Russian costume as the embodiment of the identity of the people

Matryoshka, a long bright sundress of a peasant woman, a kokoshnik are all well-known and characteristic symbols of our people and their traditions. Over the course of many centuries, the Russian national costume was remarkable for its amazing variety, which was expressed in bright decorativeness, multiple sets, multiple forms and types. Folk clothing has come a long way in its development, which is closely connected with history.

Russian costume

Preserving Traditions

Traditional clothing is an important ethnic indicator and element that synthesizes various types of applied decorative art. Changing somewhat, the Russian costume preserved the characteristic elements of ornamentation, cut, the use of jewelry and materials. The history of Russian costume captured the formation of the culture of the people. And his true keeper was always the peasantry. The first mentions date back to the era of ancient Kievan Rus. In those days, people dressed simply, the costumes of the kings and peasants were the same, only the degree of decoration could show belonging to a particular estate.

history of Russian costume

Around the XII-XIII centuries there was a characteristic separation of the forms of Russian costume in the north and south. This was due to the degree of development of applied art. In the southern territories devastated by the constant raids of nomads, artistic crafts were not sufficiently developed. In the north, the general standard of living of the people was higher due to trade and the flourishing of culture.

Starting from the XVIII-XIX centuries, peasant clothing is somewhat modified under the influence of fashion and the development of industrial production. From this time on, the Russian costume is made from factory fabrics, the decoration of hats and shoes changes, and then the very forms of clothing change .

At present, the Russian costume is a traditional outfit for performances of folk groups, whether it is the performance of songs or dance performances.

The characteristic features of women's folk costume

The Russian costume of the southern peasant woman consisted of a shirt and a skirt-poneva. The shirt was sewn to the edge of the skirt. Northern women wore a sundress. Very often, the fabric of a cheap and unbleached canvas was used to sew the part of the shirt hiding under it. Sundresses were cut from wedges, expanding to the bottom. Clothing was traditionally richly decorated with patterned fabric or hand embroidery. The predominant colors have always been red and white. A mandatory accessory of the costume was a belt, which was also considered a talisman. Stripes of ornament, colored lace, ribbons, braid must be located on the edges of the sleeves, hem, on the mantle and along the cut on the chest. Each province had its own special Russian costume, distinguished by the peculiarities of decoration, coloring, and headdresses. Also, the clothes were different depending on status, age, class.

Russian folk costumes photo

The visiting card of our country are Russian folk costumes. Photos will show not only the beauty, wealth, originality of the national decoration, but also help to feel the inner spirit of the people, their uniqueness.


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