How many months can children give juice? How and when to introduce juices in the baby's diet?

The baby has grown, and although breast milk remains its main food, the time comes for the introduction of complementary foods. Many mothers get lost and confused how to do it right. The body of any child is individual, so before giving juices, you need to consult a pediatrician. Only he will be able to accurately determine the date of their introduction. How many months can children give juice? The article will discuss the rules for introducing complementary foods, its features and sequence.

When to start

In the last century in the USSR, there was an opinion among pediatricians that infants begin to perceive juices from 2-3 months. Modern experts are sure that you should not rush.

Moms are interested in how old a baby can be. Doctors advise that it is best to be a little late with them and not to give them too early. Initially, they recommend starting with vegetables, cereals, and fruits.

The acid contained in the juices can negatively affect the immature gastrointestinal tract, as well as cause allergies. Therefore, some pediatricians advise to introduce them into the diet no earlier than 10-12 months. However, this is not quite the right decision, because for the full development of the child needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

From what age should children give carrot juice

The most optimal age for the inclusion of juice in the diet can be attributed to 6 months. The child’s pancreas begins to produce the necessary enzymes, so more complex foods, in addition to breast milk, can be perfectly digested. Children who are breast-fed begin to drink juice earlier.

How much juice to give

The first servings of juice that are administered should be minimal. Just a few drops are enough. Giving juice is necessary only after feeding, so as not to spoil the baby's appetite. In addition, the acid can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Juices need to be diluted in a ratio of 1: 1. Within 14 days, the portion is increased to 1 tbsp. spoons. A one-year-old child will already be able to drink 1/2 cup per day.

From what age do they give juice to a child?

If you strictly observe the necessary amount of juice when feeding, then the baby will not have digestive problems. There is a calculation formula: the number of months is multiplied by 10. This is measured in milliliters.

What juices can be given

Moms ask most often, how many months can children give juice. Usually the most optimal age is 6 months.

From the whole variety of vegetables and fruits, you must choose the one from which the juice will be the most useful. It is best to use green apples. They must be mature. Unripe fruits can cause indigestion.

Features of entering into the diet of juice

Initially, portions of juice should be minimal: just a few drops or spoons. Moms should do it on their own. Older children can buy special baby food.

There is a scheme and input order:

  1. From the age of 3-4 months they give juice from green apples.
  2. A baby from 5 months of age, who is on artificial feeding, can introduce juice from peach, apricot, pear, banana and carrot into the diet.
  3. After the baby is executed for six months, he can be given drinks consisting of 2 components. For example, apple and carrot, pear and banana, pumpkin and carrot.
  4. After 6 months, you can introduce different juices with celery, and with the addition of apple, orange and pear.
  5. Fruit juices are given to a baby after six months. You can also cook them from cherries, cherries, currants, cranberries and plums.
  6. Later, cabbage and beets are introduced into the lure.
  7. The latter include juices made from raspberries, tomatoes, strawberries.

With caution, mothers should include grape drinks in the diet. This can cause increased flatulence and bloating. Citrus juices can cause allergies. Therefore, they should be included in the infant's diet with caution.

How to give

Earlier in the article, it was considered at what age a child is given juice, and now certain rules need to be clarified. They are completely uncomplicated, so if the baby’s parents will follow them, this will save him from health problems. Here they are:

  • It is necessary to water the baby with juice 30 minutes after feeding. Then he will become an additional drink in his diet and will not spoil the appetite.
  • Pediatricians prohibit giving juice on an empty stomach. The acid in it can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, improper digestion, bloating and abdominal pain.
  • Grudnichkov should be drunk from a spoon, and older children can buy a non-spill drinker.
  • Toddlers up to 3 years old are given special juices for children. It is important that they are free of sugar.
  • Breast juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. In its pure form, the drink is allowed from 1.5-2 years, not more than 200 ml. This number is divided into 3-4 doses.
Fruit juices give a baby

Children can drink regular juices starting from the age of 2, but not more than a glass.

Juice Recipes

Moms often ask how many months can children give juice. The time of its entry is set individually, but most often from 6 months.

On packages with baby juice indicate the age at which it is allowed for the baby. All of them are subjected to special control, and do not contain dyes, stabilizers, etc. Juices are great for feeding babies, but mothers should find out if they contain sugar.

At what age can a child be given juice

If she is confident in the quality of the fruit, she will be able to make a drink on her own.

Apple juice does not cause allergies and is easily absorbed by the children's body. Most often, acquaintance with drinks should begin with this fruit. The process of making juice is as follows:

  • wash the green apple and peel it;
  • cut into several parts;
  • remove seeds;
  • grate;
  • shift the mass into cheesecloth and squeeze the juice.

A portion of the juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. On this day, in addition to drink and milk, babies should not be fed anything.

Carrot juice is especially useful for the baby due to its composition. It has a lot of carotene. At what age should children be given? Carrot juice can be introduced from 6 months. It is best absorbed in a greasy environment, so give it with milk. Prepare the juice manually or through a juicer.

Method of cooking 1 option:

  1. Wash and peel ripe carrots. Then the fruit is scalded with boiling water.
  2. Rub carrots on a fine grater.
  3. Put in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice.
  4. Pour into a mug and water the child.

Moms ask how many months can children give carrot juice. Most often, it is introduced into the diet of a 6-month-old baby.

If you need to cook a lot of carrot juice use a juicer. With its help, a quality drink is obtained. The process of making juice is as follows:

  • carrots are preliminarily held for 20 minutes in cold water;
  • cleans the fetus;
  • cut into pieces and squeezed through a juicer.

Thus, you can make juice from any fruit.


Juice is a useful complementary food, but you should not rush with its introduction. Mom is best to wait a bit and start from 6-7 months. The correct introduction of juice into the diet will positively affect the baby’s body.


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