Autumn processing of the garden from pests: preparations and processing rules

The winter preparation for the garden should be treated with special attention, because it depends on how the plants will be ready for spring. Autumn processing of the garden from pests is aimed at combating the following factors:

  • pests;

  • microorganisms - pathogens;

  • rodents;

  • the effect of frost.

Artificially bred plant crops are more in need of care than wild ones. Processing the garden in the fall from pests includes the following activities:

  • pruning

  • spraying;

  • whitewash;

  • harness for the winter.

    Autumn garden treatment from pests

Pruning plants

When the summer is already over, preventive pruning should be done. Sick shoots, branches located at an acute angle and growing deep into the crown are removed. Autumn can drag on and cause plant growth due to warm weather. There are many spinning tops that must be removed.

For the southern regions, autumn and winter full pruning is suitable, while in the northern regions it is undesirable. The cut may begin to dry, or the bark freezes near it. This is especially true for young trees. Seedlings are cut only if the branch interferes with others.

It is important to form trees in tiers and leave the lower branches thicker than the upper ones. If one of the shoots begins to stand out among the others, it is shortened by a third more.

Whitewashing of trees. Training

Processing the garden for the winter by whitewashing tree trunks is a necessary step in preparing for the cold.

winter garden treatment
They are cleaned of old bark and moss with a scraper and an iron brush. To prevent pests from falling to the ground, a cloth or film should be laid under the tree. Cracks in the bark must be repaired with garden var. Whitewash mixes are sold ready-made. You can use homemade formulations.

Whitewash formulations

The ratio of the components of the mixture for whitewashing:

  • slaked lime - 3 kg;

  • copper sulfate - 450 g;

  • casein glue - 80 g;

  • water - until the consistency of sour cream is reached.

Another old and reliable recipe:

  • slaked lime - 2 kg;

  • copper sulfate - 250 g;

  • clay - 1 kg;

  • cow manure - 1 kg.

The presence of lime and clay in the suspension makes the coating gas permeable. Acrylic and water based paints can also be used.

Positive action

When cleaning the bark and applying a protective layer, the tree trunk will be reliably cleaned of harmful insects and microorganisms. Autumn processing of the garden from pests by whitewashing trees allows you to burn insect eggs on the trunks. Efficiency increases the addition of copper or iron sulfate and insecticides, for example, malathion. Adhesive or clay may be used as a binder. By adding a tablespoon of carbolic acid to the suspension, you can be calm that mice and hares will not fit the trees.

Whitewashing in the fall protects trunks from frost, preventing pests and fungi from entering them. All waste generated in this process must be incinerated. The remains of vegetation should not be left on the ground. This helps to destroy insect pests and pathogens.

September gardening involves digging the soil.

garden treatment in September
In this case, the weed should be removed and buried in compost pits. Then the spores of clusterosporiosis and coccomycosis will be destroyed.

Spraying plants from diseases and pests

Most pests and sources of plant diseases in the garden are collected during ripening and harvesting. Chemicals are prohibited during this period.


After harvesting, trees and shrubs are sprayed with a urea solution (5%), which protects them from scab. They process trunks and branches of plants, as well as the soil under them. The area under the tree should be sprayed necessarily. Urea activates vegetative processes in plants, saturating them with nitrogen. This can adversely affect plants that do not have time to adapt to the cold. Autumn treatment of the garden from pests by spraying should be done no later than a month before the onset of frost. The garden should be fully prepared for winter.

Before you start spraying plants, you must provide yourself with a respirator, gloves, goggles and tight clothing. For work, dry and calm weather is selected.

Blue vitriol

From fruit rot, scab, powdery mildew, coccomycosis and other diseases, the garden is treated with copper sulphate, in particular stone fruit and pome crops, as well as currants, grapes, gooseberries.

garden treatment with copper sulfate
To increase efficiency, lime (Bordeaux mixture) is added to the solution. In autumn, spraying will be more effective, since the concentration can be increased up to 3%. In the spring, such a solution can destroy or damage the leaves. Bordeaux mixture is everywhere on sale, and it can be made independently if 400 g of slaked lime and 300 g of copper sulfate are diluted in 20 l of water. Instead, you can use the Burgundy mixture, replacing lime with 250 g of soda ash. For better adhesion, a soap solution is added to it. It should not be introduced into Bordeaux liquid due to folding into insoluble lumps. This spray is the last of the season. Too early to produce it is not worth it, as the leaves will get burned and fall off the trees ahead of schedule. The most suitable time is November.


Autumn processing of the garden with iron sulfate (5-7%) makes it possible to get rid of moss and lichen. To do this, they spray the old trees.

autumn processing of the garden with iron sulphate
Autumn treatment with iron sulfate allows you to better prepare plants for winter. Unlike Bordeaux fluid, lime cannot be added to it. Spraying them has the same effect as treating the garden with copper sulfate, but the plants are saturated with iron, which has a positive effect on oxidative processes in stone fruit and pome crops. To completely get rid of certain diseases, it should be used in combination with special means. Insecticides are added to copper or iron sulfate, which increase the effectiveness of the solution in controlling insects.

Trees for winter

In winter, tree trunks are tied with branches of spruce, juniper, raspberry, roofing material, film, metal mesh. At the same time, you should add earth to the side so that the rodents do not crawl from below.

Garden treatment in the fall from pests
The harness also protects the bark from sunburn. As snow falls, it is additionally sprinkled to the trunks. Mice love to winter in plant debris, which should be removed and not left on the ground. In places of possible habitat of rodents, bait with poison should be laid out. They trample the snow around the tree trunks so that the mice do not get through the dense layer. To protect against hares, fences around the site help.

In April, the harness is removed. It is advisable to do this on cloudy days, so that the plants adapt to the sun.

Thus, autumn processing of the garden from pests in the form of the above measures allows you to protect trees and increase their productivity.


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