderful puppies who can participate in breeding and in exhibitions, and in the absence of strong competition, become winners and receive titles. Their cost is from $ 700. Finally, there are show-class dogs, these are real stars who will win show after show and confidently take title after title. Such a dog in the future will become the founder of a whole line of excellent representatives of the breed. No competent breeder can sell this, their cost is not less than $ 2000.

chihuahua breed standard sizes

Care and maintenance

The FCI Chihuahua breed standard assumes minimal care complexity, so this breed is suitable even for beginners in dog science. Hair care is minimal, dogs practically do not need to be combed out and bathed, more precisely, you should not do this more often 4 times a year. The dog is unpretentious to the living conditions, the only condition is the air temperature. It should not be below +18 degrees, since miniature creatures are prone to hypothermia. A chihuahua can live in an apartment, but he needs a walk twice a day.

If at times you are very late at work, you can put a tray at home in which the pet will walk as needed while you are away. The life expectancy of these crumbs is from 12 to 16 years, if you provide good conditions, you can live a little longer.

Family relationship

An exceptionally friendly creature is a chihuahua dog. The breed standard (photo - in our article) provides for the excellent coexistence of these dogs with all family members, both bipedal and four-legged. To strangers, the attitude is somewhat distrustful, but with a good upbringing, the pet will demonstrate exceptional friendliness. With children, it gets along very well, but you need to watch that the baby does not harm the puppy. He is friends with animals during successful socialization, so from early childhood you need to introduce the puppy to cats, parrots or fish.

Chihuahua breed standard description

The need for walks and outdoor activities

Since the dogs are very small, they manage to play enough during the day, even in a small apartment. Therefore, the need for activity is below average. These are playful creatures, therefore, if the size of the apartment allows, then take two dogs at once, who will play all day long. The duration of the walk is at least 30 minutes, it is better to walk longer. And of course, stock up on balls and other toys to make the walk productive and interesting.

Training and education of this breed is a simple and not too long process. Moreover, the general course of training for your pet is completely optional. Enough of learning the simplest commands “to me”, “fu”, “near”, “place”, “sit”. Knowing these commands will greatly facilitate your life in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Connoisseurs and lovers of this breed may think that it has absolutely no flaws. However, if you have never held a chihuahua, you need to weigh the pros and cons. This is a small and very cute creature that lends itself well to training and is well brought up. Chihuahua is very attached to his master, loves to play with him for hours on end. This is a vigilant and very sonorous watchman, having heard any rustle, he will certainly raise an alarm. In this case, the dog is not demanding on maintenance and easy to care for.

However, there are nuances that you must definitely pay attention to. Despite their tiny size, Chihuahuas can be aggressive and even unbearable. Therefore, acquiring a touching crumb, it is imperative to remember the need for education and training. If your pet feels the absence of a leader, he will try to take his place. Correcting the situation is then difficult. A small dog, constantly barking, rushing at people and provoking other dogs, will create a lot of big trouble. In addition, these are very fragile creatures that need careful care.

Chihuahua mini breed standard

Who is this breed suitable for?

In fact, the number of Chihuahua lovers is growing day by day. People in these kids are attracted to absolutely everything, their size and touching affection for the owner, cheerful disposition. These are ideal companions for single people, as well as for families with growing children. If you do not want to care for dog hair, then this breed is also suitable for you.

But for those who have a small child, this is clearly a hasty choice. A baby can accidentally injure a puppy. In addition, it will be difficult for mother to monitor both a puppy and a small child, it is almost the same thing as raising twins. If you are too busy and do not have the opportunity to seriously engage in a dog, this is also not your option. Chihuahuas bark very loudly, so if you can’t stand the dog barking, it’s better to choose silent people like sharpei.


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