How to care for daffodils in your area?

If you want to grow a magnificent “fountain” of beautiful yellow flowers in your flowerbed , you must know how to care for daffodils. Each gardener can grow these flowers from bulbs on his plot. They will delight the eye, blooming even before tulips. Most often, white and yellow daffodils are found. The photo depicts these plants with a waterfall of bright colored spots that adorn any flower bed. For many, they are associated with the onset of spring.

how to care for daffodils

How to care for daffodils in your area?

This bulbous perennial is very widespread among amateur gardeners. In addition, it is used in perfumery to produce essential oils. Planting daffodils can occur by planting bulbs (vegetatively) and using seeds. It is necessary to carefully monitor the process of vegetation. Gradually, the onion grows ever new peaks. After a few years, they freeze. Following the end of this process, the scales of the maternal bulb die off. You should know how to care for daffodils after this. They need to be divided into daughter bulbs. The second method of division is more traumatic. To do this, at the end of August, the mother's bulb, both parts of the scales of which are located on one bottom, are cut into two. Be careful and be sure to treat the cut with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is important to strictly observe the storage conditions of daffodils. To do this, you need to purchase a package of special volcanic material - perlite in a flower shop. It is porous and can be used as a substrate and as a mulch. Be sterile when storing bulbs.

daffodils photo

If you decide to propagate daffodils with seeds - do it in the fall, immediately after collecting them. Thus, the plants grown will bloom only in the fifth year. Bulbs are placed in the ground in August or early September. In some cases, it is recommended to plant immediately after they have been removed from the ground and separated from the children. In this case, the percentage of planting material shrunk during wintering is reduced. Bulbs can take root better. Although you can plant daffodils in the spring (very early), and sometimes in the winter. The best place for these flowers would be moderately sunny hills. They should be well protected from the wind. Narcissus will safely transfer the landing in the shade. You just need to make sure that it is not too thick.

planting daffodils

How to care for daffodils: soil selection

Soils of both high and medium fertility are suitable for these bulbous plants . Excessive sand can be compensated by adding peat and clay. Peat can be replaced with humus. Stagnation of water in the soil is unacceptable. Strongly rotted manure, introduced into the soil several years before planting the bulbs, has a good effect on the growth of daffodils. Excessive acidity of the soil should be neutralized with dolomite flour, ash. Small bulbs are planted to a depth of about five centimeters. Large will require a deeper hole - from fifteen to twenty cm. Planted bulbs mulch with peat, humus, sawdust.


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