What is government structure? Signs of government. What is a national government

The state system today is a multifaceted structure, which is inextricably linked with central authorities and internal administrative-territorial entities. Actually, the principles of interaction between the constituent units of the state and the center are the factor that determines the organizational form. The complexity of these relations, the degree of authority and sovereignty determines the nature of government. In the modern world, the organization of government is increasingly focused on democratic values. This is especially evident in the example of federal and national states, which take into account the interests of different groups of the population.

General concept of government

government structure is

In the theory of state and law, there are several approaches to the consideration of questions about the structure of the state. As a rule, most of the contradictions among specialists are caused by the definition of this institution in terms of specific forms - for example, federal or unitary. Nevertheless, it is generally accepted that the state system is a territorial structure within the country, which determines its division into components, and also reveals the relationship between government bodies. The classification of device forms is largely determined by the degree of sovereignty of individual entities within the state. There are several varieties of such forms, but a fundamental separation can be traced between unitary and federal states. It is also worth noting forms that are not related to government. For example, in this regard, it is worth highlighting interstate commonwealths, unions and communities of individual states.

Unitary state

This form of the device is characterized by the fact that its component formations, that is, administrative units do not have signs of wide autonomy. Nevertheless, the complex form still provides for the possibility of endowing entities with their own set of rights. It can be said that a unitary state system is an organization of the country's structure, in which all its components are part of one hierarchical system subordinate to the authorities, but at the same time they do not have their own sovereignty. The simplest examples of this kind do not provide for administrative-territorial division as such. But this is not common - for example, in such small countries as Singapore and Malta. Conversely, examples of countries with complex unitary forms may include the vesting of component units with a certain autonomy, which may be territorial or extraterritorial. In the first case, for example, autonomy can extend to a separate region or locality, and in the second, it can cover exclusively people of a certain nationality.

state structure

Signs of a unitary device

As you can see, unitary forms may have some differences, but for a clearer understanding of this way of organizing the state, one should determine its characteristics. So, the unitary form of government of countries is characterized by the following features:

  • Authorities are formed in the form of a single system, focused on submission to one center. At the same time, the law-making body can have only a unicameral device.
  • State power is generally concentrated at the state level, and the country's constituent entities do not have sovereignty, that is, they are not independent and are subordinate to the center.
  • Unified citizenship.
  • The legislative system is represented at one level. Moreover, a single constitution is valid throughout the country.

what is a national government

Regional form

Before proceeding to the consideration of the federal state, it is worth highlighting the transitional form - the regional one. In this case, it is assumed that individual entities within the state can have autonomy, and with wide powers. This is largely related to this system with a federated device, but there are some differences. For example, a regional government structure is a form of organization of a country in which its subjects are vested with broad rights, but nevertheless depend on the central government. The latter aspect can be expressed in different ways. So, in some countries, significant decisions in administrative-territorial entities can only be taken by the Constitutional Court. In the same way, control over the constituent parts of the state is exercised. In many cases, autonomy itself is only nominal. But, there are reverse examples where the regions are fully endowed with the ability to form local authorities, administrations, issue legislative acts, etc.

Federal state

signs of government

Unlike the unitary form, the federation implies endowment of state entities with certain sovereignty, but in a limited form. This way of organizing is also based on the distribution of management powers between regional entities and the center. By the nature of the formation of the constituent parts, the federal state is divided into three categories:

  • Administrative Federation. In this case, it is assumed the administrative-state structure in which all its internal formations were formed on the basis of economic, historical, geographical and other features.
  • National form of education. In such a federation, subjects are divided according to national linguistic characteristics, which are determined by the peoples living in the country.
  • Mixed Federation. It is also called the national-territorial form, in which the formation of components occurs with an orientation on the territorial and national principles of separation.

Signs of a federal state

One of the main signs of this form of device is the separation of objects of competence and authority between the main source of power and the subjects of the federation. The following sign follows to some extent from the previous one - this is a two-level structure of government bodies. That is, the structure of state authorities in this case provides for the federal branch and the parliament of subjects, which has the right to form a local administration. You can also distinguish a federal structure by a two-level system of legislation. This means that the constitution and the legislative framework are both at the center level and at the level of subjects. In some cases, the components may establish local citizenship - along with federal.


government regimes

As already noted, if we strictly approach the institution of government, then unions do not belong to the forms of its organization. Nevertheless, there are exceptions, a number of which may include the confederation. In this case, the state system is a form of union of several countries, which is implemented to achieve economic, political or other goals. Actually, the basis for considering this form of government is the possibility of the union moving to the federation. At the same time, the probability of its disintegration into several unitary states should be taken into account. Confederation forms are known for examples of the formation of statehood in Switzerland, Germany and the United States. At different times, these countries were alliances that were later transformed into a full-fledged state.

Signs of Confederation

In its present form, the confederate features of the state system are quite diverse and often contradict the real situation. For example, the same Switzerland formally continues to be a confederation, and in fact has long been characterized by a federal structure. One way or another, among the classic signs of a confederation, the following are noted:

  • Each state that is a member of the union may have its own armed forces and authorities. At the same time, only higher bodies are formed at the center level to coordinate the components.
  • Internal entities have sovereignty, which is expressed in the entirety of state power.
  • All member states have their own constitution and legislative bodies, and a general confederate constitution is adopted at the highest level. However, there is no single legislative body at the union level.
  • Confederation citizenship is generally not provided.
  • In achieving their own goals, each state may voluntarily withdraw from the union.

What is a national government ?

organization of government

The formation of statehood rarely occurs without taking into account the characteristics of national sovereignty of different nationalities that live in the country. Such a method of organization can occur both in a unitary and in a federal state. At the same time, it is the federal form of organization that is closest to the national state structure, since it is more likely to assume the presence of many nations within the same country. That is, to understand what a national government is, one should focus on the multinational community. As a rule, this is the name of the system of states in which citizens of different nationalities live.

Political regime

Under the regime of government is understood political management, expressed in the totality of methods, forms and techniques for the implementation of relations in society. It can also be considered as a way of forming and operating a political system. Today, such regimes of government as democracy, authoritarianism and totalitarianism are relevant. Each of these regimes is characterized by its own means of exercising power, the degree to which citizens are attracted to management, attitudes toward legal foundations, etc. It is important to consider that the elements of the formation of political governance within a particular regime can be based on different platforms, including sociological, institutional, as well as ideological order.

Forms of government

Another important element of the form of state is the method of government. It is he who determines by what principles authorities will be formed. For example, under a monarchy, the form of government, the state regime, the state system, and the organization of power as a whole are completely subordinate to the will of one person. And on the contrary, the republic provides for participation in the formation of the state structure and the system of government on the part of society and, in particular, of every citizen. In an extreme case, representative institutions are vested with this right, which, in turn, are responsible to civil society.

organization of state authorities


The institute of state power has been formed for many centuries, but even today it cannot be said that there are unambiguous approaches to the optimal organization of relations between the central government and regional actors. At the moment, the state structure of the state involves several models, the main among which are unitary and federal forms. Each of them has its own characteristics, but there are many similar points. For example, the supreme legislative body in both cases is the central government. At the same time, it cannot be denied that the federation provides greater opportunities for independent organization of management of subjects within their jurisdiction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15885/

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