Cabbage "aggressor": variety description

Few gardeners deny themselves the pleasure of planting cabbage, so that during the summer there are fresh salads and delicious borscht, and in winter please yourself with pickled pickles.

cabbage aggressor description

Depending on weather conditions, each gardener chooses a variety of cabbage, which in its climate will give the greatest yield. But there is cabbage Aggressor f1 - a late-ripening variety that was specially bred by Dutch breeders for growing even in the most adverse conditions.

Hybrid Cabbage Varieties

All varieties of cabbage are divided by maturity:

  • Early ripening varieties yield in June, the vegetation period takes up to 120 days. These varieties are stored extremely briefly, suitable for stewing, cooking and cooking salads.
  • Mid-early varieties mature in the next 121-130 days. This is a table type of cabbage, not suitable for salting.
  • Mid-ripening varieties require from 131 to 145 days before harvesting. Perfectly stored until the New Year, good in pickling and cooking.
  • Medium-late varieties - from 146 to 160 days of ripening. It is well stored, tolerates transportation, has a beautiful presentation and universal use.
  • Late-ripening varieties (161-180 days) are stored until a new crop, best suited for pickling, pickling and pickles.

To save space on the site, early and mid-ripening varieties should not exceed 10-15% of the total cabbage sowing, and mid-late and late-ripening varieties occupy 70-90% of the sown area. This is rational in connection with the shelf life and quality of pickling of late cabbage.

For example, Aggressor hybrid cabbage, the variety description especially draws attention to this, is intended specifically for salting and is perfectly preserved until the next harvest. Early varieties are not suitable for pickling and are considered table.

Variety description Aggressor

Breeders from different countries set themselves the task of developing varieties of vegetables that will yield high yields even in the most adverse conditions. With respect to cabbage, Dutch scientists are still leading.

cabbage aggressor f1 detailed description

Cabbage Aggressor f1, a detailed description of the hybrid:

  • refers to the late ripening variety;
  • the ripening period from sowing to ripening takes 120 days;
  • steadily perceives temperature changes and the lack of regular watering;
  • suitable for sowing seeds in open ground;
  • gives 100% seed germination;
  • heads of cabbage are not subject to cracking;
  • has increased stamina;
  • the hybrid is not demanding for special care;
  • has high taste;
  • suitable for fresh and pickled form;
  • high rates of shelf life;
  • heads of cabbage have a weight of 3-5 kg, round or flat;
  • resistant to major types of diseases.

Due to these qualities, the variety of cabbage Aggressor is becoming an increasingly frequent guest in areas in regions with an unfavorable climate or lack of regular watering. The fact that this hybrid does not require constant care and feeding from summer residents makes it a favorite for those who can not devote much time to their site.

Growing seedlings

Since cabbage Aggressor (this confirms the description) is very resistant to adverse conditions, seedlings can be grown directly in the open ground. For gardeners who still prefer to traditionally sow seeds in glasses or peat tablets, do this in early April.

cabbage aggressor description reviews

Growing seedlings at home requires a lot of light and heat, especially during the period when the seeds hatch. Therefore, at first, containers with sowing must be kept on the windowsill from the sunny side at a temperature of + 15-18 degrees. As they grow, there is a need to take the sprouts into a room with a temperature of + 6-8 degrees, if this is not possible, then you can transfer the seedlings to the street or balcony for a day, and take them to the house at night.

This should be done so that the young shoot does not go quickly to growth, otherwise elongated, but not strong shoots will die.

Outdoor seedlings growing

Sowing in the open field is carried out at the end of April. To do this, you should prepare a seedling bed on the sunny side in advance and drive in pegs to pull a film on them.

It is enough to fertilize the soil on the bed with diluted humus so that the seedlings grow strong and do not require additional feeding.

2-3 small seeds should be thrown into small pits, and thinned out as they grow, leaving the strongest sprouts. At first, there is a need to cover the seeds and freshly pecked leaves with film at night, but as soon as they grow, the protection can be removed.

