How to make a house out of matches without glue: step by step instructions and photos

Making products from matches is a very topical activity that does not involve large financial investments. Work on the “object” has many advantages: the development of fine motor skills, the formation of perseverance and improved attention. Usually in such products glue is used for fastening matches. But you can do without this component. There are understandable instructions on how to make a house out of matches without glue. It is enough to choose the right materials.

What materials need to be prepared for work on the house from matches

Making a match house does not require a huge amount of tools and materials. The set is limited to the main parts. To understand how to make a house out of matches without glue, it is worth choosing the right tools and materials:

  1. As a stand, a box from the CD-ROM can be used.
  2. Coin with a face value of 2 rubles.
  3. Packing matches.
main material for work

This is a standard set of materials and accessories that will come in handy when working on a match building.

Tool Tips

How to make a house out of matches without glue for beginners so as to simplify the creation process and make it as comfortable as possible. Experienced creators know tricks that simplify some points in the work:

  1. Instead of a box from under the disk, it is better to use dough or plasticine. Roll out the material in a thin layer and lay it on a flat surface. It will be the foundation that will hold the base matches of the future design.
  2. To gently lay matches without breaking an already formed composition, tweezers can be used. It is possible to lay out and move matches within the framework of a design with the help of thin metal rods.
  3. To keep the distance between matches in the process of forming the first row of the base, you can put a ruler on the surface. In accordance with the marking, make the laying of the material.
making a house

You can use other devices that will facilitate the process of creating a masterpiece.

Workplace preparation and basics

It is necessary to carefully prepare the workplace. Only after that it will be possible to easily make a house out of matches without glue:

  1. You need to make an object on the table. A board that will be held on its knees is not suitable for folding matches.
  2. Place a bag or plastic wrap on the table if dough or plasticine is used for the base. When using the box from under the disks, additional materials for covering the table are not necessary.
  3. Pour a box of matches onto a plate or tabletop. Immediately select items without sulfur or broken matches.
  4. Put a coin on the table.

When the preparatory phase of the tools and materials is completed, then you can begin to work.

Foundation laying

First you need to understand how to make a house out of matches without glue, where the foundation will be the basis of the design. If the initial styling is done correctly, then the object will turn out to be neat and strong. Foundation laying algorithm:

  1. Lay two matches opposite each other at a distance of 5-7 cm.
  2. Place 2 matches on 2 main matches at an equal distance from each other. The tips with sulfur should be located on one side.
  3. In the same way form a second layer of matches. The sulfur of each element should be located on one side of the structure. The heads should go to the opposite side relative to the first location.
foundation laying

These first three layers are the foundation, the so-called foundation.

The method of assembly of the main structure

When the base is ready, you can begin to work on the walls of the building. It uses a specific bookmarking algorithm for each row. How to make a house out of matches without glue? According to the instructions for the simplest manufacture of the case. It involves the following steps:

  1. Lay 2 matches at the extreme level parallel to each other on the foundation. Sulfur heads must be directed in different directions.
  2. Lay 2 more matches on top according to the same principle. They will be perpendicular to the previous layer.
  3. All sulfur heads should go in different directions.
  4. 6 more rows fit in the same way. It turns out a kind of well.
  5. Lay the well with 8 matches according to the same principle as laying the foundation.
  6. Lay the flooring of 6 matches perpendicularly. 2 extreme remain free.
strengthening the building

The basis of the walls, ceiling and floor has been formed, but this design is not reinforced - this is the layout.

Enclosure Strengthening Scheme

To understand how to make a house out of matches without glue - an instruction with a photo is the best assistant. Especially if you need to strengthen the already prepared building of the facility. How to make a house out of matches without glue? Step-by-step instructions for strengthening the foundation:

  1. Insert the matches with the sulfur heads up into the corner holes that were formed as a result of superposition of two layers of matches. In the process of sticking matches you can use a coin. Money will serve as the basis for holding the construction with your finger.
  2. Further along the edges are vertical matches. Such fixation will make the base of the house strong.
  3. It is necessary to correct all matches so that all sulfur heads are evenly spaced.
  4. Carefully burn the case on all sides to fix the arrangement of matches between each other.
  5. Turn the product over and strengthen the building with vertical matches that are placed behind the walls. Sulfur heads are directed up.
  6. Another layer is laid out with horizontal matches.
the whole scheme for making a house

The walls, floor and ceiling are reinforced. The base is strong and resistant to mechanical stress. You can take the cube from matches into hands and turn the product - all the elements will remain in their places.

Assembly of the roof of a match house

The next and final stage in the manufacture of a matchhouse is the manufacture of a roof. No glue is used in the manufacturing process of this part. The roof is formed in a certain way. In accordance with the instructions on how to make a house out of matches without glue in stages:

  1. Pull out sticks that were inserted vertically to half the length. Uniformity can be checked by covering them with a book. So you can evaluate which element is elongated more and which less. Match if necessary.
  2. Next, the attic is formed. Slide 5 matches horizontally into the cube ceiling. Elements are pushed between those matches that were stuck out to half from the building. Heads are directed in one direction. Duplicate the second layer with the same layout, but the heads must be directed in the opposite direction.
  3. The third and fourth layers will consist of 4 matches. Laying in the direction of the heads is the same as the first 2.
  4. The 5th and 6th rows of the roof will consist of 2 matches.
  5. Hollowly lay matches, fixing each element between vertically protruding matches of the case. According to the shape of the roof, edit the level of vertical matches.
  6. Between the cavities of the matches from which the walls are made, place 15 elements. You need to shove the matches so that they resemble a rectangle. It will be a door. On a parallel wall, make a window in the same way.
  7. Fill 4 matches into the base of the roof until the end, forming a square. Get a pipe.
roof manufacturing features

In accordance with such a scheme, it is possible to produce not such simple structures, but more complex and large ones. From cubes without a roof, you can make large structures.

Finished Product Processing

In addition to the scheme regarding how to make a house out of matches without glue, a recommendation should be used on how to process the finished structure. Firing in the initial stages is a primitive option for strengthening the base and walls.

To make a match house more strong and attractive, it is worth making a secondary finish. First you need to make a primer. Such a composition will make matches safe - sulfur will no longer be set on fire.

ready-made house of matches

Then the matches can be varnished or gouache painted. Additional decorative elements can be glued to the base. The decoration and processing options depend on the general concept of the product and the features of its use in another craft.


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