How to enter Ukraine: procedure, necessary documents, crossing the state border and customs, organizational issues, advice and recommendations of specialists

Until recently, the question of how to enter Ukraine did not arise. People freely visited relatives or traveled around the country. But time goes on, which means that the rules for entering the country are changing. To probably not be refused a trip, you must read this article.

New requirements for Russians

Ukrainian flag

Before entering Ukraine, you should find out the requirements for citizens of our country. Recently, the state has tightened the entry regime for citizens of countries that are related to migration risk. For some reason, our country is also on this list. This means that to visit Ukraine, our compatriots will need to go through three stages:

  1. Before you enter Ukraine, you have to register in advance. To do this, visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and fill out an electronic application form. The application form contains personal data, the reason for the trip, as well as the places to be visited. The document must be submitted no later than a month before entering Ukraine. The term can be shortened only in emergency situations, such as the death of relatives or a serious illness.
  2. Recording biometric data directly on the border. From January 1 of this year, such a condition is mandatory. That is, everyone entering the country must have a biometric passport with a contactless electronic chip. Of course, no one can forbid crossing the border with a standard passport, but in this case, the time spent at the border will be delayed, because they will take fingerprints. This procedure will be performed by all foreigners and stateless persons.
  3. Registration at the place of stay is also required. After entering the territory of Ukraine it turned out, you need to immediately register with the authorities. This applies to citizens of all countries that belong to the migration risk group. Last year, such a procedure was not mandatory, because being in the country legally was confirmed by a stamp in the passport. But now everything has become much more complicated, so all the rules of entry must be strictly observed.

The need for a visa for Russians

It’s not news to anyone that for three years now our fellow citizens have been banned from entering Ukraine with a Russian passport. For this reason, the question arises: "How can a Russian citizen enter Ukraine?" Now, a passport is required to visit this country. But there is good news - a visa-free regime is still valid for Russians, which means that you do not need to apply for a visa.

Required documents

Entrance for Russians

Before a Russian citizen enters Ukraine, it is necessary to collect a package of documents. Although the law requires only a passport, in practice this is not entirely true. So, in order to enter this country, you need to have with you:

  1. Return ticket or any document that guarantees that a person will return back to Russia.
  2. Invitation with notarization.
  3. Confirmation of solvency of a citizen of Russia.
  4. Voucher.

How to cross the border by car

To enter Ukraine by car, you must also have documents for the car with you. This means that to cross the border you will need:

  1. Rights to drive a vehicle.
  2. Certificate of car registration.
  3. Local insurance policy. It is acquired before crossing the border or after passing it.
  4. Power of attorney to drive a vehicle if the driver is not the owner of the car.
  5. Travel certificate in case the car is registered with the company.

Starting this year, the implementation of all requirements and the availability of documents is mandatory. Only with their observance will it be possible to enter Ukraine by car.

What can be transported across the border

Symbols of Ukraine

Four years ago, this question arose as sharply as possible. To date, there are no restrictions on the transport of personal items. But if the number of Ukrainians does not infringe on guests from Russia, then there are restrictions on the value of things. So, for travelers by land transport, the sum of all things should not exceed five hundred euros, and for air transport - thousands.

To transport animals, you need to stock up on a certificate. It must have a seal from a veterinary hospital.

The cost of products should not exceed two hundred euros, but there are also restrictions on weight. One name should not be more than two kilograms. It is also allowed to import into the country no more than two hundred cigarettes.

Alcohol is passed only the appropriate volume. For example, alcoholic beverages can be imported no more than a liter, beer drinks - no more than five liters, wines - only three liters.

What can not be transported

It is extremely undesirable to carry things or souvenirs with the symbols of Russia, the image of the president, flag and other things. There are frequent cases when this was regarded as political agitation or aggression by the Russians.

All that is listed in the list of permitted items must not exceed the agreed scope. Otherwise, at the border they can not only make them lay out a part, but even refuse to enter.

How to confirm your financial solvency

Entry for tourists

Under the new rules, before a Russian citizen enters Ukraine, he needs to confirm his solvency. The financial condition is checked in any case, and if there is no money in the account, then the entrant will have to prove that he can get it while he is in the country without violating the law.

Although at the border solvency is not checked at all who enter, it is better to play it safe. To make it easy to calculate the amount of money needed to live in the country, you can use the formula:

(financial security) = ((20 * (cost of living per person per month) / 30) * (number of days in the country) + 5.

