How to crochet amigurumi: photos of toys, the choice of material, the basics of knitting, instructions on how to complete the work and tips of craftswomen

Knitting amigurumi toys is a real art. These cute creatures managed to conquer the whole world: someone likes to receive them as a gift, and someone knits. Fashion for amigurumi does not pass for a long time, and it is unlikely to pass.

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Crochet amigurumi toys

Amigurumi art originated in Japan. This is a way to crochet or knitting miniature toys, little men, animals, etc.

Initially, amigurumi toys differed from others in appearance and miniature size. They had a hypertrophied large head or limbs compared to the rest of the body.

Subsequently, the term "amigurumi" began to be used to name simply knitted toys. Only the knitting technique remains common to them - in a spiral, without lifting loops, which helps to ensure a practically invisible seam.

Amigurumi ring

Knitting any knitted toy, if it is voluminous, and not flat, begins with an amigurumi ring.

So what is an amigurumi ring and how to crochet it correctly?

Since amigurmi are miniature toys, their size began from 3-5 centimeters, a special knitting technique was invented so that the ugly seam that forms when the rows are crossed is not visible and there is no large hole at the beginning of knitting of the part.

The question of how to crochet an amigurumi ring is very relevant for beginners. In our article, we selected the best options, more on that later.

First you need to take any thread and hook a little thinner than indicated on the yarn label. This is done in order to increase the density of knitting.

How to crochet an amigurumi ring: a step-by-step workshop

The whole secret of the “magic ring” is that the columns do not need to be knitted into a connected chain of air loops or into the first loop of the chain, but into a thread wound around a finger (a sliding loop). Having knitted the required number of columns, you just need to pull the end of the thread - and the ring will tighten.

When knitting in the first loop of the chain, the result was a rather large hole, which is very inconvenient for toys, since the filler is knocked out. Therefore, they came up with this simple and ingenious method.

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Material selection

Talking about how to crochet amigurumi, it is impossible to get past this topic. The choice of materials in our time is huge, just a paradise for needlewomen, there would be time for a favorite pastime.

So yarn. Almost any thread is used for knitting toys: acrylic, cotton, wool, half-wool, and interesting ones are obtained from fancy yarn toys (grass, chenille, pom-pom yarn, etc.). But you need to start with a simple yarn, leaving a fantasy for later, when the experience appears.

It must be borne in mind that the quality of the toy will also depend on the quality of the thread: cute animals can be made from very cheap acrylic, but in a few days they will be covered with spools, lose their appearance and shape, or share their color with the owner, leaving colored spots on the baby’s handles, his clothes and bed.

And vice versa, from threads more expensive, for example, mercerized cotton, you get pleasant to the touch and beautiful toys (unless, of course, the quality of knitting is at the level).

The main tool of the knitter, with which toys are created, is a hook. You need to choose it very carefully, as it will be a shame if the tool breaks during operation.

You need to start with the manufacturer by choosing the optimal price category: from cheap Chinese (30-50 rubles apiece) to Japanese with a price of 300-500 rubles. and above the hook.

The materials from which the hooks are made are also different: metal, plastic, wood, etc.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the hook does not have nicks, chips, cracks and in any case does not bend, since when knitting toys you need a high density of the fabric, therefore, the hook has a lot of pressure on the hands of the craftswoman. And if he does not resist this pressure, he will simply break. Based on the experience of the craftswomen, the most convenient and durable hooks for knitting toys are steel hooks without handles.

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Amigurumi Knitting Basics

Amigurumi toys are knitted mainly by crochet, but you can also use knitting needles - that’s a matter of taste.

Any novice skilled worker who can learn to crochet at least a little can cope with knitting, only she needs to master reading patterns, they are usually simple.

When knitting amigurumi, the simplest techniques are used, that is, basic knowledge and skills are quite enough: how to knit crochet columns, how to make decreases and increases, how to change the thread.

The toy consists of separately connected parts, which are then sewn together, each part is packed separately.

Knitting begins with an amigurumi ring (the "magic" ring). All parts are knitted in a spiral, without lifting loops, single crochet, for both halves of the loop (unless otherwise indicated in the diagram).

Details are sewn together with the same thread that was used when knitting toys. If for some reason it does not fit (it breaks quickly, unable to withstand the tension, or is too thick, etc.), you can use a thin fishing line or dental floss or divide the thread from which the toy was knitted into several separate strands.

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First amigurumi

At the sight of these cute creatures, the question necessarily arises: "How to crochet amigurumi?" For beginners, it is better to choose a toy easier, without small details. For example, a mouse, a hedgehog, a Kolobok. When the first skills appear and it becomes clear how to crochet amigurumi, you can take on more difficult toys.

Instructions for knitting a duckling

Let's start our acquaintance with this technique with the figures of a duckling. A bright, cute toy will appeal to the baby, and it’s not very difficult to do the work.

How to crochet amigurumi? A step-by-step master class is presented in the photo below.

Knitting pattern duckling

Toy assembly

Having figured out the basic principles of how to crochet amigurumi and knit all the details of the toy, you can proceed to the assembly. This is the most crucial stage, since the details need to be fixed firmly, preferably with an invisible seam. You need to arrange them symmetrically, pre-jokes with English pins in the intended places. Changing the location of the eyes, ears, nose, you can change the expression on the face of the doll or face of the animal.

Legs, handles, a tail are similarly fastened.

You need to attach the parts first with pins, see if the eyes and ears are in place or if they need to be slightly displaced, and only then sew on. This will save the beginning craftswoman from the need to redo the already finished work.

Sew details must be carefully, first having studied how experienced craftsmen do this, because there are many secrets:

  • how to sew individual parts (head, arms, legs);
  • how to hide the thread at the beginning and at the end of the work;
  • what to do so that the toy filler does not break out, and how to distribute it evenly.
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Toy decor

Having finished knitting and assembling the toy, you can proceed to decorate it, without limiting your imagination.

You can use anything you like as materials: pieces of fabric, leather, braid, beads, beads - there are a lot of options.

When decorating a toy or preparing clothes for it, you need to remember who the product is intended for.

If for a small child, then special attention should be paid to fixing parts, the filler should often allow the toy to be washed without harming the appearance. Do not use cotton wool, cardboard or similar materials.

Mermaid with colored hair

Some tips from experienced craftsmen

  • When knitting parts in a circle, be sure to use markers that indicate the beginning or end of the row. This can be a different color thread, pin or special markers that can be bought at the store.
  • Starting the work of knitting a circle, the remaining end of the thread needs to be knitted into the fabric, simply laying it on top of the columns of the previous row.
  • At the end of the work, the remaining ends of the thread are hidden in this way: they take a needle, thread the rest of the thread into it and sew the parts through and through. This is done several times, but you need to make sure that there are no depressed places, this spoils the look of the toy. When a small tail remains, the needle with the thread is slightly pulled and cut, the thread should hide inside the part in the filler.
  • Only a special synthetic filler is suitable: several varieties of holofiber have been developed (comfort, synthepukh, etc.). The synthetic winterizer is inconvenient to distribute inside the toy.
  • Do not use leftover threads, pieces of fabric, cotton, or similar materials for stuffing.
  • It is necessary to fill rather densely, but so that the knitted fabric does not stretch and the filler is not visible.
  • When filling small parts it is very convenient to use tweezers.
  • In order not to abandon knitting after the first toy, you need to choose the lightest scheme for the first product. When it will turn out well, then you can take on more complex models.


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