Web burdock: description, photo

Each gardener repeatedly fought in the beds with a green weed, which has large leaves and inflorescences-baskets with small hooks at the edges. This is a two-year-old plant burdock cobweb. The family of asters, to which it belongs, has 11 species. Almost all of its representatives are considered medicinal plants.

burdock arachnoid root system

Where is the burdock burdock found?

The plant is very common. It can be found in the steppe zones and in the forests. Habitat - almost the entire Eurasian continent. This type of burdock can be seen in the Caucasus, in many countries of Europe. In Russia, the plant is distributed even in the Far East and Siberia.

Plant characteristics

In Russia, large, small and felt burdock are common. People call him burdock, burdock. The plant is quite unpretentious, found on roadsides, grows in landfills and under bushes. The leaves of the grass, growing, do not give the opportunity to grow any plant next to it. If you have met huge green leaves in your garden, you should know that this is a burdock. A photo of the plant allows it not to be confused with any other.

burdock spider web photo

Chemical components

Traditional medicine has long used the beneficial qualities of a plant to help patients. After all, its leaves and roots surprise with its rich chemical composition.


1Fixed oils22.1
2Acids (myristic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, oleic)67.8
3Insulin polysaccharide45

The leaves of the plant contain bitter substances, mucus, essential oils and trace elements, and there is many times more vitamin C known to them than in lemon, beets, and pepper. The roots of burdock are also rich in useful components . Annual roots, sweetish in taste, are saturated with essential oils, protein and carotene. Harvest them in the fall, pre-washing, cutting into small pieces and drying in the shade.

Use in cosmetology

Many women use burdock oil to strengthen their hair. Its fatty oils and phytosterols favorably affect the hair follicles. Perhaps this is the most affordable tool that can control the sebaceous glands of the head. Our great-grandmothers also knew about this property, therefore they used burdock web. Photos of the plant can often be seen on shampoo bottles.


Beneficial features

Burdock has a huge amount of useful properties. Consider the main ones:

  • Wound healing effect. Green leaves of the plant are used for burns, after grinding them. Porridge from herbs, possessing an antibacterial property, promotes faster healing, relieves pain.
  • Prevention of cancer. A joint study of Indian and Russian chemical scientists confirmed the ability of the roots of the plant to help with manifestations of melanoma. In the presence of internal neoplasms, a remedy is taken, which includes burdock roots, eggs and butter. May burdock leaves are especially appreciated.
  • Used to maintain liver health. With her diseases, herbs are used, one of the components of which is burdock. The chemical constituents of the plant (carbon tetrachloride and acetaminophen) reduce inflammation and have a beneficial effect on liver cells.
  • Help the digestive system. Decoctions of the grass treat diseases of the digestive system such as ulcers, gastritis, and dysbiosis. Mucous substances of the plant envelop the walls of the esophagus, protecting it from exposure to toxins. Infusions from seeds cleanse the body, while reducing blood glucose.
  • To maintain the immune system. During the period of autumn colds, tea from burdock increases immune resistance, improves blood circulation, helping the body to resist viruses and bacteria.
  • Diuretic action. In pharmacy kiosks, a common diuretic is a web-burdock, the root system of which is filled with substances that stimulate the kidneys and, as a result, perform the function of removing toxins.
  • Help with allergic reactions. The property of the plant to remove the manifestations of atypical dermatitis, characterized by itching of the skin, is due to the ability of burdock to inhibit genes and improve the quality of immune molecules. Dressings with a decoction of the plant are applied to the affected areas after bites of mosquitoes and bees.
  • Anti-infectious property. The active substance polyacetyl, which is part of the phytochemical composition of the roots of the grass, resists infections, stimulating rapid healing.
  • To improve heart function. The high content of vitamin B 6 in the roots of burdock makes this plant indispensable for maintaining a healthy heart. A glass of warm tea with the addition of a plant extract will provide a daily dose of this vitamin.

burdock cobweb family

Using a plant for food

Do not rush to remove cobweb from your beds. What kind of plant is this, the fact that the Japanese specially cultivate it, inventing a lot of delicious dietary dishes not only from leaves, but also from its roots, says.

Few people know that the root system of a plant accumulates inulin in itself over the summer. Its amount reaches 45%. The substance belongs to dietary fiber, so necessary for normal digestion, acting as a prebiotic. In pharmacology, fructose is obtained from burdock extracts.

The green mass of grass is used to make salads, added to side dishes, meat dishes, and the hostesses chopped, boiled in milk roots are put in jam and syrups. Burdock and sorrel go well in summer salads. Fish dishes with boiled burdock roots have interesting tastes. He will not spoil meat dishes.

In the summer, raw materials are procured for the future, pickling it with spices and vinegar.

burdock cobweb which plant


Green leaves of burdock and its roots should not be used when:

  • Hypersensitivity to plant constituents. Excessive use of ointments and infusions can cause severe allergic reactions.
  • When carrying a child, women should protect themselves from the use of ointments with burdock.
  • Prolonged use of the extract can cause the exact opposite effect.
  • Digestive system diseases with severe pain colic do not allow the use of grass.
  • Herbal extracts should not be given to children under 12 years of age.
  • An overdose of herbal extracts can cause a change in the mental state in both children and adults.

Interesting facts about the plant

Burdock is a wonderful honey plant and is valued by beekeepers.

Under good conditions, the plant is able to exceed one and a half meters in growth.

Thanks to the hooks on the flowers, a zipper was invented. Spiky inflorescences cling to the clothes and hair of animals, spreading over long distances from the place of growth, and unpretentiousness allows the grass to grow in any, even the most inappropriate places.

burdock cobweb plant photo

By preparing the starter culture from burdock raw materials it is possible to destroy garden pests without using chemical preparations.

Mixing flour from grass roots with rye, bake bread cakes, and the fried root is added to coffee drinks.

Residents of the Caucasus and Siberia consider burdock to be a vegetable plant.

In common people, the phases often sound: “hung his ears with burdock”, “simple as a burdock”, “fluffed like a burdock”, but this does not at all diminish the positive properties that a plant is capable of giving to a person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15834/

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