Apatity. Minerals Description, properties, deposits and interesting facts

Apatites are minerals with a phosphate nature, the most common on the planet from their group. They are widely used in the production of mineral fertilizers, and since some time are actively used in the creation of jewelry. The faceted mineral takes on a very noble appearance and often stands out as a more valuable semiprecious stone, for example, topaz. Not for nothing that the Greeks called apatite “«πατάω”, which is translated from Latin as “deceiving”.

Chemical composition

apatite mineral compound formula

Several minerals from the phosphate class are called apatite. The formula for the mineral forming compound is Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 (OH, Cl, F) 2 . Three types are most famous: hydroxo-, chloro- and fluorapatite. Depending on this, the above formula will change. The content of calcium oxides (CaO) and phosphorus is about 53-56% and 41%, respectively. The remaining insignificant fraction is fluorine, chlorine, sometimes carbonate, as well as various impurities.

In its pure form, apatite has no color. Various pale shades of the mineral give impurities. For example, manganese in various combinations colors crystals in pink, purple, greenish-yellow, neodymium and iron - give yellow and smoky tones.

Physical properties

mineral apatite Price

Glass shine, uneven fracture, oily texture on chips, fragility - characteristics that have apatite. The mineral class on the Mohs scale is 5. Pretty dense, but not enough for quality jewelry. With great difficulty, it can be scratched with glass or a sharp knife blade. The specific gravity is 3.2 g / cm 3 . It is found in nature in the form of formed crystals, usually of a prismatic shape, less often needle-shaped or tabular, often has a vertical hatching on the faces. Often forms dense grain-crystalline aggregates and nodules, bulk solid earths of mass.

Apatite: the origin of the mineral

Minerals from the group of apatites are accessory, that is, they are part of the rocks in a small amount (less than 1%). Therefore, they do not affect the main classification. Crystallization occurs in almost all igneous rocks, especially alkaline and acidic. Apatity is a characteristic component of lamprophyres and carbonatites. They are resistant to hypergenic conditions. Apatites are common terrigenous minerals of sedimentary rocks and placers.

Crystals can grow to enormous sizes. The largest specimens were found in Quebec (Canada), one of them weighed 5443 kg and was 2.13 by 1.22 m in size. The mineral is one of the country's national symbols.

Place of Birth

apatite minerals

Apatites are minerals whose deposits on an industrial scale are a rather rare occurrence. The largest field is located on the Kola Peninsula and is called “Khibinsky”. Apatite ores, which mainly consist of fluorapatites and nepheline, are mined in this area. In addition, there are deposits in Yakutia (Seligdarskoe), Buryatia (Beloziminskoe, Oshurkovskoe), in the Urals (Ilmensky mountains), and Baikal.

Apatites of sedimentary rock (phosphorites) make up more than 90% of the total world reserve of phosphate ores. Their deposits are known in North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Western Sahara, Morocco.

Crystals suitable for jewelry production are mined in Finland, India, Germany, Norway, Czech Republic, USA, Myanmar and Brazil. The last two countries are known for their beautiful cat-eye minerals.

Apatity in jewelry

Apatite is a mineral whose properties and appearance can be used in the jewelry industry. It is distinguished by fragility and low hardness, therefore it is not as durable as semiprecious stones and requires careful treatment. In addition, the mineral is sensitive to high temperatures and exposure to sunlight (it may fade, fade).

For the manufacture of jewelry using transparent apatite, most often yellow or blue. Pure minerals go through the cutting process. Not quite transparent stone is subjected to cabochon. This is a specific cutting method in which it takes on a convex shape with a smooth polished surface.

Jewelry with apatite is obtained quite attractive and original, in many respects the beauty of the product depends on the quality of processing. Brooches, beads, rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, etc. often made in combination with other stones using precious metals. However, one should beware of outright fakes. Beryl, tourmaline, topaz, etc. - it is precisely for them that they sometimes give out a well-faceted transparent mineral apatite.

Product Price

apatite mineral class

The cost of souvenirs and apatite jewelry depends on several factors: the quality of the stone, the method of processing, cutting, and related materials. For example, beads as in the photo, 40 cm long, are in the range of 1000-1500 rubles. The stone is not transparent, the cut is as simple as possible, the natural beauty and heterogeneity of the color of the mineral are preserved.

However, some apatites are quite expensive. In Ontario (Canada), they produce jewelry-grade mineral of green (sometimes mixed with blue or olive) color. It is sold under the well-known trade name trillium. A stone weighing 10 carats after cutting is estimated to be worth more than a thousand dollars.

apatite mineral properties

The magical properties of apatite

It is common for astrologers and esotericists to attribute certain magical properties to various minerals. Apatite is considered a stone of peace and tranquility. Unique properties are attributed to him in stabilizing the psychoemotional state of a person and in bringing the nervous system into a tone. In this regard, astrologers recommend wearing it with the fiery signs of the zodiac, characterized by a hot-tempered and hot character: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. But already calm Pisces, Aquarius and Cancer, it is not recommended. Apatite will make them passive, drowsy, and weak.

Agricultural use

apatite mineral origin

It has long been known that apatites are fertility minerals, therefore, the main scope of their application is agriculture. Phosphorus is one of the main components of a chemical compound, as mentioned above. As you know, this element is vital not only for humans, but also for plants. Phosphorus is a building material for living organisms, it takes part in very many biological processes.

Apatity - minerals, which are the initial product for the production of natural mineral phosphorus fertilizers. Raw materials have been used for this purpose for a very long time. Since the beginning of the 20th century, many mineral processing plants have been built and are functioning. One of the largest is the Khibiny Apatit plant, commissioned in 1929 on the basis of the world's largest field.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E159/

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