How to make a carnival costume for a horse with your own hands: two options

The main family holiday of the country - New Year - is waiting for adults and children with impatience. After all, this holiday is special. And on New Year everyone wants to look irresistible and stunning. Of course, you can just wear an evening dress, but this is the easiest option, and you can choose a carnival costume. For example, the outfit of any animal is suitable for children. This article will give tips on how to make a horse costume. It is not necessary to buy such a robe, it is better to spend time, arm yourself with imagination and make it yourself.

Example one: how to sew a horse costume

For manufacturing you will need:

horse costume

- jacket with a hood (best of brown);

- trousers;

- a needle;

- a piece of felt (black);

- cardboard;

- gloves;

- threads;

- a pencil.

Working process

We begin to make a horse costume with mane. Take the felt. We cut from it a strip with a width of fifteen centimeters and a length of about fifty. The size depends on the length of the hood. Make incisions in the strip. Then we sew it to the hood. We got a mane. Making eyes. Cut two circles from felt. Diameter, select three centimeters. Sew the eyes of the future horse on the hood. Now we proceed to the most difficult part - the ears. From cardboard we cut out two triangles of the same size. Cover the fabric with the same color as the jacket. Sew your ears to her. The last component of the costume is the tail. Cut a long rectangle from the fabric. Sew it along to make a pipe. Insert cotton wool inside. Attach a strip of felt with notches to the tip of the tail. A horse costume from regular clothes is ready. We advise you to decorate the hood with a smile and tongue. Such a suit can be made not only for children, but also for adults.

Second example: how to make a horse costume with a rider

It will be required for the manufacture of:

how to make a horse costume

- two medium-sized boxes;

- brush for painting ;

- a simple pencil;

- adhesive tape;

- gouache paints;

- scissors.

Working process

The first box is useful to us for the manufacture of the body of the animal. Measure the half circumference of your hips and add another ten centimeters. It will be a hole. A suit will be worn through it. Take a pencil. Draw a hole, and then cut it out. A second box will be needed to cut out details for the animal - the head and tail, as well as for our rider. Take a pencil. We draw a tail and a head on the side of the box arbitrarily. You can draw a template yourself and circle with a pencil. Do not forget about the rider. Draw his legs in trousers and boots. All prepared parts need to be cut. Now let's start decorating our costume. Take gouache and a brush. Think about the color scheme in advance. Connect your children to painting the details; together itโ€™s more fun to engage in such an exciting activity. When all the details have been drawn, let them dry thoroughly so that nothing is smeared. Then we fasten the parts with tape. Attach two tapes to the hole through which the outfit will be worn. These will be straps, due to them the horse will be held on the shoulders of a person. Glue the reins to the animalโ€™s head. Now we try on an original horse costume and go on a holiday.

how to sew a horse costume

So easily you can make original New Year's costumes for a child or for yourself with your own hands. After all, this is a pleasant occupation, because when you make an outfit, you put your soul into every detail.


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