Using this formula, you can calculate the minimum amount that must be on the account in order to enter a citizen of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. It is important to remember that the cost of living is considered from the day a person crossed the border of Ukraine.

This does not apply to minors, as well as tourists, refugees, diplomats or people with a residence permit in the country.

Documents for checking financial security

Before a Russian moves into Ukraine, you need to stock up on the following:

  1. In cash. It is permissible to have a country's currency or foreign, but the total amount should not be more than ten thousand euros.
  2. By credit card. It is allowed to provide extracts or checks from ATMs.
  3. Voucher or voucher.
  4. Letter of guarantee. It must confirm that the host takes all the costs for the Russian while the latter is in the country.
  5. Return ticket to Russia or another country with a fixed date.
  6. A document that confirms paid or booked housing.

Stay in the country

Can Russians enter Ukraine? Of course you can. According to the legislation of Ukraine, our fellow citizens cannot be here for more than ninety days. That is, you can stay in the country no longer than three out of six months. After ninety days, the Russian is obliged to return. When another three months pass from the moment of departure, you can come again.

No need to think that nobody is following this. All movements of those entering are controlled by the border service, and for violation of the established time period they are punished with a fine or a ban on entry the next time.

How to enter with children

Kiev sights

How to enter the territory of Ukraine with minors? Local law has settled this issue. Now, to enter the country with a child who has not reached the age of fourteen, you do not need to do a passport. He can pass on the document of the parent, but provided that it is inscribed and has a photograph of him. Children over the age of fourteen are required to have their passport.

Also, the written consent of the second parent is not required if the child crosses the border with only one. The only exception is the previously issued official ban on foreign travel of a child.

In case of crossing the border by a child without both parents (that is, with accompanying persons), it is necessary to provide a written permission from the parents, which the notary assured.

All these points are checked by the border service, so you should not rely on chance and think that no one will notice the violation.

Entry invitation

Is it possible to enter Ukraine without an invitation? According to the law, it is not necessary to have an invitation in order to enter this country. But due to the aggravated political situation, it becomes very difficult for Russians to cross the border, regardless of the presence of a passport and financial situation.

And in order to increase the chances of crossing the border, you need an invitation. It is drawn up by an individual, it also indicates the personal data of that person. As a result, a letter of guarantee is issued, which must be certified by a local notary.

In such a document, it is necessary to indicate not only the period for which it is issued, but also the duration of the action. To issue an invitation you will need:

  1. Ukrainian passport.
  2. Identification code.
  3. Photocopies of pages showing personal information and registration.
  4. A photocopy of the passport of a foreign citizen (first page). Must be certified by a notary.
  5. An indication that the financial obligations are with the host.

This service will cost two hundred hryvnias.

Many reviews in which people said that they went by invitation with a validity period of twelve months, but it is better to foresee everything in advance.

Invitation expiration date

If the document has a validity period, then it will work only until this date. If there is not a word in the invitation on the deadlines, the decision on whether the Russians can enter Ukraine or not remains with the border guard.

Entrance to Ukraine for men

Entrance from Russia to Ukraine

There are no official bans from Ukraine on the entry of Russian men, but in practice border guards may not miss our compatriot. This is because the border service has an unspoken order to thoroughly inspect our men. Male targets between sixteen and sixty years old fall under the scope. According to the rules, it is possible to refuse entry only in case of ambiguity with the documents, but there are cases when the border service refuses entry without explaining the reasons, or even puts a stamp on the prohibition of crossing the border for a certain period.

So how to enter a man from Russia to Ukraine? First of all, you need to make a good impression on the border guard. But it will be useful to prepare documents confirming that the person crossing the border with good intentions. A return ticket, a document confirming payment of housing in the country, an invitation from a citizen of the country, paper that confirms the financial security of the entrant is perfect.

Most often, one invitation is enough, it is equivalent to all other documents, but it is better to play it safe and stock up on all the papers.

Secrets of Crossing the Border

As such, there are no secrets, but there is a forethought that can greatly help. You do not need to rely solely on the fact that, according to the law, only a passport is enough to cross the border. After all, each border guard officer makes a subjective opinion about the person entering, so it’s better to try to leave a favorable impression about yourself and not forget the package of documents. They are especially useful if the border guard is unimpressive.

Is an invitation required for women

Again, one can often hear the question of whether women can enter Ukraine without an invitation. The law does not spell out the mandatory presence of the latter, and in theory, they should not require it at the border. But again, everything rests on the personal qualities of a border guard officer.

