Sew a swimsuit? Easy!

A beautiful tan needs to be favorably tinted with a beautiful and fashionable swimsuit. The easiest way, of course, is to go and buy one ready. Only here is the problem: you start to measure and you find that something is wrinkling, then it is sticking out, and a bra from another model would be better suited to the panties from this swimsuit. But it happens that everything sits well, and the color of the fabric is unsuccessful. And you will knock down all your legs in search of a successful bathing suit. What is the way out? There is a solution - sew the swimsuit yourself!

It seems that this is an incredible task - this is not for me, it is too difficult. And no! And I will try to prove it to you. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to know a few points. But let’s, I will tell you one after another how to sew a swimsuit with your own hands.

The first thing you start with is to go to the fabric store and look for the supplex, which is the perfect fabric for this purpose. Why? Because it stretches in both directions, has a water-repellent layer, it is opaque, as a rule, and most importantly - the choice of colors and patterns is amazing today. In addition to fabric, an elastic oblique trim is useful for you (look in the same store) - you need it to process the edges of the swimsuit. It also acts as a gum and does not allow the product to stretch at the seams. If this is not found, just take a thin, one centimeter elastic band (preferably waterproof). Special fasteners for straps are also sold, and you can sew a swimsuit with trim elements such as decorative rings, buckles. You will most likely find them in the hardware department.

What else do you need to sew a swimsuit with your own hands? Of course, a sewing machine! Pick the needle as thin as possible so that it does not leave puffs on the fabric. Threads can be selected simple thin, but it is good if there are elastic.

Now, as for the pattern. It’s best to retake it from your old swimsuit, the model of which went to you and sat well on you. You can use underwear. Whatever you choose - sprinkle it into separate parts and circle them with chalk on the fabric, previously pinned with pins. You should succeed: underpants - front and back part, gusset; bra - options are possible here, depending on the model. If you decide to sew a swimsuit with cups on the bones, it turns out that each half of the bra consists of 2 parts (total 4). Lining duplicates previous parts. Well, and 2 bones, 2 plastic or foam cups for the form, front and rear ties. The bones must be additionally sheathed with a strip of soft tissue so that they do not scratch the skin. But for inexperienced craftswomen it is better to start with simpler models of a bra: in the form of a one-piece strip, tapering at the ends and smoothly turning into ties, or in the form of two triangles rounded at the bottom. The latter is the easiest and most common way to sew a swimsuit. Here we take it as a basis. Now in more detail about the technology of sewing.

Sew a gusset to the front and back of the swimming trunks. Stitch side seams. When working with knitwear, one must not forget to stretch the fabric when stitching. The raw edge of the step seams with the wrong side attached to the middle of the elastic inlay. Sweep, and then stitch with an overlock seam, if there is none, with a wide or three-step zigzag. When processing a stepping seam from the front, do not stretch the trim or elastic, but stretch it slightly from the back. Bend over the neckline and sew again in the same way. If you don’t have an inlay, but an elastic band - sew it first to the wrong side, then fold the edge and lay the line again. In the same way, the upper part of the heats is formed.

Go to the bra. The edges of the cups are also trimmed with inlay. On one side, the tie is extended by the length of the ties. Treat the lower section of the cups with an overlock or zigzag, then bend and sew, taking into account the stock for threading the tie. At this point, gum is not needed. Prepare the ties - they can be made from the main fabric, or you can use a tie.

Here is the swimsuit and ready! You can safely go to the beach. Encouraged by success, you will definitely try the next bathing suit to make a little more complicated and interesting.


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