Entrance door installation: installation features, technology and recommendations

The front door is an important element of any apartment or house. She protects the room from thieves and unwanted guests. The main criterion to which it must meet is reliability. How to do the installation of entrance doors with your own hands will be discussed in detail below.

Metal door selection

Installation of entrance doors begins with the selection of a suitable product. Many people prefer metal varieties to wooden sashes. But, coming to the store, not everyone is sure that he can choose the right door. It should have a good lock system and soundproofing. Also, a quality canvas has a layer of insulation. A reliable manufacturer provides a long-term warranty on their products.

Entrance door installation

A person who comes into the store behind a metal door may think that its price is too high. If the seller offers the design at a low cost, the system does not belong to the category of high-quality products. Perhaps the door has a marriage. When choosing the presented design, you must first pay attention to reliability and quality. Do not save on your own safety.

For a metal door, a peephole with a large viewing area is best suited. Thanks to this, he will show a picture taking place on the other side of the door from all sides. If we look at the statistics, then about eighty percent of cases of robbery occur in the entrances. The best solution is to install a peephole, which will allow you to carefully consider the space in front of the door.

Important details when choosing

In order to install the front door with your own hands quickly and without problems, you must always pay attention to the details during the purchase process. A lot depends on them.

So, for example, you should first examine the loop. If a burglar wants to break into the house, he can easily knock down poor-quality hardware with a sledgehammer. To avoid this kind of trouble, you need to install anti-detachable pins. The more there will be, the better.

Installation of the entrance metal door

Before you install the front door, dismantle the old structure, you should consider the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a new product.

The castle is a temporary barrier, but a barrier for people who decide to enter the apartment. Its absolutely reliable design has not yet been created. However, the castle will delay the attacker for some time. Therefore, it is very important when choosing to pay attention to the design. It must be complicated. Today, one of the best is considered a cylinder lock. It is highly reliable.

Preparation for installation

Do-it- yourself installation of an entrance metal door is not an easy task. Here you will need to act in stages.

First, you should prepare the doorway, that is, fit it under the door to be installed very accurately. If the opening is too wide, then the door itself will look unnatural. Accordingly, there can be no question of any reliability here. The same goes for a small opening in which it is simply impossible to install a door. Therefore, the work should be almost jewelry.

Do-it-yourself front door installation

Next comes the most crucial moment. It is required to push the door into the opening. And in order for it not to fall, you need to open the canvas ninety degrees and put a support under the bottom. Next, you need to take the rack level and move away. From far away, the owner of the door will see how the product looks, whether it fits well into the opening.

Door unit installation

Installation of entrance doors after the preparatory process involves the installation of the box. You can begin to level the door block. We must try to do everything so that in relation to the vertical side of the plane they occupy the exact position. Set the level on the side of the hinged box. Under the part that is opposite, you need to put the bars of wood. So you can achieve the desired position of the door block.

Entrance doors dismantling installation

Now it’s worth tackling the plane of fit of the new door. Pulling out the top or bottom of the box is not required. The door is installed on the wall. There may be some inconsistency in doing this work. Doors can open and close by themselves. In this case, you need to align the entire system. Skews cause similar problems.

Door frame mounting

In a certain sequence, the entrance doors are installed. Installation involves, after carrying out the above manipulations, fasten the door frame. It is worth starting from the side where the awnings are located. It is required to drill a hole through the eyes, where the anchor will subsequently be inserted (it is not necessary to tighten it). This procedure continues to be done with all other eyes on the same side. Then you can move on to another part of the box.

Installation installation of entrance doors

After that, it is worth taking the level again and starting to tighten the anchor from the side where the awnings are located. After completing the process on one side, you need to switch to the other, not forgetting the installation level. The result will be a durable door block.

Installation completion

Installation of the entrance metal door is completed with a number of simple works. If, after installation, the block still staggers a little, then do not worry. Fixing foam will help to fix it. It is worthwhile to carefully examine the door. You need to close it and check the operation of the castle. If his bolts do not pass through the counter holes, you need to level the canvas.

Do-it-yourself installation of an entrance metal door

After that, you can proceed to the final stage. There is no particular difficulty. It is necessary to take a cylinder of polyurethane foam and shake it well. Then fill it with the contents of all the gaps between the opening and the door itself.

Why you should not pay attention to appearance

For most people, the main criterion for choosing an item is the aesthetics of the product. This is advisable when buying clothes or furniture. But when it comes to safety, the last thing to think about is the appearance of the product. Here the main criterion should be reliability and quality.

Metal doors have a restrained appearance. But they, unlike wooden varieties, are less aesthetic, their design is not so diverse. Therefore, do not give preference to a beautiful, but unreliable design.

Expert Advice

A door made of metal is a reliable protector of any home. It should be chosen correctly. In this case, the house will be reliably protected from breaking and theft. Installation of entrance doors , which are of high quality, will also be faster and easier.

If the design is not reliable, then you should not expect that the system will be able to protect the home from the penetration of unexpected guests. A lot depends on not only the door itself, but also on its manufacturer. Details are of great importance. The safety of the home also largely depends on the correct installation.

In order for the installation procedure to be successful, and the door to meet all the requirements of the buyer, products from trusted manufacturers should be purchased. This will avoid significant financial losses, theft and other similar troubles.

Having considered how to choose and install the front door, you can do all the work yourself. Acting in accordance with the instructions, relying on the advice of experienced specialists, you can mount a reliable structure that can block the way for attackers in the home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15817/

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