Adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump. The principle of operation, scheme

Adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump is one of the most important tasks that must be carried out at regular intervals. This device is a control device with which you can set the required parameters of the pumps.

General description of the unit

The pressure switch is engaged in automatic control of the pump at the station, regulating the time it is turned on and off. In this case, the device is guided by the set parameters that are set by the person. It is worth noting that there are no clear restrictions on the upper or lower pressure limits. Each owner of a private house is responsible for adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump. However, here it is still worth paying attention to the fact that each model of the device is designed for specific indicators prescribed in the technical documentation, which is not recommended to be violated.

adjustment of the water pressure switch for the pump

Design features

If we talk about what this device is, in terms of design, then this is a small-sized device that looks like a compact unit with two springs, the adjustment of which is carried out using the appropriate nuts. The springs correspond to the upper and lower limits of the adjustable parameter. Accordingly, one nut for each of the parts. There is also a membrane that is connected to the springs and responds to pressure changes. If the value of the characteristic decreases to the minimum value, then the element weakens, if, on the contrary, the pressure rises, then the spring will compress more.

It is important to understand here that the compression or weakening of this element directly affects the connection or disconnection of contacts. In other words, springs control the on or off of water pumps.

water pumps

Operation of equipment

This device works completely automatically, which allows you to constantly maintain a given pressure of water in the water supply. The upper and lower limits are created so that it is possible to adjust the water pressure switch for the pump, as well as to maximize the life of this device without repairing it. The connection of a water pressure switch of this type is most often carried out in a heated room.

It is worth noting that modern pump models are equipped with elements such as a fitting for mounting a relay, an integrated filter and a check valve. For this reason, some of the models of these devices can be installed in the direct unit with the pump itself.

pump repair

Another important point is that there are water pressure switch circuits for connection to a moisture-proof system. Such samples can be mounted directly in the well itself, where water is drawn.

The principle of operation of the equipment

The essence of the unit is as follows. It performs registration of fluid pressure in the pipeline using a spring. If there is sufficient pressure corresponding to the lower set limit, the switching contact closes and the device switches on. As soon as the pressure reaches the maximum value, the spring acts on the contact, opening it, thereby disconnecting the device. Thus, the operation of water pumps is monitored using a relay.

In addition to the fact that this device has mechanisms for setting pressure limits, there are also additional elements, such as a “dry” forced start button, devices for a smoother start, operation indicators, etc.

water pressure switch connection

Installation of equipment

The best place to install this device is the location that is located at the outlet of the accumulator. The greatest degree of leveling of such parameters as pressure surges, as well as turbulence of the fluid flow, is present on this pipeline interval.

water pressure switch Price

It is worth noting that for some models, some manufacturers set the threshold for microclimate. In other words, operation is possible only at a temperature of +4 degrees Celsius or more. There is a limitation on humidity - not more than 70%.

Relay Application Characteristics

Before proceeding with the selection of the relay model, the accumulator and pumps must already be selected. Also, before purchasing it is important to decide on some working parameters inside the system.

  1. The maximum indicator upon reaching which the device will be disconnected.
  2. The minimum indicator at which the equipment will be turned on.
  3. Another important parameter is the determination of air pressure in the accumulator chamber.

An important point to pay attention to is that the minimum pressure indicator in the air chamber of the battery should be approximately 0.2 atm higher than the lower pressure parameter of the pump in the pipeline. It is also important to note that there are two different relay models. One of them is considered power and performs on / off contacts on the pump unit. The second group is control models that only give a signal to the control unit.

pump pressure

Design features and parameter settings

The main feature of this equipment lies precisely in the fact that it is very simple to execute. The relay has a fitting for attaching to the piping system. Also, its package includes terminals that are used to connect the device to the mains. Inside there is a spring-type mechanism, which controls the operation of the entire device. The adjustment of the springs is carried out by turning the threaded element. That's the whole construction of the unit. For this reason, adjusting the water pressure switch for the pump is quite simple.

Most often, the relay is used in everyday life, that is, for installation on local city pipelines. For such models, the manufacturer always sets the factory settings. It is important to note here that the parameters that the manufacturer sets are average, that is, those that will fit most systems. In numbers, these parameters look like this: the upper limit is 3.0 atm, and the lower limit is 1.5 atm.

Pump Repair

It is immediately worth noting that equipment that will work for the longest time without failure can only be purchased from a trusted manufacturer. In addition, the guarantee for the device is quite large, when buying such a relay you do not have to look for components for a long time, since the device is quite common. In addition, it will be much easier to find a relay repair service center if it is manufactured by a well-known company. However, repair of pumps, relays and other things can be done independently. There are four common problems.

water pressure switch circuit

The first problem is when the pump is running, but there is no water in the tap. The most common cause of this malfunction is the check valve. If this element does not close, then the liquid cannot move up, it will all drain down. Another reason may be the severe wear of such a part as an impeller. Also, if such a defect occurs, it is recommended to check whether the tank is completely filled with water.

The second problem is when the pump is running, but the water is unstable. This means that there is a lack of pressure in the hydraulic tank. The reason for this incident is two things. The first is damage to the tank body, a crack or hole through which moisture seeps. The second problem is the failure of the membrane. To determine the source of the problem, you need to inflate the tank with air to about 1.5-1.6 atm. If the pressure is not maintained, but constantly drops, then there is a crack in the tank. If the set value is maintained without problems, then you need to change the membrane.

The third problem is that the pump does not turn on at all. There can be many reasons for this effect to occur. Oxidized contacts, damaged motor winding, cable problems, starting capacitor wear. The worst case scenario is engine combustion, which can occur if the device runs in dry running mode. In this case, you need to change the stator winding.

The last problem is if the pump is buzzing but not working. This can be caused either by low voltage or by impeller contamination. If the voltage is normal, then you need to disassemble the device and clean it.

The price of a water pressure switch ranges from 650 to 2500 rubles.


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