How to get a residence permit in Russia?

If you are interested in issues of obtaining citizenship, migration processes, then you probably have heard about such a thing as a "residence permit". What does this mean, what rights does it give, is it equal to citizenship? Surely there is no answer to these questions, which is why we suggest you read this article and find out how to get a residence permit, what rights it gives and how much it works in the territory of the Russian Federation. It is useful to know such information not only to immigrants who arrived in the Russian Federation, but also to citizens, because this broadens the mind, allows you to navigate migration issues.

What is a residence permit?

residence permit document

In Russia, this is a document that gives the right to foreign citizens to reside permanently in the territory of the Russian Federation. As a general rule, a document is issued for a period of 5 years. If you wish, you can extend this period in the future. For stateless persons, the document is an identity card, and for foreign citizens - a confirmation of the status of a permanent resident in Russia.

Unlike a temporary residence permit, a residence permit is a separate document. This is an established form, in which the photo of the owner is fixed, there is a seal, number, F. I. O. in Russian and English. Also indicated are citizenship, date, place of birth. The date of issue of the document and the validity period are reflected.

The circle of persons who are entitled to obtain a residence permit

Immigrants in the Russian Federation

A logical question arises, and who can get a residence permit in Russia? The law establishes several categories of people:

  1. An immigrant who has reached the age of 18 who has previously received a temporary residence permit.
  2. Highly qualified specialist.
  3. A person covered by a government voluntary resettlement program.
  4. An alien who has terminated Russian citizenship.
  5. The refugee is political.
  6. A citizen of Belarus.
  7. Native Russian speaker.
  8. An alien who is legally incompetent if his guardian is a citizen of the Russian Federation or has a residence permit in Russia.

Is it possible to obtain a residence permit in Russia to other categories? Definitely not, the law establishes an exhaustive list.

Documents for obtaining a residence permit

Immigrant documents in Russia

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit can be either general or differ in some features. It depends on which category of persons the candidate belongs to. Despite this, the package of documents always remains the same. Therefore, before moving on to the question of how to obtain a residence permit, we note the documents necessary for applying:

  1. A completed application form, which can be obtained from the migration department or downloaded from the management website. It can be filled both by hand and on a computer.
  2. Photos - 4 pieces.
  3. Passport of a foreign citizen, which he received in his native state.
  4. Temporary residence permit.
  5. Proof of payment of receipt.
  6. A personal income tax certificate and a patent with documents confirming the payment of taxes that indicate the ability of a citizen to pay taxes.
  7. Documents confirming the absence of HIV.
  8. Certificate of knowledge of the Russian language.

General procedure for obtaining a residence permit

Submission of documents for residence permit

How to get a residence permit in Russia in general? First you need to apply for a RVP - this is a temporary residence permit. Having obtained it, you must live in Russia for at least 12 months. Then you need to collect a package of documents that were previously discussed. In addition, it is necessary to pass an exam in the Russian language, the history of our state, a certificate should testify to this. A physical examination for dangerous diseases and infections is also a prerequisite.

Where to get a residence permit? Of course, with all the papers you need to go to the main department for migration issues, which has recently been referred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The specialist needs to submit all the documents and wait for a decision. The procedure can take up to 6 months. In this regard, it is better to apply for a residence permit no later than one year before the expiration of the RVP. In this case, the immigrant will protect himself from illegal stay in Russia.

There is a stereotype that in Russia there is a system of quotas for issuing residence permits, and so, this mechanism does not exist. On the territory of Russia, limit indicators for issuing residence permits are not established; there can be an unlimited number of them.

Language test

Certificate of knowledge of the Russian language

In order to obtain a residence permit in the Russian Federation, you need to be tested for knowledge of the Russian language, history and laws of the state. This practice is applied in all countries, and Russia is no exception.

All testing is divided into three blocks. The first is a test that tests knowledge of the Russian language, it lasts 75 minutes. The second is an exam on knowledge of the history of the Russian Federation, this test takes about 30 minutes. The third block is devoted to legislation. It lasts no more than 30 minutes, at this stage they check the knowledge of the general principles of laws and the norms of the Constitution. No need to learn industry legislation. The cost of testing is about 5,300 rubles. In case of unsuccessful passage, the money is not returned. In the event that there is no certificate, it is impossible to issue a residence permit. The certificate has an expiration date of 5 years.

The law allows you to not pass the test in the following categories:

  1. To minors.
  2. Incapacitated.
  3. Men over 65 years old and women over 60 years old.
  4. Voluntary resettlement program participants.
  5. Those who studied in the Russian Federation.
  6. Persons who studied Russian in the USSR.
  7. Those who are recognized as native speakers of the Russian language.

Residence permit for participants in the state program

The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow

Earlier we talked about the general order, but what about the simplified one? How to get a residence permit for those who are eligible for a voluntary resettlement program? First of all, as in the general manner, the participant must receive a RVP, in this case, obtaining permission takes place out of turn. When registering, an immigrant can immediately apply for a residence permit without waiting a year.

Unlike the general procedure, the application in this case is considered for 2 months. When applying, you do not need to pass a language proficiency test. The package of documents has also been reduced. It comes down to an application for a residence permit, 4 photos, a passport.

The certificate of immigrant participation in the program is valid for 3 years. Having a certificate and a residence permit, a participant can apply for Russian citizenship.

Residence permit for native speakers

Not in all states a simplified procedure is provided for those who are native speakers of the state language. Russia in this case is a positive example, there is such a basis. How to get a residence permit on this basis? Immigrants who speak Russian should apply to the migration department. If a positive decision is made, then the person is officially recognized as a native speaker. The certificate does not expire.

Now an application is issued for the issue of a residence permit. Together with the application, four photographs, a passport, a certificate of the absence of dangerous diseases and renunciation of citizenship must be provided. The validity period of the species in this case is 3 years. During the first two years, immigrants must give up citizenship in their home state. After you can apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the residence permit is canceled.

Residence permit for citizens of Belarus

Friendly relations between Russia and Belarus

How to get a residence permit to a citizen of Belarus? Representatives of this state may apply for a residence permit after registration at the place of stay. Documents to the migration service must be submitted exactly the same as in general order. The peculiarity for Belarusians is that they bypass receiving RVP, as was the case with native speakers. In addition, a prerequisite is the confirmation of a legal source of income.

The term for consideration of documents is three months, which is much faster than the general order. Belarusians can work without a patent, which means that it is worth applying for a residence permit only if there are plans to accept Russian citizenship. Such a simplified procedure for citizens of Belarus is due to the presence of general agreements between states.


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