What is mercy? Meaning and examples of use

People ask: “Grace is what?” Because the world is mostly harsh and unfair. True, he was almost always like that. Only Adam and Eve tasted the fruits of paradise trees, and we are forced to live in suffering, hardship and pain, trusting only in God's mercy.

The semantic content of the concept

mercy is

The values ​​battery looks like this:

1. A kind, sympathetic attitude towards a person. "Grace" is closer in content to the word "pity." True, such a turn of speech is characteristic of novels of the 19th century, for example, the works of Dostoevsky.

2. Grace is trust, disposition. For example, they used to say: "Rub into mercy." Now, such a turn is not only rare, you will not meet it. Now they say "rub in confidence."

3. Grace is a gift, a favor, a beneficence. The example that was above about “God's mercy” is quite suitable for illustrating this meaning. On the one hand, a person in an evil and cold world can count on the goodness of God, and on the other hand, the goodness of God, like man, is a gift and good deed.

4. “Your Grace” - this is how the nobles and landlords used to turn. Now, this expression can be found only in an ironic sense. For example, the Chief, Ivan Petrovich, his mercy, finally raised our salary, gentlemen!

5. "By your grace." Here "mercy" is synonymous with "will." And surprisingly, mercy, which initially has a good value, changes the emotional charge from positive to negative. For example, a girl, Katya, says to a classmate: “By your grace, Petrov, I first scrubbed a blackboard from indecent words, and then I was left after school to talk about behavior, and all because you set me up, I know that it’s you wrote these nasty words on the board! ”

6. Something good that adds positive emotions, pleasant, gentle, and this can be either a thing or a living object, action or act. Kittens immediately come to mind, small, fluffy and hooligan, with whom everyone is touched, except for those who are allergic to them.

So, we got to the end of the list and found out the meaning of the word “mercy”. It turns out there are six of them. We move on.

Ernest Hemingway - the “cutest” writer

meaning of the word mercy

A strange title for someone who created the image of a man, and yet this is so. And it is not clear where it came from. But if you read the prose of the American classic, first in Russian, and then in English, then the words "cute" in the Russian version, and nice in English are quite common. Although, perhaps, translators are to blame. But, one way or another, Hemingway’s prose returns the beautiful word “mercy” and its derivatives into the Russian language. Therefore, the author urgently needs to read the author “Farewell to Arms” in order to quickly become humanized. If you allow yourself some liberty, then we can say that mercy is Hemingway’s prose.

Milota and mercy

mercy definition

Grace leaves active vocabulary, while mercy actively entered it through the Web. It is difficult to say where the word came from, there is a suspicion that all this is the influence of Japanese culture, namely anime. There, everyone is moved, they play with their faces and exclaim: "Kawai!" This word can be translated in much the same way as the English nice - sweet, good, kind.

True, the craze for young children, cats, romantic dinners, tearful soap operas and programs discredits "sweetness", a tendency to call sweetness, in contrast to the general trend, not at all nice things.

But the main thing is not this, but the fact that behind a general enthusiasm for cats, children and love stories, a person forgets the true content of the term “mercy”. The definition is unnecessary, because the word has meanings, let the reader choose from them any one to his taste.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1598/

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