What needs to be done to please garden strawberries with a harvest all summer? Landing and care

wild strawberry garden planting and care
Strawberries are remontant, small and large-fruited. According to the ripening period it is divided into wound, middle and late ripening. At the moment, the best varieties are Tsaritsa, Holiday, Kimberly, Polka, Elizabeth-2. Strawberries are perennials, they can "live" in one place for no longer than 3-4 years, after which the soil is depleted. It can be transplanted to where it used to be: onions, garlic, dill, beets, carrots, rye, oats, marigolds, lupins, and legumes. But in no case can not be planted where there were cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes and nightshade, as they "eat" the same as strawberries.

Wild strawberry. Landing and care. Soil requirements

For planting strawberries, a fertile plot with an acidity of 4.5-5.5 is required. If the soil is poor, add peat or compost and fertilizers (bird manure 11-12 times diluted, potash fertilizers, HB-101, etc.). Feeding is also carried out during the entire period of growth and fruiting with a frequency of 1-2 times per month. Fertilizers are laid out in grooves to a depth of 8-10 cm at the rate of 1 bucket per 2 m 2 . After everything is absorbed, the grooves are covered with earth. Planting scheme - 60X20 or 60X30, but best of 50X50 cm. In this case, you should choose sunny places with closely located groundwater, otherwise the plants will often have to be watered.

wild strawberry garden photo

Wild strawberry. Landing and care. Propagation and weeding secrets

Reproduction occurs with a mustache, which is taken from bushes of 3 years of age and planted in July-August. Garden strawberries can propagate in spring with seeds: laying them on the surface of the earth, you need to water the garden bed and cover with a film that is removed gradually after the appearance of 1-2 true leaves. Bushes are planted in open ground in April-May. When planting, it is important not to bury the "heart", as the plant may not take root. To get rid of weeding and preserve berries, as well as to warm the beds more quickly in early spring, many gardeners cover the ground with black non-woven fabric.

Wild strawberry. Landing and care. Pruning

Leaving consists in weeding, daily watering, top dressing, cutting mustaches, loosening the soil and sheltering for the winter, as strawberries can withstand only up to -7 0 C. In more severe frosts, it can freeze. In the spring, shelter is removed, not being afraid of light frosts. You can do without this if in the winter there is a lot of snow. In the spring, do not forget to remove old foliage and debris from the beds, spilling the beds with a solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent disease, strawberries are treated with a mixture of copper sulfate and quicklime in a ratio of 3: 4 per 10 liters of water. And in August, in order to prepare for the winter, ash is buried under each bush (100-150 gr.).

garden strawberries in spring

Wild strawberry. Landing and care. Pests and the fight against them

Strawberries can be affected by pests and diseases, such as: strawberry mites and nematodes, strawberry leaf beetle and gray rot. Usually, plants become infected in the seedling stage if the seed (seed) or planting (seedlings) material was taken from diseased plants. In order for your plantings to be healthy, you need to carefully select the mother plant for reproduction, and also collect only good berries (without rot, various kinds of damage). Against diseases and pests, it is necessary to treat strawberries with chemicals at least once a season. You can do without them, but then you need to observe crop rotation for the beds that border the strawberry planting. Try to plant onions and garlic, herbs on them. It is possible to place a bed with wild strawberries near the flower garden, in which tagetis will be planted. The aroma of these plants scares away pests, so you can easily do without chemistry in your area. In response to your work, delicious strawberries will delight garden strawberries. You can show a photo of your harvested basket to everyone.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E15959/

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