Pomeranian Spitz: life expectancy, care features, diet, photo

Pomeranian belongs to the decorative breed of dwarf dogs. This species originates from a small place called Pomerania, which is located on the shores of the Baltic Sea. German Pomeranian is one of the oldest dogs in Central Europe. According to historical information, they are considered the ancestors of Rütemeyer and the peat dog, who lived in the Stone Age.

Pomeranian is distinguished by playfulness, energy and cheerfulness. The dog’s height is 18–22 cm, the muzzle is similar to a fox, its paws are small and parallel to each other. This species has a very thick coat, which prevents them from freezing even in winter. Among the popular representatives of this breed can be distinguished Pomeranian mini, medium and small. Their differences: in body size and coat color. All species have small ears, thick hair and attentive eyes.

Pet care

About two to three times a week, the dog needs to brush his teeth using a special toothpaste and brush. A pet should be combed a couple of times a week, special attention should be paid to the following places: chin, behind the ears and in the groin area.

Spitz on a walk

During molting, the hair needs to be combed every day. Spitz must be bathed as rarely as possible - no more than twice a month. The skin of the dog is subject to peeling and dryness, so you need to choose a quality shampoo. It is best to wash your pet only in case of severe contamination, in other cases it is recommended to use dry shampoo. The ears of the animal are susceptible to infection by various infectious pathogens, so regular hygiene is required, they must be carefully cleaned once a week with a napkin or cotton swab.

Pomeranian Spitz

Dogs of this type have a rounder head and a flattened face, and on the cheeks they have fluffy and dense hair. Pomeranian Spitz bear (photo below) looks more well-fed than other types, and resembles a funny teddy bear.

Pomeranian Spitz

Each breed has individual characteristics that are formed in adulthood. Weight is two to three kilograms, and height 18-22 cm. There are twelve types of color. Among the advantages can be noted the natural mind, ease of care and miniature. Among the minuses are high activity and loud barking. The price for a four-legged starts at $ 500 (33,600 rubles.).

Life expectancy at home

Many owners of these wonderful pets often wonder about the life span of a Pomeranian and how to extend it. This breed of dog belongs to the centenarians, as they live up to 15 years. However, there are individuals who live up to eighteen years of age. The life span of a pet is affected not only by home conditions, but also by external factors, such as nutrition, ecology, physical activity, and hygiene.

Spitz resting

An attentive as well as caring owner can extend the life of his spitz for several years. The average life span of a Pomeranian is twelve to fifteen years. The dog needs to be fed excellent quality food and constantly examined by a veterinarian. In addition, communication with other dogs plays a significant role for this breed. Constant physical activity is also necessary for the Spitz. Subject to all conditions, the pet will delight you for many years.

Factors That Shorten Dog's Life Span

Pomeranian has excellent health. They have practically no birth defects. Diseases that can shorten the life span of a Pomeranian are:

  • arthritis;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cardiovascular abnormalities.
Spitz puppies

Such diseases can occur due to poor nutrition, as well as improper maintenance. It is forbidden to give poor quality dry food to the dog. There are no nutrients in such food, but there is a huge amount of starch and food additives, which, in turn, is bad for the health of your pet. Also, you should not feed the dog from the table, as this will upset the balance of the diet and lead to pancreatic disease.

Pomeranian Spitz is affected by unbalanced nutrition and excess weight. In the first case, the dog may fade, shed and fall out, and in the second, a significant load on the spine, joints and heart occurs. In addition, you should not ignore the means that protect the dog from ticks and fleas.

How to extend the life of a pet?

After reaching the age of seven, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian several times a year. If you suspect a disease, you should consult with specialists. It is advisable to alternate feed with special vitamin complexes that strengthen bones and joints. With increasing age of the four-legged, fatty foods are removed from the diet, and meat is replaced with fish. In old age, the dog should continue to lead an active lifestyle, because despite its age, it needs regular physical activity. Overweight can reduce the lifespan of a Pomeranian spitz, so you need to constantly monitor it.

Black spitz

If the dog is overweight, then the risk of cardiovascular disease will increase. Each walk with the dog should last at least one hour. This species has increased risks of fracture of the bones and spine, it is also worth paying attention to. A dog cannot be scared and punished. In addition, the vaccination schedule should be observed. At the onset of summer, the four-legged is trimmed in order to make it easier to tolerate the heat. The most important thing is the owner’s caring attitude towards his pet, thanks to which the dog will delight its owner for many years.

Features of four-legged nutrition

An adult dog is fed twice a day, and puppies up to five times. For one kilogram of a pet’s weight, 25 g of feed is given. Beef and chicken should make up the bulk of the four-legged diet. A bear-type Pomeranian (photo below), just like the rest of the species, needs to be given fish once or twice a week.

A pet

In addition, the dog is fed rice, buckwheat and oatmeal porridge. Vegetables can be added to the diet, and beef cartilage will be useful for puppies.


Pomeranian Spitz is not just a cute dog, but a wayward and active dog with a brave heart. With unfamiliar people, he will not be courteous, but most likely, he will fly over them. Do not forget that this species is very energetic and you need to constantly play and walk with it. And for the coat to always remain beautiful and fluffy, regular care is required for it. Subject to these simple rules, a four-legged pet will delight his master for many years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16000/

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