Great Russia ... Why is our people called multinational?

Why is our people called multinational? It would seem such an easy question that even a student in the first grade is able to answer it. But in reality, many Russians are not able to fully reveal this topic. Therefore, we will correct this annoying gap by giving an exhaustive answer to this question.

The mistake of many lies in the fact that they are trying to find all the answers without looking back into the past. But it is there that you need to look before you evaluate the ethnic situation that has now formed in the country.

why our people are called multinational

History of Russia: fraternal tribes

So why are our people called multinational? Since ancient times, Slavic tribes lived side by side with other peoples, exchanged experiences, traditions, praised the same gods. Ultimately, it grew into a kind of friendship, which became the beginning for the creation of one great power - Kievan Rus.

Already then, under the banner of a great state, more than a dozen nationalities were collected, many of which were of non-Slavic origin. Moreover, as historians assure, the true descendants of the Russian people were not even Slavs, but Russians. That is what the ancient tribe was called, which for a long time stood at the pinnacle of power. But over the years, the blood of the Russians mixed up with the Slavic, becoming one.

Therefore, when answering the question of why our people are called multinational, we should first recall the ancestors. About those fraternal peoples who together built this great country.

why our people are multinational

Russia is a great bridge connecting Europe and Asia

An important role in this matter is played by the geographical location of Russia. It just so happened that it is a link between Europe and Asia, and has long been exposed to their influence.

For example, if we talk about Asia, it is impossible not to recall the raids of nomadic Tatars, which not only greatly influenced the development of the state, but also sowed their seed, thereby adding diversity to the ethnic position in Kievan Rus. The same applies to the Turks with their long war.

Well, what about Europe? Its influence was not so significant and, moreover, it was not imposed so openly. For the most part, this was an exchange of cultural traditions, and the Russian monarchy themselves wanted this, thereby following the trends of that time. As for ethnic interaction, contractual marriages should be noted here. Often the couple were from different countries, and such an alliance was a kind of guarantor of peace and mutual assistance.

Modern Russia

If everything is more or less clear with the past, what can be said about the ethnic situation at the present time? Why is our people multinational, because now all borders are strictly established, and, it would seem, everyone has their own country?

multinational people of Russia

In fact, there are many reasons, but consider only the most significant.

  1. The federal system of Russia made it possible to combine not only regions and regions, but also autonomous republics. Consequently, under one flag people of many nationalities can coexist quietly.
  2. Large territory. Russia is one of the largest countries in the world, it is not surprising that people live in it, differing in both external and cultural characteristics.
  3. The possibility of obtaining citizenship. There is a code of laws, thanks to which a person from another country can become a citizen of Russia.

The multinational people of Russia

In conclusion, we cite statistics that will allow us to finally understand why our people are called multinational. Thus, according to ethnographic studies, more than 100 different peoples live in Russia . Among them there are large ones with more than 1 million people, and there are also small ones that, due to their small numbers, have almost completely dissolved in the total mass. But still, the Russians, having Slavic roots, the vast majority - 77%, and this is approximately 111 million people.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that 23% of the country's population falls into other nations. Consequently, Russia is a multinational country that has managed to unite more than a hundred peoples, and has also done everything possible to make them friends.


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