Clamshell book. With our own hands we make educational toys for children

Educational toys made by mom’s hands - what could be more original, more interesting and more beautiful? From attributes for the activities and entertainments of handmade kids it still blows with warmth, comfort and care. The quality of such toys is much higher than the factory ones, especially since you make them yourself and select the materials that will be safe for the little man. A self-made clamshell book will become the most beloved among a whole pile of other children's books. Do you want to make sure of this? We invite you to study our master class on the topic "How to make a clamshell book with your own hands."

do-it-yourself clamshell book

Stage of preparation of tools and materials

To make an accordion book you will need the following accessories:

  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • album sheets;
  • cotton fabric ;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue ;
  • Scotch;
  • ruler;
  • multi-colored felt-tip pens or markers;
  • Decorative elements: braid, laces, rhinestones, sequins, stickers.

How do you create a clamshell book with your own hands? Description of the manufacturing process

how to make a clamshell book

  1. Cut out pages from a cardboard for a future book of your desired shape and size.
  2. From the fabric, make strips with a width of about 4 centimeters and a length equal to the length of the page.
  3. Connect all the cardboard sheets together with an "accordion", gluing them to textile blanks.
  4. Gently fold and unfold the book to make sure that it folds well and correctly.
  5. Leave the product completely dry when folded under a heavy object. This will prevent the process of "twisting" the cardboard from moisture from the glue.
  6. All pages can be decorated with a border of colored paper.

Children's clamshell book. With our own hands we create a developing attribute for a child. Determine the plot

Before you get to work, think about what your book will be about. Subjects can be varied: "Seasons", "Animals", "Vegetables, fruits, berries" and the like.

Design of a children's developing harmonica book

Create a plot on separate sheets of paper. You can perform it with the help of drawings or applications. Write text below the pictures. It can be just letters of the alphabet and pictures of objects whose name begins with them, or riddles and guessing patterns, etc. In the decoration of pages, use stickers, rhinestones, braid, laces.

In order for the book to fulfill its developmental function, you can insert pages with tasks of the type “Pass the labyrinth”, “Draw on the points”, “Circle the object along the contour” and more.

Clamshells for children can be sensory. To make them, stick on each cardboard sheet pieces of materials of different textures: fur, velor, oilcloth, leather and the like. Playing with such an attribute, the baby develops tactile sensations and fine motor skills of the hands.

clamshell books

Involve children in the creation of the little book. Together with them, think over and discuss the plot, decide which characters to draw. Allow the baby to cut or paste something on its own. A self-made clamshell book will appeal to every little child. Give children such joy!


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