All the answers to the question about the name of the brave boy from the work of Gaidar

The time has long passed when all the boys wanted to become astronauts, travelers or just heroes defending their homeland. Now more and more often they dream of high salaries, beautiful houses and prestigious cars. Otherwise, the current generation would not have a question about the name of the brave boy from the work of Gaidar. About 30 years ago, everyone knew the answer to it.

The fight for the soul of a little boy

what is the name of the brave boy from the work of Gaidar
In vain Arkady Petrovich Gaidar is considered an exclusively children's writer. Yes, his works are intended for reading at a young age, but it is equally important to know their parents, to understand the soul of a child and help him become noble, courageous and honest, which is vital for the formation of a man.

The author of "School", "Military Secret", "Far Countries", "Timur and his team", "The Fates of a Drummer" and other wonderful books, he himself has always been a brave warrior. At first he fought on the fronts of the Civil War, sincerely believing in a brighter future, then his boyish soul became his battlefield, and the word became his weapon.

The writer, along with the heroes of his books, goes through all the trials: he is next to Kibalchish, when he is tortured by enemies, he helps Timur to be strong and principled, he protects the small but courageous Alka. So one of the answers to the question about the name of the brave boy from the work of Gaidar could be this: Arkady Petrovich himself is the author of all these instructive works.

Little hero

brave boy from the work of Gaidar
The main character of "Military Secret" is only six years old. He has no mother — she was killed in prison for being a communist. Father is always busy with responsible and important work. Alka is a boy from the work of Gaidar, which also tells about the Boy-Kibalchish. These heroes have much in common, above all, the struggle for justice.

This is a very soulful and touching image. The boy is trusting in a childish way, but serious and understanding in an adult way. Thoughtful, but charmingly direct, persistent, but unusually gentle. All the other characters of the story, in contact with Alka, become cleaner, more noble, honest and kind, even the counselor Natka, who is already nineteen years old.

So why did the author allow this little hero to die, like Malchish? Alka died from the blow of a stone that was thrown at his father. He could not run away, leave his own man in a moment of danger. And death, as you know, chooses the best and most courageous. Here is another answer to the question about the name of the brave boy from the work of Gaidar. This is Alka - a child with a warm and brave heart of a warrior.

Gaidar boy

Invincible Kibalchish

Only that country is invincible, where residents, young and old, have common interests, and all people help each other. Perhaps this is how one can now interpret the well-known “Tale of the Boy-Kibalchish”. And, of course, this is a poetic narrative about the stamina and endurance of the Russian people when they know that they are defending.

The tale was written in 1935 (it is part of the "Military Secret"), and six years later the Great Patriotic War began. The brave boy from the work of Gaidar, who suffered a painful death from the bourgeois, but never told them military secrets, became a real hero, embodied in the exploits of young fighters.

And the whole world saw that the Russians really have a secret to win. Only this secret is not military, not written in books, it is in the hearts and fortitude of the people of Russia.

Timur is always in a hurry to help

At first there was a script of the film, and only then “Timur and his team” became a story. It was 1940. Apparently, Arkady Petrovich felt the approach of war, because in this work the writer openly and persistently prepares teenagers for the impending disaster.

The hero of the story organizes a headquarters to assist families in which men serve in the army. And what is the name of the brave boy from the work of Gaidar, who managed to combine the game with good, we learn from the title of the work. This is Timur.

Timur and his team

In the attic of the barn, which became the headquarters of the team, children's romance reigned: the steering wheel, ropes, cans, which constituted a complex alarm system, so that it was possible to immediately inform about the urgent collection at any time of the day.

And incredible things happened in the district: a barrel in one yard is filled with water itself, mysteriously stacking firewood in another in a log of wood, telegrams are sent to someone, children are calmed down at someone. These miracles are created by Timur and his team.

Arkady Petrovich died in the war. He was hit by a bullet, but managed to warn his comrades about an ambush. So the writer remained faithful to his ideals until the last moment.


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