Kabardino-Balkarian Alpine Reserve: photos, description

The Kabardino-Balkarian Nature Reserve with its rich vegetation and diverse wildlife, as well as with special climatic conditions, is of great scientific value. This is a kind of natural laboratory. Its employees, together with educational and scientific institutions, monitor all changes taking place on its territory.

The dynamics of changes in the number of animals of the Kabardino-Balkarian State Nature Reserve, change of vegetation (the disappearance of certain species and the emergence of new ones), changes in natural landscapes and much more are studied under a single program - "Chronicle of Nature", combining numerous studies of geographers, soil scientists, botanists and other specialists.

The vegetation of the reserve

General information

The Kabardino-Balkarian Alpine State Nature Reserve is organized to protect the landscapes of the Central Caucasus, as well as vegetation and some representatives of the animal world. This primarily concerns the leopard and the Caucasian tour.

During its existence, the borders and areas of the protected area have changed many times. Expanding, the reserve became more and more “alpine”: cutting off the lower meadow sections was compensated by a rather generous addition of alpine zones. Today, its total area is more than 358 thousand ha.

Geographic features

The reserve occupies the territory of the highest part of the Caucasus Mountains and all of Russia. In addition to Kazbek and Elbrus, it includes all the other "five-thousandths" of the North Caucasus. The highest point of the reserve is the peak of Dykh-Tau (5204 meters), and the lowest is at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level.

Glacial mountain peaks

In the Kabardino-Balkarian high mountain reserve there are a huge number of glaciers (256), the total area of ​​which together makes up about 61% of the protected area. This includes the neighboring rocky outcrops of the nival lifeless belt.

Numerous rivers flow through the entire territory of the protection zone, originating from glaciers. The largest rivers of the reserve are the Cherek Balkarsky, Chegem and Cherek Besengi, starting from the glaciers of the Main Range of the Caucasus.

In terms of climate reserve refers to the alpine zone of the Greater Caucasus. The temperature regime is determined by the characteristics of the circulation of atmospheric masses and a rather large range of heights. The minimum temperature at an altitude of 2 kilometers is -30 º, and in places higher (4000 meters and beyond) –50 º. The warmest month is July (average air temperature +13 º).

Nature features

The world of plants and animals in the reserve is unique not only for this region, it is unique for the entire planet Earth.

The Kabardino-Balkarian mountain reserve extends among the rocks and glaciers, mountain forests and meadows that grow on the northern slopes of the Main Range of the Caucasus, and it occupies more than 74 thousand hectares. The composition of his possessions includes two Cherek and Chegem gorges, where some of the highest peaks of the Caucasus rise.

Natural conditions in these places are quite severe. Spring here begins only in mid-May, and at the end of July, autumn is already coming. The duration of the summer is only a month, and the winter period is about 6 months. Transparent and rarefied air passes sun rays well, however, it warms up a little.

Natural landscapes of the protected area

Flora and fauna

Plants of the Kabardino-Balkarian high mountain reserve are numerous and diverse, and this is due to the complexity of the relief and differences in altitude. Here, altitudinal zonation is clearly expressed: the forest belt is replaced by the belt of forest meadows, then the subalpine zone is replaced by the alpine belt. Starting at a height of 3000 meters, a continuous vegetation cover ends. Rocks and stones are covered with lichens, creeping willow, a mustached saxifrage, two-columned sorrel and other types of vegetation grow here.

The flora of the reserve is represented by many valuable plants, endemic and rare varieties and forms. Among them, you can meet relatives of cultivated plants, for example, Bieberstein currants, mountain raspberries, dogrose, meadow strawberries, hawthorn, and Caucasian mountain ash.

A typical representative of the highlands fauna is the Caucasian tour, and in each gorge, animals of this species have their own characteristics: color, size, shape of the horns, etc.

Animals of the reserve

Almost everywhere throughout the reserve you can find a brown bear, the number of which is quite high here, so often there are cases of attacks by them on domestic animals. Lynx feels quite comfortable here. There is information about the presence of a Caucasian leopard in these places.

What birds live in the reserve? It should be noted that each belt is characterized by the presence of its inhabitants. Literally all woodland was mastered by woodpeckers and blackbirds. Klitschiki and jackdaws live in alpine wastelands near the rocks, and among the rare vegetation there are large lentils and alpine curlers. Almost everywhere there is a stone sparrow.


The Kabardino-Balkarian Alpine Reserve is ideal for observing the nature of the Caucasus Mountains. The peaks of the Caucasus have long attracted lovers of sports tourism, but fans of natural beauties have something to admire.

A lot of diverse vegetation, impressive landscapes and meetings with rare animals will not only allow you to relax, but also learn a lot about the many creations of nature.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15890/

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