Filter "Fibos": negative and positive reviews

The Fibos filter, reviews of which you can read in the article, contains a thin wire that underlies the filtration material. This element is enclosed in a special shell made of glass. The total diameter of this thread is several times smaller than a human hair. In the production process, the described material is placed in the form of winding into a flask, which, using flanges, cuts into the pipeline of the water supply system. The step between the threads does not exceed the rate of 0.001 mm. This indicates that all mechanical impurities that exceed this value in size remain in the flask. In its lower part there is a tap through which you can drain the water with a certain frequency. It is worth considering that the accumulated dirt will be in the liquid, which can be disposed of. The Fibos filter, reviews of which you should definitely read before purchasing this equipment, is produced by a company known as the Center for Innovative Technologies. The manufacturer emphasizes that the uniqueness of the described system lies in the fact that the equipment does not imply the need to replace cartridges. The whole system can be installed in half an hour, and after that it will clean all the water in the house.

Negative customer reviews

filter fibos negative reviews

The “Fibos” filter, sometimes negative reviews that can be read on the Internet or heard from customers, may not perform its functions correctly due to improper installation. Some owners of private houses or apartments say that after installing the filter, nothing has changed, the color of the water, the smell has not changed, and it has remained the same muddy. They even tried to do a water analysis, according to which the indicators after the passage of water through the filter do not change. If this happens, check that the filter is installed correctly. If there really is a problem in the equipment, then the manufacturer replaces it, or returns the money. Nevertheless, the majority of buyers are satisfied with the purchase, the water really becomes cleaner and softer, and every day more and more positive reviews appear about the Fibos filter.

Performance and Cost Reviews

fibos filter reviews

Considering the filter "Fibos", negative reviews about which are often expressed in parallel with positive ones, you can highlight for yourself certain characteristics that help to make a choice in favor of a particular product. Thus, quite often, buyers pay attention to the fact that this equipment has a very impressive cost. However, those who do not want to filter the water by hand anymore decide to purchase a filter. With proper installation and under appropriate operating conditions, which may imply an acceptable quality of water, the filter quite often meets expectations, as for the price, which pays off after a while. It should be noted that during the use of the device you do not have to change the cartridge.

Reviews on the quality of cleaning

buy fibos filter

Fibos filtration material is a wire several times thinner than a human hair, enclosed in a shell of glass. The distance between the threads is not more than 1 μm, so most of the mechanical impurities remain in the flask, which has a tap in the lower part - through it you can drain all accumulated dirt with a certain regularity. Well, or install an automatic system that itself will periodically drain the dirt. 90% of customers praise the system. It is also known that a mechanical filter cannot save water from unpleasant odors or chlorine, therefore, additional equipment is offered on the manufacturer’s website, such as a carbon fiber filter sorbent. This sorbent is installed after Fibos, and this extends its service life many times, because approximately 90% of all contaminants that are in the water are mechanical suspensions, Fibos is able to completely cope with them. Using Fibos, a consumer can create a “middle ground” between conventional pitcher filters and expensive, rather cumbersome complex systems that are used to purify water in cottage houses. This solution will provide high quality treatment for large volumes of water, and at the same time it will cost several times less than complex systems, which are often redundant. From all this we can conclude that Fibos is undoubtedly a useful acquisition, the filter will save on the purchase of replaceable cartridges, as well as relieve the difficulties associated with their replacement.

Positive reviews

filter fibos mini

If you are considering the Fibos filter, reviews about this equipment should definitely be read even before visiting the store. Along with the negative, it is worth highlighting the positive characteristics. Many users claim that the equipment can be used for 10 years without worrying about changing the cartridge. Moreover, the degree of purification of the liquid is 1 micron. Water is reliably protected from infections and bacteria. It can be used both in the bathroom and in the kitchen, as well as for the operation of household appliances. Many people claim that they are guided by the speed of installation when choosing such devices. The Fibos filter, which you can buy not only in the store, but also online, is installed in 25 minutes, while you get a fully automated system.

Usability Reviews

fibos filter 1 reviews

According to customers, quite often, when choosing, they are guided by the technology by which cartridges are made. If we consider the filter "Fibos", which you can buy at a fairly high price, then its cartridges do not accept pollution. Cleaning occurs by unscrewing the valve, which is located below. Using this equipment, many experts emphasize that they like that the system uses stainless ultrafine nanowire, which is covered with a special protective shell. When compared with analogues, the filter "Fibos-mini" does not involve additional spending money in the process of use. This cannot be said, for example, about the filter common today, made like a jug.