Since any cabbage seedlings, whether varietal or hybrid, do not like picking, transplanting from the familiar environment of the seedling beds to the main one is less painful, and the survival rate is much faster.

cabbage variety aggressor description

Cabbage "Aggressor" (description, reviews of those who grow it, emphasize this) gives 100% germination of seeds, seedlings are strong, and the crop is high.

Cabbage Care Aggressor

In order for the cabbies to turn out beautiful, not cracked and have good weight, there are several rules that must be followed.

Cabbage Aggressor f1, the variety description indicates this, does not require special care, but some rules should be taken into account:

cabbage aggressor f1 description

  • watering can not be done with cold water, it should be warmed to room temperature;
  • observing the distance both when sowing seedlings, and when picking it, will give large and strong heads of cabbage;
  • the age of sprouts for a dive should not exceed 35-40 days;
  • a bed pre-fertilized with humus and mineral fertilizers will help to avoid additional fertilizing and give a good harvest.

These few requirements do not take much time from gardeners. If there is no possibility of frequent watering, then it is enough to carry out it once a week, but very carefully. Loosening the soil is enough to spend 2-3 times for the entire ripening period. The first time a week after the dive, the next time - after 2-3 weeks and the last - during the formation of the head of cabbage.

Abnormal cabbage growth rates

Although the Aggressor cabbage (the description mentions this) is not a whimsical hybrid, but the work that was not done qualitatively preliminary before the picking can nullify the entire crop.

The main thing is well-fertilized soil. A plant needs somewhere to take nutrients for its growth. If the gardener does not bother about this, then you should not blame the crop failure, since cabbage is such a vegetable that with all its appearance shows what exactly it lacks.

  • If the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, then with the next watering, add nitrogen fertilizers.
    cabbage aggressor F1 late ripening variety
  • When the leaves lose their elasticity, become wavy or β€œwrinkled”, this is a lack of potassium in the soil.
  • If white spots or streaks appear on young leaves, then you should feed the plant with calcium. This should be done until it has entered at the time of ripening head, otherwise the head will not form or will be frail.
  • A common problem in most regions is the lack of magnesium and manganese in the soil. On cabbage, this manifests itself in the form of brittle leaves with marble streaks.
  • When in addition to one head of cabbage, additional cabbage heads appear in the leaves of cabbage , or the plant goes in color instead of the ovary of the head, then there will be no crop due to the absence of bromine and molybdenum in the soil.
  • If the leaves are dull and the heads of cabbage do not set for a long time, cabbage β€œsays” that it needs phosphorus.

To avoid these problems, it is better to introduce a portion of mineral fertilizers before diving seedlings and one more time by the time of formation of heads of cabbage. Cabbage Aggressor (the description guarantees a high yield) will thank such a plentiful crop for its efforts that it will last until the next sowing.


Like any plant, cabbage also has "detractors" in the form of diseases and harmful insects. Cabbage variety Aggressor (the description mentions disease resistance) is not infected with Fusarium and thrips, but it is still necessary to protect it from whiteflies and aphids.

To completely discourage uninvited guests from the desire to eat cabbage, you can sow dill next to the beds, which will scare away pests. Celery does not like cabbage fly, so it is also advisable to plant it within sight.

white cabbage variety aggressor

Experienced gardeners say that tall Chernobrivtsi flowers planted in the aisles help aphids well. They will not only give a shadow and retain moisture in the soil, but also scare away the voracious aphids. Also, such a cabbage bed looks more spectacular and more fun.

Storage and use of the Aggressor variety

It is easy to store the heads of this cabbage, as they are well preserved until the next harvest. This can be done in a cellar or shed on a shelf or in drawers with openings. Aggressor is perfect for winter salting, pickling and fresh consumption.

If there is no space for storage on the shelves, heads of cabbage can be tied and suspended to the ceiling or racks, the main thing is that they do not touch each other.

Commercial grade hybrid

Cabbage Aggressor is a profitable variety not only for personal consumption, but also for growing for sale. If the amount of land allows, then this variety is the best option for obtaining a large and high-quality crop with a minimum of costs.

Heads also tolerate transportation, which in no way affects their appearance.


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