Novel of the American writer Roger Zhelyazny "The Nine Princes of Amber": description and reviews

“The Nine Princes of Amber” by Roger Zhelyazny - the banner of the writer, thanks to which science fiction writers are known throughout the world. If you ask fans of science fiction literature what the most famous work was written by Zhelyazny, readers, without hesitation, will answer: "The Chronicles of Amber."

Creativity Roger Zhelyazny

He seriously decided to devote his life to literature, Roger Zhelyazny, when the writer’s short story “The Game of Passion” came out. For the next story, “The Rose for Ecclesiastes,” Zhelezny received the prestigious Hugo Prize. In 1965, after he received in a row two other prizes significant for the literary world of fiction, Zhelyazny decided to leave his job in the field of social insurance and focus on literary activity.

On the advice of colleagues, the writer decides to use the services of a literary agent to promote his texts in publishing houses. He later moves from Baltimore to Santa Fe. In this New Mexico state town, the writer writes all of his famous novels and novels. In Santa Fe, Zhelyazny became the owner of a black belt in Aikido, and here he successfully read stories on local radio.

Roger Zhelyazny

Roger Zhelyazny throughout his life wrote a large number of works. In addition to the "Amber Universe," he created many other no less fascinating creations. Repeatedly, the writer was awarded such prestigious awards as Hugo, Apolllo, Nebula. The Locus magazine honored the writer with an honorary award for The Chronicles of Amber.

The writer was married twice. The first marriage lasted only a couple of years, and from the second marriage he had three children: two sons and a daughter. Shortly before the death of Zhelyazny, he lived with Jane Lindskold, with whom he managed to write a couple of novels in collaboration.

Roger Zhelyazny died in 1995. He died of kidney cancer. The writer in his testament asked not to bury the body in the ground, but to burn it, and to scatter the dust in the wind. Close relatives fulfilled the last will of the famous science fiction writer.

The eternal City

The most famous book about the princes of Amber Roger Zhelyazny contains 10 novels. The Chronicles of Amber includes two volumes. Five novels from the first volume tell the story of Corwin, his struggle for power in Amber. In the second volume, the main character is no longer Corvin, but his son Merlin.

Amber City

The order of books about the princes of Amber has the following sequence: first there are “The Chronicles of Corvin” (the first five novels, starting from the moment of awakening Corvin in the hospital), and then “The Chronicles of Merlin” (the next five novels, the first work from the series is called “Cards of Fate”) .

Roger Zhelyazny also wrote several short stories that complement Amber’s story. Stories were written in different years, up to the death of Zhelyazny. These are such works as “The Hidden and Giselle” (1994), “The Blue Horse, Dancing Mountains” (1995), “The Mirror Corridor” (1996) and “Speaking of the Lace” (1995). Zhelyazny had followers who continued to write books about the nine princes of Amber. But these novels, according to reader reviews, were not popular.

Meet Corvin!

In a medical clinic, after a terrible car accident, Corvin regains consciousness, he does not remember what happened to him, his whole past life was erased from his memory. He lies on the bed and makes attempts to restore the events of his life, but he does not succeed.

From the doctor, the protagonist receives information that his sister Evelyn will be able to recall his past life. Corwin escapes from the clinic and unexpectedly for Evelyn appears in her house. Corwin recognizes her real name - Flora. She does not hide that she is not very happy to see her brother. From a conversation with her, he understands that he does not remember his brothers and sisters, about whom Flora tells him. When her sister is away on business, Corwin discovers Tarot cards in her apartment, which contain pictures of all family members.

Prince Amber Book Covers

A phone rings suddenly. Corwin's brother, Random, hides from evil people and asks for protection. Randomists are chased by bandits all the way to Flora’s house. Corwin and Random kill people who are chasing the latter. Flora, when she left home, went to another dimension to her brother Eric, who is the king of Amber. She is loyal to Eric. He asks his sister to follow his brother and keep him in the know.

