Expanded polystyrene foam: installation tips and manufacturers overview

The cold season is accompanied by low temperatures and the desire to turn on the heating to the maximum. However, the cost of heating is quite high, but there is a solution. It consists in warming the premises with appropriate materials. Among others, foil polystyrene foam should be highlighted.

It has the ability to reflect heat and provides waterproofing, because the outer layer is a material that repels moisture. With the help of such a heater it is possible to isolate the room from external negative influences. Using thermal insulation is quite simple. It is easy to install and has high efficiency due to its cellular structure. The formed layer absorbs noise, which means that it allows to achieve silence in the rooms and reduce the amount of noise coming from outside.

Why choose foil insulation

The material is safe from an environmental point of view. It does not have a harmful effect on humans and does not emit hazardous substances. Foamed polystyrene is durable. It is able to serve for a long time, effectively resisting corrosion, rot and rust. Among the additional advantages, elasticity should also be highlighted. This suggests that the material is easy to give the desired shape.

Installation tips

foil polystyrene styling

The use of foil insulation allows you to insulate the floor, walls and pipelines for various purposes. Great efficiency with its help can be achieved by insulating the entrance doors and verandas. Before fixing foil polystyrene foam, you should prepare some tools and materials:

  • nails
  • hammer;
  • construction stapler;
  • nail clipper;
  • foil insulation;
  • construction tape.

A nail head can be large enough, which is even desirable. It is important to correctly lay the material, turning the reflecting side inward. This will allow you to achieve a reflection effect when thermal radiation will return to the room. If you put the insulation on the other side, the expected effect cannot be achieved.

Material Tips

extruded polystyrene foil

Between the foil insulation and the finish, when installing the first, it is necessary to leave about 2 cm of free space. So, the room will be even warmer. The air will act as an additional insulator, and the design will work on the principle of a thermos. It is advisable to lay it in a wooden crate when laying the material.

Sheets never overlap if you cut them from a roll or individual plates. Installation must be done end-to-end, fixing the canvas with nails or a stapler. Foamed polystyrene foam may have a self-adhesive layer, therefore, it is not necessary to additionally fix the insulation. But to ensure durability, it is better not to forget about nails.

If the material lacks an adhesive coating, rubber or acrylic adhesive can be used for fastening. Its application is pointwise. As soon as all the sheets are laid in place and fixed, the joints must be glued with foil tape. On this we can assume that the installation is completed.

If you decide to use foiled polystyrene foam for walls, then you need to rid the base of mold. The surface is cleaned before gluing the insulation, otherwise the fixation will be weak. Among other things, the walls are treated with an antiseptic.

Manufacturers Overview

double sided foil

Having looked at the photo of foiled polystyrene foam, you can understand how this material looks. But before you go to the store to buy insulation, you should familiarize yourself with the main manufacturers. Among others, the most popular in Russia should be highlighted:

  • "Folgoizol";
  • Penofol;
  • "Germaflex";
  • Isoflex
  • Ecofol;
  • Isolon.

The price of the material will depend on the thickness of the polyethylene. For example, for a Jermaflex metallized roll with a thickness of 2 mm and an area of ​​50 m², you will pay about 1,680 rubles. This amounts to 33.6 rubles. per m². If the thickness of the mentioned material increases to 10 mm, and the area decreases to 25 mm², then you will have to pay 1692 rubles for insulation, which is 67.7 rubles. per m². If you want to save, you should pay attention to cheaper options foamed foil polyethylene. You can buy them for 18 rubles. per square meter.

Penofol Type B Review

foamed polystyrene foam for a bath

If you want to purchase foil polystyrene foam with double-sided foil, you should pay attention to the material from the manufacturer Penofol. It comes in the form of rolls and is coated on both sides with aluminum foil. Insulation is used for internal insulation of rooms, loggias and roofs.

You can save heat or cold indoors in winter or summer with an additional layer of foil. This material has a blue color, it is based on closed cell polyethylene. Operating temperature varies widely from -60 ° to + 100˚. The optical reflection coefficient of the surface is 90%, and the thermal reflection coefficient is 97%.

Overview of extruded polystyrene foam from the manufacturer Ruspanel

foamed polystyrene characteristics

This is extruded foiled polystyrene foam, which is made in a wide range of thicknesses. The last parameter can vary from 10 to 100 mm. Insulation is used for interior partitions, interfloor ceilings, exploited roofs, floors, ceilings, baths, saunas, heating systems, refrigerators and vans. It manifests itself perfectly in the formation of heat-reflecting layers of heating devices.

This foil polystyrene foam for a bath provides a reflection of 97%, which allows you to protect the room and perfectly insulate it. The material has low weight, which makes it easy to transport it, facilitate the installation process and reduce shipping costs. With this material you can save on heating and get a constant reflection coefficient.

Insulation provides 100% waterproofing, does not absorb and does not pass water. The panels are environmentally friendly, they do not contain harmful substances, so without fear they can be used for decoration of premises for various purposes.

Overview of foil insulation from the manufacturer Izolon

foil polystyrene foam photo

Considering the characteristics of Izolon foil polystyrene foam, you can understand what insulation is better to give preference to. The described material has a low density ranging from 26 to 45 kg / m³. It perfectly reflects heat radiation at the level of 97%. The material absorbs sound up to 32 dB and higher.

Vapor permeability can reach a limit of 0.04 mg / mchPa. The heat capacity is 1.95 kJ. You may also be interested in the thickness of Izolon, it reaches 15 mm, while the minimum value is 1 mm. Operating temperature ranges from -60 ° C to +105 ° C. Foiled "Izolon" quite often insulated floors. This allows you to insulate the building and improve sound insulation.

Laying is carried out on the floor in one layer. You can use Izolon together with a dry screed or as a substrate for flooring. For such work, it is important to choose the thickness of the insulation. An additional advantage of the use of foiled Isolon is that together with it there is no need to apply vapor and waterproofing, since the material is not afraid of steam and moisture.

Installation Tips for Izolon

foamed polystyrene foam for walls

Foiled Isolon is laid between the finish and the wall, and it is necessary to form an air gap. For this, wooden slats are stuffed onto which the Isolon is fastened with small nails. All joints should be glued with aluminum tape.

For such work, material coated on both sides with foil is best suited. When warming concrete floors, it is better to use another material, placing it between the logs of the floor. After that, the insulation is laid on the main coating.

Quite often, Izolon is used as a substrate for a laminate. If you decide to apply the material when warming the balcony, it is better to resort to multi-layer installation. The first is the Isolon. Its installation is carried out in such a way that the reflection is external. After this, the foam should be laid, then the Isolon layer again. At the next stage, a crate is installed, on which finishing finishing materials will be attached.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16023/

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