Pattern of a rooster from the fabric. Soft toy, cock tilda

By New Year and Easter it is easy to sew a beautiful cockerel. It can be presented, used as an interior toy, or hung on a Christmas tree, on a wall, on a bag. And for sewing, the craftswoman will need a pattern of a rooster from the fabric.

Tilda toys - a charming home decoration

The gizmos in this technique are easy to do. You should only remember a few important rules.

  • Toys are made of natural fabrics: linen, cotton, fleece.
  • For the body and face (muzzle, head), it is best to use plain material.
  • Clothing is sewn from fabric of any color, but it is preferable to use fabric with a fine pattern.
  • The joint seam of the product halves should pass in the middle of the face or muzzle, crossing the nose.
  • Puppet tilde is traditionally made tanned, using dry blush, powder, coffee, cocoa, finely ground pencil lead to color the fabric. Sometimes masters even apply watercolor paint or gouache with a brush on an already finished product. The animals that are performed according to the canons of making dolls look original: tanned cockerels, hares, elephants are touched by their similarity to tilda-bathers.

Open the tilde rooster

The most important thing without which the tilde cock will not work is a pattern. Having chosen the most suitable, it should be transferred to paper, polyethylene or cardboard. Then you need to carefully cut each part separately with scissors.

cock tilda pattern

If a pattern of a rooster from a fabric of its size does not suit the master for some reason, he can transfer the pattern to graph paper, and then, using a grid, draw patterns on a different scale.

An interesting version of an interior toy is considered here. It should turn out tanned, as bathers usually do, a cock-tilde. The pattern in the article is given in full size, but if desired, it can be increased. The drawing shows patterns for cutting clothes of the leader of the chicken flock.

It should be remembered that all parts must have an allowance of 2-3 millimeters for seams. You can sew both manually and on a typewriter. For stuffing a toy, it is necessary to leave a hole in the place that is most invisible to the eye, which is then sewn up manually with a hidden seam.

Attic toy "cockerel"

If the fabric is boiled in coffee, tea before cutting, or coated with a mixture of instant coffee with cocoa powder and PVA glue, then it will acquire not only a pleasant tan color, but also retain an amazing aroma. Additionally, you can add cinnamon or vanilla to this pulp. A toy made from the resulting material will not only decorate the interior, but also exude a pleasant smell of coffee, similar to how it happens with toys made in the attic technique.

For sewing, the same pattern of a rooster from a fabric is suitable, according to which it is made using the technique of tild toys, that is, with a figure close to the human figure. You get a sort of cool little man with a bird's head and wings, but with wide hips and standing on long straight legs.

To give the toy stability, before sewing on the paw-feet, wooden skewers for skewers are poked into the legs from below, piercing the filler. Skewers should stick into the body of the rooster and go inside 4-5 cm. You can use them not one thing for each leg, but two or even three. The excess breaks off, leaving protruding tips 5-6 millimeters long for attachment with the foot.

In order for the cockerel to stand firmly on its feet, the feet can not be sewn from fabric, but made from polymer clay, salt dough or gypsum. The protruding ends of the skewers are punctured with not yet completely dried feet and the toy is left in a warm place. Such a rooster can stand. If the feet are made of fabric, then the cockerel will need support. He will need to lean against something.

rooster pattern attic toy

Usually these males dress up in clothes. Here is a pattern of a rooster made of fabric using the technique of sewing a toy-tilde - it is shaded in blue.

Sitting cockerel is the easiest option

But you can make a bird that looks very much like a real one. The easiest way to sew a soft toy is in the form of a sitting cock. Even an inexperienced craftswoman can get a cock very similar to a living one. The pattern of a soft toy of this type in the drawing above is shaded in red.

Cheerful cock made of felt

Stuffed soft toys have always been liked by children and have led to the affection of adults. The patient master, who owns a needle and scissors, may well get a funny creative rooster made of felt.

cock of felt pattern

The pattern is given in full size. The first figure shows only part of the patterns for cutting, the next - the remaining patterns.

rooster pattern of soft toys

Master Class. Rooster pattern

With their own hands , everyone can make toys for the New Year . This is a fascinating and fruitful activity. Lovers of decorating the Christmas tree with hand-made crafts will surely like the option - a rooster made of felt.

A pattern of bright decoration can be not only taken from any sources, but also built independently. To create it, you don’t even need to have the talent of an artist. It is enough to simply follow the step-by-step recommendations of this master class.

do-it-yourself rooster pattern

  1. A circle is drawn of the diameter that is assumed at the head of the future toy rooster.
  2. An oval is located a little lower with an inclination. He will be the body of a bird.
  3. A little away from the oval-body, draw another oval. The tail of a cockerel will be formed from it.
  4. Smooth concave lines connect the head and body, forming a neck.
  5. Also connect the oval of the tail with the body of a rooster.
  6. The lower part of the extreme oval is formed by several pointed corners - these are the ends of the tail feathers.
  7. Using an oval, a recess is drawn on the back of the bird.
  8. Another oval will help make the place under the tail rounded.
  9. The lower abdomen is drawn in a smooth line, making it lean. You can again use the oval, drawing it at the right angle and choosing the necessary size so that the breast protrudes forward - the keel.
  10. Everyone can easily draw a beak and legs for a bird, even without drawing skills.
  11. The wing has an oval shape with pointed corners-feathers. It is drawn in the same way as the tail of a rooster.
  12. It remains only to draw patterns for the scallop and beard.

That's all. Pattern for felt toy is ready!


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