Do-it-yourself crate for siding

At the moment when the construction of the house ends, we all begin to think about how to somehow decorate its walls. And the most popular type of wall decoration today is siding. But, before you start it, you need to make a crate.

Do I need a crate for siding?

siding crate

This question interests many. But here it all depends entirely on your desire and the original material at home. So, if your house consists of logs or timber, then you can just screw the siding to the walls. The appearance of this will not suffer at all, and the lay person will not understand whether the crate is made or not. Nevertheless, experts advise using a crate structure before starting wall decoration. After all, this will use several layers of insulation and waterproofing film. And this significantly improves the energy efficiency of your home. That is, it will become significantly warmer without additional heating costs.

Do it right

The crate for siding is installed in two stages. At the first stage, we completely align the walls. So it will be necessary to remove all protruding elements: tiles, ebbs and bars.

how to make a crate for siding
What exactly will be the material, it's up to you. But it is worth noting that the metal will serve significantly longer, and he himself is much stronger than wood. But if you opted for a tree, then it is worth processing it before installing antifungal drugs and carefully inspect for foliation and chips. Those should not be: this indicates a low quality of the material. At the second stage, we fix the frame. It will be installed depending on the direction in which the siding is attached. So, if it is mounted horizontally, then the beam should be placed vertically, and vice versa. The frame is attached to the walls using screws or dowels, depending on what material the house is made of.

Installation of a metal lathing under a siding

installation of metal lathing for siding

Metal is more durable and wear-resistant than wood. In addition, it is more difficult to deform when laying noise and heat insulation, as well as any material that affects the frame. The metal crate for siding is not susceptible to corrosion and does not change its geometry over time. Another plus of this frame can be called the fact that it is easier to attach to an uneven surface. The profile itself is attached to the wall with canopies at a distance of at least half a meter from each other. This will allow for the installation of siding to fix all the irregularities of the wall using plumb lines. So the wall will be perfectly flat.

Wooden siding lathing

Wood is the most environmentally friendly and at the same time simple material. But over time, it will completely be replaced by others. However, while it is considered the most popular in construction. The crate for siding is fastened only in dry weather. Then the beam will remain dry, and it will not lead at the moment when the wet tree begins to dry. After all, if the beam leads, then the siding is distorted.

Work Summary

Now you know how to make a crate for siding. As you can see, the work is simple, and therefore you can do it yourself. Just need to decide what material will be used, and be patient.


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