Covering nonwoven materials: reviews, prices. Nonwoven greenhouse cover material

Covering non-woven materials are very common today in the arrangement of greenhouses and greenhouses. They are able to pass moisture and ultraviolet light, but have a stabilizer that eliminates the harmful effects of sunlight on cultivated plants. The greenhouse, which was made using such a canvas, slowly heats up and cools quickly enough. Thus, summer residents manage to achieve gentle temperature fluctuations during the day. Under such a coating, it is possible to create a special microclimate in which the soil does not dry out, and excess moisture is not absorbed by the material. The surface is easy to care for, in addition, it is easy to clean, if necessary, you can remove the canvas for storage. In this case, do not be afraid of cracking.

Spunbond Features

covering nonwovens

Covering non-woven materials are presented on the market by different manufacturers today. Among others, it is possible to distinguish spanbond, which is quite easy to mount, for this it will only be necessary to press down the material around the perimeter with stones or bricks. If there is a need to protect seedlings without using the frame of a greenhouse, then you can purchase the thinnest and lightest material that can be laid on top of cultivated plants. In this case, do not be afraid that the sprouts will be damaged. This material is characterized by durability, consumers emphasize that it can be used for several seasons in a row.

Varieties of Spunbond

non woven cover material Price

The described covering non-woven materials are represented by several modifications. Each of them has its own density. The thinnest and lightest has this indicator within 17 grams per square meter. With it, you can protect young plants from insects, frosts and rains. By choosing a density of 30 grams per square meter, you can protect your landings from birds and flying insects. If there is a need to equip a tunnel greenhouse in the southern region, then this solution will be the most suitable. The arc greenhouse can be covered with material whose density is 42 grams per square meter. While the density of 60 grams per square meter is intended for the arrangement of stationary greenhouses. Such a shelter will provide protection from the effects of minimum temperatures.

Features agrospan

non-woven cover material black

These covering non-woven materials can reduce the costs that go to the fight against disease, as well as fertilizer. No more pest and weed control. This solution is most suitable for sheltering rose seedlings in winter. Thus it is necessary to equip a dry tunnel. Summer residents establish a kind of frame, covered on top with an agrospan in one or two layers. The edges are important to fasten well. Summer residents choose such options for greenhouses and greenhouses also because of economic benefits. The acquisition is cheaper, and the material serves a longer time compared to the film, without being exposed to the destructive effects of frost and the sun.


nonwoven weed cover material

Choosing a nonwoven covering material for hotbeds, you may prefer "Agrospan-17", which is the most light and thin. It can be used to preserve seedlings after it has been planted in the ground. Plants will not be afraid of freezing to -5 degrees, which is true when laying the canvas in 2 layers. If the plant does not imply the need for pollination, then such protection can not be removed until the time of harvest.

Reviews for "Agrospan-42"

This non-woven covering material, reviews of which are often quite positive, has an extended service life. Buyers choose it for the arrangement of tunnels and small greenhouses. Summer residents like the quality of the material, which is able to create an enhanced greenhouse effect. Consumers who have been using this solution for more than one season note that using the material it is possible to create an optimal balance of day and night temperatures. This approach provides the necessary microclimate for the development of plants.

non-woven cover materials for greenhouses

This non-woven covering material for greenhouses, the price of which will be indicated below, according to buyers, is excellent for structures that need to be protected from hail and bird attacks. This technique allows you to reduce the ripening time of the fruit, prolonging the growing season. Summer residents emphasize that they were able to increase productivity by 40%.

Features of arranging a greenhouse using the material "Agrospan-42"

nonwoven cover material for greenhouses price

Smooth arcs should be used as the frame system for the greenhouse or greenhouse. The material needs to be laid out on the frame, and then, with special care, be fixed with pegs or heavy objects. It is important to provide some tension. It is important to eliminate sagging paintings. It is acceptable to use traditional greenhouses and greenhouses as a frame system. However, in this case, it is necessary to cover the construction material very carefully in order to avoid breaking through its corners. For the period of cold weather, the agrospan is removed and removed for storage until the next season.

Reviews for "Agrospan-60"

nonwoven cover material reviews

Non-woven covering material, the price of which is 60 rubles per linear meter, can be used for special conditions. According to the assurances of customers, the canvas performs well in areas where strong winds prevail. At the same time, a greenhouse or greenhouse can be installed in open areas without fear that the system will be damaged. The agrospan of this variety is the most durable, its service life is especially long. Those who use this solution for growing plants, note that this approach allows us to ensure the fruitfulness of plants from early spring to late autumn. Plants will not be afraid of frosts down to -9 degrees.

Using the material "Agrospan-60" you can create a uniform circulation of air inside, which distinguishes this material from the film. In this case, condensation does not form, and the owner of the summer cottage should not be afraid of steaming plants. If the greenhouse has a rounded shape, then for the winter canvases can not be removed. But if there is a desire to extend the service life, then the agrospan is removed and removed for storage for the winter. You can also resort to an alternative solution by removing the agrospan to use it for sheltering ornamental plants and rose seedlings.

Mulch cover material

Black non - woven cover material is used for mulching. It is intended to cover the soil in order to protect plants from pollution, weeds, diseases and pests. Mulch is designed to allow water, air and liquid fertilizer to pass through. In this case, the soil is not compacted due to microcapillary distribution of water. This indicates that the summer resident will not have to produce periodic loosening. It is important to take into account that we also do not have to weed the soil, because under the black coating weeds do not receive light and do not have enough space for growth. The coating does not need to be removed from the garden for the winter, leaving it for the summer until it is worn out or until you have to grow the crop itself. Nonwoven weed cover material has a density ranging from 50 to 60 grams per square meter.

Features agrotex

This material is considered safe for plants and people, as well as completely environmentally friendly. With it, you can protect even early shoots from spring frost and cold dew. The material perfectly tolerates rain showers, sun exposure, as well as hail. With it, you can leave the plants without fear that they may freeze to -2 degrees. The canvas is capable of transmitting 90% of the light, as well as air and water. Plants will produce crops two weeks earlier than usual, with no need for chemical fertilizers.


For the arrangement of greenhouses, greenhouses, as well as the cultivation of cultivated plants in your summer cottage, you, of course, can use traditional plastic wrap. However, it is worth considering that with its help it will be quite difficult to achieve the same results that are achieved through the use of non-woven materials. In support of this, you can read a lot of consumer reviews, which for many years have been using the canvases described above in the household.


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