How to distinguish between species of edible and inedible mushrooms. How to cook mushrooms

White, boletus , boletus, mushroom and pale grebe, mushrooms and champignons - this is a huge kingdom on the planet. According to scientists, in general, the species of edible and inedible mushrooms have about 100,000 items! The three elements - water, earth and air - have been inhabited by them for a long time. Even rock paintings of the period BC contain their images. The first species of edible mushrooms were described in the works of ancient Greek scientists in the 3rd century BC. e.

Areas of use

species of edible and inedible mushrooms

Many types of mushrooms are used in medicine and science. All kinds of medical extracts and infusions, rinses for the oral cavity are made of them. In recent years, the possibility of hallucinogenic mushrooms in the treatment of mental disorders has been actively studied in the United States. But the most widely used were all kinds of edible or conditionally edible mushrooms.

There are several reasons why mushrooms have gained importance in human nutrition:

  • high nutritional value (not inferior to meat);
  • excellent taste;
  • ease of production;
  • an opportunity to prepare for the future.

Today, nanotechnology is increasingly consuming artificially grown mushrooms. Basically, love for the "silent hunt" was preserved only among the Slavic peoples.

Mushrooms to Eat

types of edible mushrooms photo

It is customary to divide the species of edible mushrooms into four categories, based on their taste and nutritional characteristics:

  • The first category includes the elite. Every mushroom picker knows them: white and their varieties, Caesar mushroom (considered a delicacy from the time of Roman Caesars, hence the name).
  • The second category is Polish mushroom, oleaginous, boletus and boletus, black mushrooms.
  • The third group includes mushrooms that can be found almost everywhere: chanterelles, honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.
  • The latter, fourth, are edible, but have little nutritional value and distribution - greenfinch, all kinds of rankings, raincoats.

You can eat a poisonous mushroom, but only 1 time in your life ...

Fortunately, there are more edible mushrooms than inedible ones. Amateur mushroom pickers collect only popular types of edible mushrooms, photos of which they saw somewhere or are sure of them. How not to collect poisonous mushrooms?

species of edible mushrooms

To do this, you need:

  • Examine the underside of the cap. If it is spongy, then with a high probability the fungus is edible (only two types of mushrooms with such a structure - "bile" and satanic - are poisonous).
  • Smell the mushroom. With a pungent smell of garlic or onions are not dangerous, but from them it is unlikely to want to cook a festive dish.
  • Make a cut. If it is covered with a milky discharge, then the fungus is most likely not dangerous.
  • To know that in the late summer and early autumn in the forest species of edible mushrooms are mainly common, poisonous almost never occur.
  • To break the hat. If the color of the break has changed color, it is better not to take such a mushroom.
  • Remember that mushrooms of white color, spherical or pear-shaped are not poisonous.
  • Inspect the leg. A skirt or ovoid thickening of 100% indicates toxicity of the fungus.

The main rule - I'm not sure, do not take this mushroom!

Mushrooms have an interesting feature to absorb and process all kinds of harmful substances. Therefore, under no pretext should they be collected near industrial enterprises, landfills, near livestock farms, fields where pesticides are used, near roads, in especially hot weather.

How to cook

species of edible mushrooms

Despite the nutritional value and lack of fat, mushrooms are heavy foods. The walls of their cells contain chitin (a substance that gives rigidity to the shells of insects and arthropods). The human stomach is not able to digest it. To increase the digestibility of mushrooms, they must be crushed as much as possible during cooking. If they are dried, then if possible it is worth using them finely ground. Mushroom flour can be added to the first dishes, cereals. Since it is a strong allergen, it must be used with caution. From such flour, an original cookie is obtained. You can take it on a hike - it takes up little space, and even a small amount satisfies hunger. Mushrooms should not be abused by people with gastrointestinal diseases.


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