Colds in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Strong dog immunity is able to actively fight environmental viruses. With such protection, the dog can live long without fear of catching a cold. A dog that leads a very active life can often get sick with such a disease, and it is more difficult for the body to recover. Unlike humans, animals are not able to survive even in the most extreme conditions. Therefore, even the most ordinary cold is harder to tolerate. In dogs, the symptoms of the disease must be determined on time so that it does not end with serious complications and even death.

How can an ordinary cold be dangerous for a dog?

When a virus enters the body, it begins to fight it, producing antibodies, thus, a compensatory reaction is manifested. The vessels widen sharply, blood flow increases, and the animal’s body temperature temporarily rises. Therefore, the dog often gets sick after a long stay in the cold. And the longer the animal is in the cold, the higher the likelihood that the disease will be harder to tolerate.

dog colds symptoms

Any, even the most ordinary, cold can develop into a pathology: pneumonia, kidney disease, rheumatism, if you do not start treating the animal immediately after detecting signs of the disease. Frequent colds in a dog can be fraught with the fact that immunity will decrease so much that the body can not overcome even the simplest virus.

An animal with a strong immune system does not have a cold. And the owner can only notice that the dog has not become as active as before, but after a couple of days its normal condition has returned. But any behavior unusual for a dog should not be ignored.

The causes of the disease

colds in dogs how to treat

A dog’s illness can be hereditary, or it can arise from the irresponsible behavior of the owners or from the circumstances. Factors that may affect a dog’s healthy condition:

  1. Pathological and catarrhal diseases are characteristic of dogs that are decorative, and those that are bred en masse. In such breeds, there is a tendency to various diseases, including colds.
  2. The older the dogs, the more thorough care they need, because they become weaker and the protective functions of the body also weaken.
  3. The dog should not decrease thermoregulation. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the animal that has just been washed or it is wet in the rain. If the dog will be on the street, where the air temperature is below room temperature or in a draft, then it is likely that it will freeze. Subcooling is especially dangerous for dogs of small breeds, because their basic body temperature is higher.
  4. The dog should have a full life with a balanced diet. She must live in a dry room that is constantly ventilated. In this case, the temperature in it should be comfortable for her. If you do not support these conditions, and also do not vaccinate the dog, then his body will be more difficult to fight viruses.
  5. Dogs need to communicate with other dogs. But you need to be careful about individuals who are sick or not vaccinated, and as little as possible to contact with them, but it is better to avoid contact at all.
  6. Carriers of dangerous infections, such as fleas, worms and others, can seriously affect the state of the body, constantly inhibiting it. Prevention will help get rid of such problems. Even from a young age, the dog should be monitored periodically by a veterinarian. First you need to take a general blood test and show the veterinarian to exclude the likelihood of a puppy's disease.

But do not be afraid that the dog may catch a cold from a person. The virus will only infect the organism that suits it. Everything will depend on which bacteria attack the body during the illness.

Colds in dogs: symptoms

How to treat this disease? Before prescribing therapy, you need to accurately determine the disease. In order for the treatment to be successful, and any disease was tolerated normally, a correct diagnosis must be made. Then the veterinarian will already be able to choose a treatment that will help.

The success of therapy and the normal overcoming of any disease will depend on the correctness of the diagnosis. It is important to clearly understand what the animal is sick with. It can be something serious or an ordinary cold in dogs. Symptoms may be similar. Therefore, it is better to know them in advance in order to correctly approach the treatment of a pet.

colds in dogs home treatment

If the dog’s nose is hot and dry, the doctor should examine it. Then you need to take a temperature measurement. A hot, dry nose indicates body temperature is elevated. This symptom is the first with a cold. Remember that the body temperature of a healthy dog ​​is 37.5-39 degrees. Also, in a sick dog, you can notice that the coat has faded.

If changes in the pet’s behavior become noticeable: he becomes less active, quickly gets tired, refuses to play, lethargy is observed, then there is a cold. In dogs, the symptoms are pronounced, so it is difficult to miss them.

