Representation in Court And How Much It Can Cost.

According to article 48 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to use legal assistance. The law provides for cases when such assistance is provided free of charge. Article 48 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation - a citizen has the right to entrust the conduct of his affairs to a representative or representatives. He may also involve representatives in the case of personal conduct of business. The affairs of legal entities in court are dealt with by their bodies, in accordance with the powers granted by federal law, constituent documents and other legal acts. The law allows, at the same time, the participation of representatives.

So, judicial representation is a procedural action performed in civil proceedings by one or a group of persons, in the interests of another person and on his behalf. The actions taken are aimed at obtaining the most favorable judicial decision. The adversarial process, in modern legislation, the removal from the court of the obligation to prove, revealed even greater importance of the institution of representation.

How much does representation in court cost? who can legally represent the interests of individuals, what grounds are provided for this by law are the main issues that arise for a person who needs the help of a representative. The law allows to be a representative to any citizen who has: procedural civil legal capacity and sufficient legal skills and knowledge. Such a representative can be a professional lawyer or a citizen who is not a lawyer. In order for a representative to act legally, a notarized power of attorney or a statement in a court session is sufficient. In the case when the representative is a professional lawyer, a formal agreement is concluded with him. Further, its activities are regulated by the Law on the Bar.

The largest number of lawsuits falls to the share of world and civil courts. With the participation of representatives, cases are considered: on divorce, recovery of forfeits, on the right of ownership, inheritance, consumer rights, administrative, land, household disputes, debt, insurance and many others. Civil disputes involving representatives occur both between individuals as well as individuals and legal entities.

To determine the cost of representation in court, you need to know what this value is made up of. In practice, representation, the procedure is multi-stage and multi-stage. These are: preliminary study of documents and consultations; drawing up a claim; submission and preparation of applications; receipt, appeal of decisions, determinations, decisions; participation in meetings; obtaining executive documents. Depending on the complexity of the case, courts of various instances may be involved, which also increases the length and complexity of the trial.

In addition, the cost may depend on who the representative is, a trustee or a professional lawyer. The cost may depend on the status of the law firm, and on behalf of the lawyer. It depends on the price of the claim. In different regions, the cost of representation services will also be different.

Only taking into account all these factors, in each case, with a sufficient degree of probability, it will be possible to determine how much the representation in court.


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