Proper shelter of roses for the winter

Increasingly, you can see beautiful bushes of blooming roses on the plots. This truly royal flower has deservedly won the love of gardeners. Wanting to create a fragrant and luxurious garden, we spend huge amounts of money on the purchase of seedlings. But all our work and invested funds may be lost if the wrong shelter of roses for the winter is done.

In the southern regions of our vast country, special precautions are not required. Mild winters and small temperature fluctuations are not able to bring severe damage to the bush. But gardeners in the northern part of Russia need to know several ways how to shelter roses for the winter. Let's look at the most common and affordable options.

To carry out insulation work on the site, we need spruce paws, dry leaves, peat, roofing material, wooden boxes, lutrasil and ropes. Before embarking on a “rescue operation”, it is necessary to learn the methods for each type of shrub.

First you need to carry out preparatory work. From each bush, it is necessary to completely remove the leaves and last flowers, unripe ends and fatty shoots. After that, carefully spray each branch with a solution prepared from ten liters of water, thirty grams of copper sulphate and three hundred grams of green soap.

We wrap the standard rose varieties with spruce paws and moss, cover with lutrasil on top and fix the structure with a rope. After that, we insulate the bush with a wooden box, fill all the free space with dry sawdust. On top of the box we lay a sheet of roofing material or roofing felt. If you can bend the branches to the ground, then cover the piece of land with spruce paws. Gently bending the shoots, we pin them with wooden slings. We cover the whole bush with sheets of roofing material and pour a thick layer of sawdust, peat or fallen leaves on top.

How to cover roses for the winter, if you have planted climbing varieties? The technology of the work is the same as in the previous case. Only you have to remove the shoots from the support, clean them from the leaves and cut out all the rotted and damaged branches. Only after this, carefully twist the bush and pin it to the ground. Pre-prepare for the branches a pillow from a thick layer of leaves and sawdust. We cover with lutrasil from above and cover it first with spruce paws, and then with a layer of leaves.

If you have polyanthus, tea-hybrid varieties, floribunda or Pernetian roses, shelter for the winter is carried out without bending branches. Such shrubs are initially sprinkled with peat. With the onset of the first frosts, plantings are covered with spruce paws, covered with dry leaves and the whole structure is fixed with lutrasil and ropes.

Shelter of roses for the winter is widely used in the air-dry way. We prepare the bushes for wintering and spray them with a specially prepared solution. Let the branches dry well. After that, we build a hut over the landings, using prepared wooden shields, lutrasil and film for this. Do not forget to carry out ventilation during the thaw period in order to avoid bark aging. A big plus of this method is the presence of a favorable microclimate for the plant and reliable protection against sudden changes in temperature.

If you have crowded planting, then sheltering roses for the winter will be much easier. In this case, we set arcs above the bushes. We mulch the earth with rotted sawdust and dry leaves. We pull lutrasil on the arcs, and with the onset of rains we cover the entire structure with several layers of a thick film.

Before the onset of stable frosts (up to minus eight degrees), leave small vents. For the winter period, be sure to close them. Sprinkle the edges of the film with a layer of earth. This will help not only to hold the ends of the material, but also to create a special microclimate inside the structure.


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