Reviews on the features of using the filter

filter fibos expert reviews

The “Fibos-1” filter, reviews of which will help you make the right choice, is the main filter, this indicates that the equipment is able to purify all the water in the house. This sometimes can not be said about other varieties of such systems. Thus, effective cleaning will occur both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. The same applies to household appliances, in particular dishwashers, washing machines, as well as boilers, which will last longer if they are operated exclusively using clean water.

Many people underestimate the fact that it is also recommended to use purified water in the bathroom. The pores of the skin of a person who takes a shower or other water procedures absorb water. That is why it is so important that it is not only clean, but also safe. In confirmation of this, it can be noted that the average human pore diameter is approximately 50 μm. When exposed to hot water, they begin to expand, which happens when water procedures are taken. If you use the “Fibos” filter in your home, the experts’s feedback about which is very useful to read before buying, you will use water, the purification of which occurs, as mentioned above, up to 1 micron. This ensures that the body is protected from infections and bacteria.

Performance reviews

filters fibos scam

Having visited the store of relevant products, you will surely find the Fibos-mini filter, which is able to ensure efficient operation, as well as similar solutions of this company. If we compare such equipment with systems that involve changing cartridges, it should be noted that the designs of the Fibos brand work without compromising the quality of the filtration. While cartridge filters after a while simply stop purifying water, and in the clogged elements, even the process of decay can begin. By purchasing the described cleaning system, you will never encounter the need to visit stores in search of a suitable replacement cartridge. The consumer does not have to assemble and disassemble the filter, as well as remember the date the cartridge was installed. This characteristic is especially noted by consumers who have been using such cleaning systems for years.

Work automation

Considering the filter for water purification "Fibos" for your home, you should consider that it provides full automation of work. The manufacturer did everything possible to ensure that the equipment worked autonomously. After installation, the buyer can completely forget about the need for maintenance, since there is no such requirement. The described company acts as a manufacturer of the cheapest automatic flushing system on the market today. Its cost is 2.5 times lower compared to the closest analogue - Honeywell Z11-AS. It is this add-on that can make the filter function autonomous.

Certification Reviews

Many buyers considered Fibos filters, negative reviews of which at some point prevented them from making the right choice. However, certification ultimately affected the decision. They learned that this equipment passed all the necessary tests, and it is certified according to GOST. This indicates that the device complies with all sanitary requirements, as well as the rules of the Customs Union.

Water Quality Reviews

Before choosing a cleaning system for their home, many potential buyers consider Fibos filters. "Is it a divorce or not?" they ask. However, having studied all the documentation, they come to the conclusion that equipment of this particular brand should be purchased. After the master installs for a fairly short time, customers immediately feel that the water, which was originally just awful in taste, smell and color, became crystal clear. She even changed her taste. The equipment was purchased by many people, not only after much thought, but also after the advice of friends and relatives who have been using this device for a long time. They have absolutely no complaints about the quality, despite the fact that other consumers point to the absence of changes. The filter copes well with its tasks, and the result is visible to the naked eye. That is why these people are completely sorry for the money spent. For them, the health of relatives and their own is more important.

Housework assistant

Many people have not been able to decide for a long time whether to buy a Fibos water filter. They were confused by the negative reviews of a number of consumers. Something nevertheless forced them to make a choice in favor of this manufacturer. Today they cannot imagine their life without a comprehensive purification of water throughout the house. They say that they can not worry about the quality of the water that flows from the tap not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. Now you can not be afraid to purchase expensive household appliances that work through the water supply system. At the time of purchase, they thought the equipment was quite expensive. However, in the long run it was possible to understand that there is no way to save here. In addition, if you install different filters for the bathroom and kitchen, as well as the washing machine, then it will cost even more. Which is true, if you also remember that you have to constantly buy replacement cartridges. The only thing these buyers regretted is that they did not purchase a device equipped with automation.

Health issue

What else do consumers say about equipment such as the Fibos filter? Where to buy it is interesting to all potential buyers. You can purchase a filter on the official website of the manufacturer, which delivers throughout Russia. After installing the device, many people forgot that you need to think about the softness of water. They no longer have to worry about water quality. This affects not only the washing machine, but also the kettle, inside which they no longer notice scale. Consumers do not consider even the relatively high cost impressive because the filter is installed not for one year, but for many years.

Fibos: results

Thinking about the question of water purification, you can solve the problem: is the “Fibos” filter so-called? Before making the final choice, you can take into account both positive and negative reviews. However, special attention must be paid to precisely those opinions that you received from trusted people. This equipment can not be called cheap, so before making a purchase, you need to weigh all the negative and positive sides. After installing the filter, it is unlikely that you will be able to return the funds if suddenly its quality does not suit you. This issue may remain unresolved forever. That is why you must independently decide which brand of equipment is best installed in your private / country house or apartment in a multi-storey building.


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