Arden Forest

Having got rid of his pursuers, Random offers to go to Amber. The brothers drive a car, but suddenly find themselves in a different reality. The world is becoming different. They fall into the Arden forest, which they need to go to reach the goal of their journey. In the forest they hear the approaching clatter of horse hooves. Corwin and Random are caught by a rider on a huge horse. The rider was their brother Julian, who guards all the ways in the forest at the behest of Eric. Julian attacks Corwin, but fails. Corwin does not want to kill his brother and saves his life.

The brothers go further through the forest. They meet sister Deidre. Corwin can no longer remain silent, he admits to Random and his sister that he has complete amnesia, he does not remember anything. He is told that the universe consists of reflections or parallel worlds. To get to Amber, you need to find the right reflection. Random advises Corvin to go to the city under water, then he will remember everything that he forgot.

Remember all

Corvin follows his brother's recommendation and ends up in Ramba. Here he will have to go through the fiery path of the maze to remember who he is and what happened in his past life. In the maze, Corvin's memory returns. Amber appears before his eyes, other worlds are just his reflections.

Corwin in the fire maze

Corvin's father, Oberon, disappeared, and his sons are fighting among themselves for power in Amber. Corwin found himself in one of the reflections under the name Earth after the battle with his older brother Eric. He lost his memory and spent many centuries in our world (time flows in reflections in different ways).

Corwin also learned that, thanks to the invention of Dvorkin, a genius but crazy artist, the princes of Amber have the opportunity to communicate and travel the worlds using maps, as well as simply using imagination, or directly from the maze.

Corwin vs Eric

When Corwin finds out that he is one of the princes of Amber and was expelled by his brother Eric against his will to Earth, he longs for revenge. He is transported to Amber and escorts Eric. They fight with swords. When Corwin injures his brother and is already triumphing, soldiers loyal to the crown come to the aid of Eric. Corwin manages to escape from captivity, in time using the map with the image of Blaze.

Corwin vs Eric

Having met, the brothers argue what steps they should take, they decide to attack Eric the usurper. For these purposes, they are gathering a huge army. The brothers devised a plan that was to destroy Eric before he was crowned.

Eric unraveled the brothers' plans. He uses a magic stone that can command the winds, and creates a powerful storm that destroyed the fleet and ground forces of the two rebellious brothers. The remains of the army are found in the Arden Forest. Eric orders to burn down the forest. Warriors of Corvin attempt to storm Amber. Blaise falls into the abyss, but Corwin manages to throw his brother with his deck of magic cards. Corvin hardly makes his way to the city with the surviving daredevils, but he is captured.

Corwin and Blaze attack Amber

Power-loving Eric wants to humiliate his brother, he orders that Corvin personally crown him. But a tricky plan ripened in Corvin's head. He takes the crown, but declares the king not his brother, but puts the crown on his head and calls himself the king, Corwin.

Blind prince

Eric is indignant, he commits in a rage and anger to capture Corvin, deprive him of his sight and imprison him in the darkest cell of the prison. Corwin hates his brother for blinding him, and curses Eric. He spends a long time in prison, his eyes slowly recovering. At the feast, Corwin steals a spoon with which he wants to open the castle and escape.

Island lighthouse

Desperate, Corvin is discouraged, but Dvorkin suddenly appears before him, whom King Oberon put him in prison for a long time for his crazy plans to destroy Amber. Corwin asks the distraught artist to draw a lighthouse located on the island of Cabra to get there.

Freedom of Corvin

Dvorkin fulfills the wishes of Prince Amber. With the help of the magical properties of Dvorkin’s drawings, Corwin leaves Amber’s dungeon and finds himself on a distant island, where forces again return to him over time. This concludes the first chronicles novel about the princes of Amber.

What happened next

Fascinating journeys and the struggle for the throne await Corvin, he gives birth to a son who actively continues the work of his father, which consists in ensuring that justice, good and peace reign in the city of Amber.

In conclusion, it should be said that the cycle of novels was not completed. The Zhelyazny Chronicles about the Princes of Amber have an open end, which contributes to the birth of continuation of stories. The sad thing is that these prequels (sequels) do not have common features with the ideas and intentions of the writer himself.


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