How to make a do-it-yourself cellar in a garage?

Despite the invention and availability of various kinds of freezers, garage cellars have remained popular for decades. This is largely due to the fact that mankind to this day has not come up with a better way to preserve homemade pickles.

do-it-yourself cellar in the garage
Of course, it is best to make a cellar with your own hands in the garage, as this will save a lot of money. Of course, you can hire builders, but there is no guarantee that they will do everything efficiently. More often, everything happens just the opposite.

Before starting work, you must carefully plan their implementation. We recommend that you focus on a proven scheme over the years:

  • Use any point of the garage for construction, but be sure to leave a margin of 0.5 m for the installation of side waterproofing.
  • The side surfaces of the strip foundation can be used as the walls of the future premises.

Wall material

However, for this purpose, a monolithic concrete slab or ceramic brick is best suited. Reinforced concrete blocks are good in that they greatly accelerate the construction process. It is unacceptable to build a cellar with your own hands in a garage made of aerated concrete, since it is too hygroscopic.

make a cellar in the garage
Shields for formwork should be shot down only from solid boards. For waterproofing, it is quite acceptable to use cheap bitumen.

Getting to work

Of course, work begins with digging a foundation pit of the required size. Its bottom is carefully tamped with hand rammers, after which a layer of rubble or river gravel is poured onto it . They tamp everything again and fill it with a layer of concrete. When arranging a cellar with your own hands in a garage, you need to count on about seven to eight centimeters of concrete pouring.

For waterproofing, two roofing layers are taken, which is poured with molten bitumen. An overlap of 10-15 cm is necessarily made on the walls. If a mirror of groundwater is close to the surface of the soil, a normal drainage device is necessary. After that, you can put the formwork to fill the walls. When we make a cellar in the garage, it is she who causes the most problems.

We build walls

cellar in the garage
Since there are a huge number of materials suitable for this, it all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. Many, building a cellar with their own hands in the garage, choose a brick. But we recommend the arrangement of monolithic concrete walls, since with a brick version the construction can turn into a long-term construction.

The stages of work are as follows:

  • The size of each wall knock down strong shields from solid boards.
  • Fasten metal poles on the basis of the structure .
  • Shields are mounted on them.
  • Spend concrete pouring.

If you still decide to do the masonry, then it should be strictly vertical. All seams are wiped as carefully as possible, ensuring the tightness of the structure. When you finish the work, it is recommended that they be dyed with milk of lime.

Thus, the arrangement of the cellar in the garage is a rather troublesome event, but with the observance of the construction technology, nothing is impossible. Good luck with your work!


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