How to replace the invitation

An official document can be replaced by a personal meeting at the border, but provided that the person meeting has an identity document with him. Despite this, here, too, without the human factor, nowhere. The bias of the border guard may be a reason for refusal.

If any problems suddenly arise, you should immediately call the hotline, inform the management of the service or write a complaint about the intractable employee. The main thing is not to forget to find out the personal data of a person who exceeds his authority.

Border crossing and two passports

Local population

Recently, very often you can hear the question of which passport you can enter in Ukraine, if there are two. This is very true for residents of the Crimea. So, in order to cross both borders without problems, you need to show the Ukrainian passport in Ukrainian, and our country's passport in Russian.

And here again, the perception of the person by the service employee plays a role. In order not to run into problems, it is best to communicate politely, answer questions clearly and thoughtfully.

Customs clearance features

At customs, the rules of crossing the border are always respected. Another thing is that some employees show unhealthy zeal. According to the law, customs must undergo document checks, inspection of things or goods, oral questioning of people entering or registration of vehicles.

When carrying out their work, border zone employees should take as a basis only the Customs Code of Ukraine, regulatory legal acts regulating customs, and the provisions of international agreements.

Border guards have the right to the following actions:

  1. Check documents at the person entering the country.
  2. Carry out a customs inspection. It includes checking personal belongings, a vehicle or goods.
  3. To control reporting and accounting of goods transported across the border. Customs officers can also control how timely fees and taxes have been paid.
  4. Border guards are entitled to an oral survey of both individuals and officials entering.

Customs officers have the right to choose actions from the list of permissible ones, but they cannot violate the law of the country, as well as international agreements. By the way, the longest period of storage of goods at customs for inspection is one hundred eighty days.

Who can not enter Ukraine

Since 2015, Ukraine has introduced a ban on the entry of some of our fellow citizens. In this list, the number of people is constantly changing, because every year it is replenished. You can see this list on the official website of the Government of the President of Ukraine. Only there will it be true.

According to some reports, 1228 individuals and 468 legal entities cannot enter Ukraine. Such a ban is valid for a period of one year to three years. The average citizens who do not carry political propaganda or threats to the country do not create obstacles to entry. If all the documents are in order, then problems with visiting the country should not arise.

Entry Features

In connection with the political situation between the countries, there were nuances that should not be forgotten.

For example, large men are always subjected to more rigorous inspection and evaluation than all the other entrants. If there will be a group of men at the border, then it will be checked by all possible means. This does not apply only to the maintenance personnel of the vehicle that crosses the border.

In addition to a foreign passport for Russians, border guards always set the purpose of arrival in the country. That is, a person here must provide some paper related to clarifying the purpose of the trip.

Nevertheless, no matter how good it may be, the decision about the entry of a specific person into the territory of Ukraine is made only after passing the second line of border control. Only an official has the authority to authorize or refuse, and he must explain the reason for the refusal, which is consistent with the law of the country.

How to get to the border

If we talk about land transport, then there are only two options - a personal car or a train. You need to choose what is most convenient and consistent with your goals. In any case, there are pros and cons. For example, to travel by train you need to buy tickets and prepare documents, but to travel by car, you have to go through a car check at the border and purchase a green card or compulsory motor liability insurance.

In the case of a trip by car, there is no need to pay state duties, because they simply do not exist. The driver will just take a special ticket at the checkpoint and answer why he is going to Ukraine. After that, passport control and inspection of the car will be held together with the passengers (if necessary).

It is important not to forget about the human factor. It depends on him how quickly the test will pass. In order not to waste time in vain, it is better to study reviews in advance about various checkpoints in automobiles.

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Now, after the information received, we can summarize. It became clear how to enter Ukraine a citizen who has dual citizenship. The article provides a list of additional documents that may be needed when crossing the Ukrainian border.

It was no less clear that the subjective assessment of border guards moving in not only takes place, but is also actively practiced.

All this suggests that it is not necessary to relate to crossing the Ukrainian border too easily, because the aggravated political situation does not contribute to this. It is better to try to make the most favorable impression on the employee of the border zone, thereby protecting yourself from refusal of entry.

If there are doubts about the competence and legality of the actions of the border service, then you should not be afraid, but complain to all instances. Only in this case can one achieve truth and calm too ardent guardians of borders.


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