How to make a Snow Maiden costume?

Before the New Year in most kindergartens, small holidays are organized, including all kinds of masquerades, for which children will definitely have to make a carnival costume. If you look at the prices in stores for such outfits, you can be very unpleasantly surprised at the high numbers.

In this case, you can save a lot of money and make a Snow Maiden costume with your own hands. It will not take a lot of time, and even if there are some skills in sewing, then there will be nothing complicated at all.

Costume Snow Maiden for the girl photo

What is the costume made of?

Everyone certainly clearly imagines the image of the Snow Maiden. Granddaughter of Santa Claus comes for the holidays dressed in a fur coat dress, the sleeves and collar of which are trimmed with fur, a beautiful embroidered kokoshnik on his head, and elegant boots complete the costume.

Snow Maiden costume for a girl

What do you need for work?

Before sewing a children's costume Snow Maiden, you need to purchase the following materials:

· Satin fabric, length and width - 1.5 X 1.5 meters;

· Faux fur of white color;

· Gray tape - 4 m;

· Snowflakes for jewelry - 1 pack;

· Thin construction styzol for shoes.

Costume work

As for the colors of the fabric, the material can be blue, white, silver - at the discretion of the needlewoman. By the way, it is completely optional to use the atlas, you can take the lining fabric with synthetic winterizer. The option is very inexpensive, and you get the impression of a winter coat. There is one caveat: the material is very warm, and therefore it is better to sew a Snow Maiden costume for clothing from thick satin or curtain fabric.

Suit of Snow Maiden

Step-by-step instruction

The skirt-sun is the basis of the pattern of the Snow Maiden's costume, the marking is applied directly to the material based on the knowledge of two quantities:

Neck circumference;

· Product length.

It is worth considering that for a small child, a long dress of the Snow Maiden costume for a girl will not be very convenient, because it may begin to get confused at the feet, and therefore it is better to take the length to the knees or a little less.

The selected piece of fabric is folded four times, twice in half. The desired length along the arc should be laid off from the central part. The neck will serve as the inner circle.

It is necessary to mark the lower part, deferring the desired length from the size that will turn out if you divide the girth of the neck by 6. Add the length of the product to the resulting value. Then you need to draw a line that will be semicircular.

According to the resulting outline, a part having a round shape is cut out.

The blank is folded in half so that the inside is outside. The result is a semicircle, which must be divided into 4 identical parts. The sides will be sleeves. Here you need to cut both layers of tissue to the armpits. To make the details turn out as needed, the Snow Maiden costume is recommended to be tried on for a child. In the central part, only one layer of material is cut to the neck.

Here one more fitting is needed to determine the length of the sleeves. After fitting, the fabric unfolds evenly, and if necessary, the sleeves are shortened.

Now you need to fold the workpiece again so that the wrong side remains on the outside and outline the side seams and the seams of the sleeves. For this purpose, it is best to use a sewing machine.

Fur is sewn onto the bottom of the sleeves. It must also be sewn to the neck. If there is a suitable pattern, the collar is made with its help, or a simpler method is used. It is necessary to carve out a rectangle having a neck length and an arbitrary width.

To make the Snow Maiden costume more elegant, you can take beads instead of buttons. With a sufficient amount of fur, the hem of the product is sheathed, if it is not enough, then tinsel or beads can easily be replaced. Rhinestones, tinsel, beads, rhinestones, sequins are used to decorate the outfit, in general, with everything that comes to the head of the craftswoman.

Below is another pattern for a future costume.

Pattern of the costume of the Snow Maiden

How to make a kokoshnik?

To complement the image, it will be necessary to make a kokoshnik. Here you will need to take a thick cardboard from which a triangular figure is cut. If we talk about the size of the headgear, then the measure is taken from the head of the child. The corners are rounded, and a recess is made under the head, after which it is necessary to make a fitting, and, if necessary, make amendments.

For decoration, satin ribbons are used, which will also serve as ties. The cardboard itself is glued with the remaining material or paper, which will be in harmony with the dress in color. Sparkles, rain, tinsel or lace are attached over the headgear.

DIY Snow Maiden costume

If there is no desire to make a kokoshnik, or it seems very difficult, then a cap can be sewn for replacement. Size is determined by the child’s head; no additional tissue is needed. The one that remains is quite suitable. The bottom of the product is decorated with fur.

What shoes should the Snow Maiden have?

You can make elegant boots from stizol, if you plan to use them once. The remaining fabric is used for sheathing.

The measure is removed on the child’s shoes, and then it is necessary to cut out the parts from both materials, and then sweep the fabric to the styzol.

It remains to sew a toe with ankle boot, sew on the sole and unscrew the boots.

This costume detail is decorated with tinsel, beads, rain, sparkles.

Children's costume of the Snow Maiden

If there is no desire to reinvent the wheel and work on shoes, then you can use the shoes that are in the house. Any shoes or shoes will do. Cases made of fabric just work on the selected pair. As a decoration, fur, beads or something else is used. Of course, such shoes are not suitable for walking along the street, but for the matinee it will be just perfect. Another option would be to use white boots.

As you can see from the article, there is nothing complicated in tailoring an elegant dress, and if you make a little effort, you can get the Snow Maiden costume for the girl as in the photo in the article.


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