The appearance of snot (transparent mucus) and lacrimation is another sign of a cold in dogs.

colds in dogs symptoms how to treat

It often happens that an acute cold occurs in dogs. How to treat the animal in such cases? When the fever began, the dog should be urgently shown to the doctor.

Distinguish a cold from another illness

When the airways are inflamed, this can lead to oxygen deficiency throughout the body. This can cause a cold in dogs. Symptoms and treatment for damage to the respiratory tract are the same as in the initial stage of a cold. When there is not enough oxygen, the animal feels unwell, weak, rarely cramps. To all other signs, we can add that with SARS, dogs have shortness of breath, breathing quickens, lymph nodes increase, and conjunctivitis can sometimes occur.

Treatment recommendations

If the diagnosis is correct and the condition of the dog does not cause concern, that is, it is really a cold in dogs, treatment at home can be done without the intervention of a doctor.

cold in dogs symptoms and treatment at home

  1. For the period of the disease, the dog should be provided with warm drink, quality food. It is necessary to refrain from playing with the animal, that is, leave it alone.
  2. The temperature in the room where the pet lives should be comfortable. Drafts and dampness also should not be.
  3. In order to keep the pet warm, you can lay a fabric that will retain heat. For small dogs, a blanket may be required. To prevent the dog from freezing, you can put a heating pad in its place.
  4. To disperse the blood, massage will help. Therefore, to activate the strength of the body, you can stroke and scratch the animal with a soft brush.


If a cold is diagnosed in dogs, how to treat the animal at home using medication? If the dog has normal activity and there is no refusal to eat and drink, then at the initial stage it is possible to carry out the treatment at home: inject the Gamavit (or its analogue) subcutaneously once a day for 5 days. You also need to give the medicine "Amoxiclav" one tablet per day for 7-14 days. It is still necessary to inject the Cycloferon preparation intramuscularly for 5-7 days. If the temperature is high, then the following medicines should be injected: Analgin and Diphenhydramine.

But you need to watch the dog, medications should improve the well-being of the animal.

dog colds treatment

If you have a strong cough, sputum and wheezing, then know that these are also characteristic signs of a disease such as a cold in dogs. How to cure an animal with such symptoms at home? Broad-spectrum antibiotics may be needed. During the disease, the protective functions of the whole organism decrease. And while taking antibiotics, intestinal microflora is also disturbed. Therefore, the dog needs to be given a medicine that will return everything back to normal.

Owner Tips

Self-medication never brought the proper result, especially when a cold occurs in dogs. Symptoms can be identified incorrectly, there is a chance to make the animal worse. When a pet is sick and it is possible to call a veterinarian at home, you need to use this service. Upon arrival, the doctor will examine the animal, and if it advises you to hospitalize it, then it is better not to refuse, since a cold in dogs can be very insidious. Full treatment can be obtained at the clinic under the supervision of specialists.


The easiest way is to make the body of a pet stronger by improving the heat-regulating system, and you need to start with hardening. Naturally, everything is good in moderation. Therefore, hardening procedures should be started gradually.

dog colds symptoms and treatment

Do not leave the dog in the cold until it stops feeling cold. After all, this can lead to the exact opposite result. But if you start to influence the cold gradually and incrementally, it will yield its fruits over time.

The main rule with such strengthening of the body is plentiful and nutritious nutrition. Since most of the nutrients that are used to keep the body healthy are found in food.

Interesting opinion

There is an opinion that there is no such thing as a cold in dogs. The dog can suffer pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, pleurisy and so on, but just do not catch a cold. Therefore, if a pet has symptoms of this disease, then it is worth taking him to a veterinary clinic, where a competent specialist will determine the disease and its nature, as well as prescribe the necessary medicines. And it should be remembered that it is better to pay for a consultation with a doctor than to fight a disease that caused complications.


Now you know what a cold is in dogs. Symptoms and treatment at home are two important topics that we have examined in detail. We hope that our article was useful to you.


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