Determine the value of the fox tattoo

The practice of covering oneself with animal images has been going on for more than a dozen years. Yes there are a dozen. Totem animals, patronizing a particular genus, have always been a favorite topic of body painting. Here are just some of the symbols over time, they only added points, and the popularity of others waned.

fox tunings
For example, how many people do you know who have fox tattoos on their bodies? Right, a little. The ambiguous attitude to the animal itself is painful. Although we admit, the fox has a simply chic appearance: bright, graceful, fluffy. Lovely creature with great hunting habits! The image of this cunning animal is present in many tales.

So what does a fox tattoo mean? Again, depending on which side to approach. If you portrayed Chinese ku-li, then the main interpretation of tattoos is longevity. The Chinese believe in the divine origin of this animal. However, at the age of fifty, the animal ceases to be such and gets the opportunity to turn into a seductive woman. Having lived to a hundred years, the fox becomes younger and becomes a young maid. And after a thousand years in his power will change the female appearance to the male. Before us is no longer a simple ku-li, but a heavenly fox.

fox tattoos
A similar interpretation of the fox tattoo in the Japanese. Kitsune, or the nine-tailed fox, is identical in nature to ku-li. But besides longevity, it personifies the path of self-development and self-improvement. Red beast also brings prosperity and abundance.

As you can see, among Asian peoples this animal is equated with divine creatures who are both helpers and protectors.

But in the Russian tradition - it is rather a deceitful and insidious creature. Although sometimes the fox-sister achieves much more with her cunning than brute force. And where savvy does not help, there you can take your beauty.

what does fox tattoo mean
This is probably why fox tattoos are most often made by girls. They are smart, playful and accustomed to turning their weaknesses into a weapon that allows them to achieve their plan. It seems that the owners of a charming painted camelina are light and superficial. However, along with the ability to enjoy the moment, they carefully think through and plan their lives.

There are fox tattoos in men. Rarely, but it happens. What to expect from their host? Thinking outside the box, charm, quick wit. So be sure, such a person will not get lost in the most complicated situation, he will be able to find a way out where you did not expect. Maybe he won’t go ahead, but he certainly won’t break any firewood.

As for the technique in which fox tattoos are performed, there are no established canons here. There are images in a realistic manner, cartoony, punk, in the style of the old school. As always, traditional Chinese and Japanese tattoos look amazing . And where exactly to put the image of a charming creature, you decide. Red-haired beast can settle behind the ear, on the neck, on the arm, on the leg, on the back. The result ultimately depends on your personal taste and skill of the artist.


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