How to plant potatoes in bags? Growing potatoes in bags

Potato is the main product that is used in our diet. Naturally, we have to stock up several bags of this vegetable for the winter. However, you have the opportunity to grow this product in an apartment or house. And you do not need a lot of space or any special conditions. In this article, you will learn how to plant potatoes in bags.

What is a procedure?

how to plant potatoes in bags

It is uncomplicated and does not require much time or any special relationship to the sprouts. If you have little space on a summer cottage or no garden at all, you can grow potatoes in bags throughout the year. You can place them in the apartment, on the balcony or even in the pantry (subject to good lighting).

Naturally, this procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, you should prepare in advance for landing. This method is considered quite unusual, however, it will allow you to get your crop at almost any time, regardless of the season of the year.

Benefits of the procedure

growing potatoes in bags

Before planting potatoes in bags, you should understand what advantages the presented process has. So, among the pluses can be called these:

- The whole "garden" is in a limited space, so it does not take up much space. It all depends on how much crop you want to receive, as well as how much area you are able to allocate.

- Your plants are practically not damaged by the Colorado potato beetle or any diseases.

- With proper care and selection of potato varieties, you can get a good harvest.

- No weeding or additional treatment of plants is required.

- You can land all year round.


planting potatoes in bags

Before you learn how to plant potatoes in bags, you also need to understand what surprises and negative aspects of the process may await you. The following disadvantages of the presented procedure can be distinguished:

1. Growing potatoes in bags is limited to the allowed area. That is, you will not be able to get a super harvest and provide yourself with a large amount of product.

2. In order to get a crop, you will need to purchase soil, and this is an additional cost.

3. The number of potatoes may not coincide with that described in the source of information. That is, the crop may not meet your expectations.

4. Additional soil is needed during the growth of the bushes.

5. Note that you will need to put away the used soil somewhere. This is difficult to do if you live in an apartment.

In principle, if you decide to perform a procedure such as planting potatoes in bags, you can try this thing. You can provide yourself with this vegetable for a while. However, you have to mess around for a whole year. Although it will not be necessary to buy poison for the Colorado potato beetle, weeding and hilling bushes, however, periodically it will be necessary to water and add fertilizers.

Ground preparation and bags

bagged potatoes reviews

Before planting potatoes in bags, it is necessary to purchase containers and land. If you do not have special bags that have valves, openings through which excess water leaves, then you can sew them yourself or purchase them on the market. Most often, sugar containers are used for planting. You can make drain holes yourself.

Note that the container should be filled with humus or well-fertilized soil. It is best that there is some support next to the bags. It can be a wall or specially prepared rods. At the same time, the place where the plant will be located should be protected from the wind. However, it must be well lit.

Keep in mind that planting potatoes in bags should be done only when all root crops are germinated. To do this, simply place the potatoes in a warm and well-lit place for two weeks. But if the shoots are very thin and brittle, then you should not take such potatoes for planting.

Landing Features

"Potato in bags" - reviews about this method of cultivation are not always positive, this is a special method of obtaining crops. First you need to figure out which variety of this vegetable you need to use. It is best to purchase these types of potatoes: Slav, Bellarose, Shante. These varieties can grow in almost any environment.

Planting potatoes in bags is very simple. First, unscrew the edges of the bags so that you can easily fill the soil mixture in them. Next, fill the container with soil. It does not need too much. Enough only 40 cm. Next, the fruits should be laid out on the surface of the soil. The eyes of the potato should look up. It is good if sprouts have already appeared on the seed fruits.

Now the potatoes need to be additionally covered with a layer of soil. It should not exceed a height of 20 cm. Next, well pour the mixture.

Care and Harvest

potatoes planted in a bag

Note that if potatoes are planted in a bag, this does not mean that you do not need to take care of it. As soon as the root crops begin to sprout, the young green leaves will need to be additionally covered with soil. This should be done for every "grown up" 7 centimeters of bush. In this case, the topmost leaves should be visible. Stop adding soil when at least 10 cm remains to the edge of the bag. This procedure ensures good tuber development and replaces the standard hilling of beds. Although not all gardeners are advised to add soil. This is argued by the fact that in this case the stem grows more intensively, and not the tubers.

Another feature of care is that the bushes will need to be regularly watered, as they will not have a natural source of moisture. Already somewhere in the middle of summer you can collect the first crop. If the bags are ordinary, then after the tops have wilted, you just need to shake the soil along with the fruits. Note that in this way you can grow potatoes all year round. The main thing is to provide good light and heat conditions to the bushes, as well as periodically water them.

That's all the features of this procedure. Now only you have to choose whether to do this kind of work. Good luck


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