Calculation of aerated concrete for external walls: the best method

The house, built of aerated concrete blocks, is a durable, inexpensive and comfortable home. However, before construction begins, the necessary materials must be purchased. The article will consider in detail the process of calculating aerated concrete, taking into account the many technical parameters of the specified building material.

Advantages of aerated concrete

Before starting the construction of the building, it is necessary to find out the advantages of the material from which it will be built. Aerated concrete is a light and reliable artificial stone, which is increasingly used in the construction of various objects. It is used for the construction of cottages, garages, sheds and other non-industrial objects. If you need to build a one-story house on a summer cottage, then aerated concrete is an ideal choice due to its low cost and high technical qualities. The advantages of the material include:

  • durability;
  • incombustibility;
  • reliability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • aerated concrete is calculated using a simple technique;
  • high soundproof properties;
  • the material is protected from the negative effects of fungus and mold;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high strength data;
  • aerated concrete is easy to saw and cut with a โ€œgrinderโ€ or other construction tools;
  • correct shape and exact dimensions.

If during the construction the technical conditions were met, then in the end you will get smooth and rough walls that can be plastered immediately without additional processing.

Before purchasing projects of one-story houses from aerated concrete, it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of material. The minimum price of such a document on the construction market is 13,000 rubles, so it is worth planning financial expenses taking into account this fact.

aerated concrete thickness

Calculation Technique: General Information

This technique is suitable for all types of buildings. In this case, a calculation will be made for a one-story house measuring 7 x 8 m, whose height is 3 m.

There are two techniques for calculating aerated concrete:

  1. In cubic meters (m 3 ).
  2. In pieces (pcs.)

First of all, you should check with the seller in which units the material is sold. As a rule, large construction companies calculate in cubic meters, because in this way it is easier for the buyer to calculate the cost of the work. The building will be constructed of blocks with dimensions of 30 x 20 x 60 cm: this is the most optimal building material for the construction of a residential building.

But first you need to find out the total area of โ€‹โ€‹the openings (door and window). For example, the following indicators will be given:

  1. Two doors with dimensions of 0.8 x 2 m. To find out their area, 0.8 must be multiplied by 2. The result is 1.6 m 2 . Now the obtained indicator must be multiplied by the total number of doors: 1.6 ร— 3 = 4.8 m 2 .
  2. Six window openings, each of which has dimensions of 1.5 x 1 m. Having performed the same arithmetic operations, we get 9 m 2 .

Next, we need to add up the obtained indicators: 4.8 + 9 = 13.8 m 2 .

aerated concrete blocks

Calculation of aerated concrete for external walls in cubic meters

If the previous mathematical operations were performed correctly, you can proceed with further actions in this sequence.

  1. Calculate the perimeter of the exterior walls of the house - for this you need to add 7 and 8, and multiply the result by 2. The result is 30 m.
  2. Determine the area of โ€‹โ€‹the walls, taking into account their height: 30 ร— 3 = 90 m 2 .
  3. From the result obtained, it is necessary to subtract the total quadrature of the openings as follows: 90 - 13.8 = 76.2 m 2
  4. The final step is to multiply the resulting figure by 0.3 (this number directly depends on the thickness of the aerated concrete). The result is 22.86 m 3 .

Thus, for the construction of the exterior walls of a house measuring 7 x 8 m, approximately 22.86 cubic meters of aerated concrete will be needed (the indicator is recommended to be rounded to the nearest whole). To find out this number for buildings with other dimensions, you simply need to substitute the design values โ€‹โ€‹in the arithmetic examples above.

It should be noted here that there are recommendations on the thickness of blocks for each individual case:

  • in cold regions, builders erect buildings from materials with a minimum thickness of 0.375 m;
  • for a single-layer wall, said indicator is 0.3 m;
  • if you plan to build a summer house for a summer cottage, you can use gas blocks 0.25 m thick.

If the question arises, how many aerated concrete blocks are in the pallet, then this indicator depends on the size of the building material. So, for example, with dimensions of 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.6 m, 50 pieces of products are on one pallet, which is 1.8 cubic meters. In this case, 12.7 pallets are required for building a house (22.86 / 1.8 = 12.7 pcs.). It is recommended to round the resulting number to 13, since a small supply of materials is better than their lack.

Below is a visual table with which you can set the number of pallets.

Size (cm)The volume of one block (m 3 )The number of cubic meters in one pallet (m 3 )Number of products in a pallet (pcs.)
0.75 x 20 x 600.0091.89210
10 x 20 x 600.0121.92160
25 x 20 x 600,0301.860
30 x 20 x 600,0361.8fifty
37.5 x 20 x 600,0451.840
40 x 20 x 600,0481.6835
30 x 25 x 600,0361,72848
36.5 x 25 x 600,0551,75232
aerated concrete on pallets

Calculation of aerated concrete in pieces

In this case, there is one caveat: it is necessary to calculate the volume of one block. During the construction of a country house, a material will be used whose thickness, height and length are respectively 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.6 m. If you multiply these dimensions, the result will be that the volume of one gas block is 0.036 m 3 .

To find out how many pieces of blocks are needed for the construction of a building whose dimensions are 7 x 8 m, the following mathematical example needs to be solved (the indicators were calculated earlier):

22.86 / 0.036 = 635 pcs. The first number is the required number of blocks in cubic meters, and the second is the volume of one unit of aerated concrete.

You need to buy 635 pieces of products if you plan to build the specified house.

It should be said: construction companies are selling projects of one-story houses made of aerated concrete. Their price varies from 13,000 to 70,000 rubles.

wall of gas blocks


The article gave a simple example of calculating aerated concrete. The indicators depend on the dimensions of the building being constructed and the material from which it will be constructed. In construction, there are many types of aerated concrete blocks, each of which is designed for a particular type of structure.


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