Tommy Tippy Anticolor Bottle: Description, Features and Reviews

What is most important for a small child? Of course, the love and care of parents, as well as nutrition. The future health of the child depends on how it will be in the first year of life. Undoubtedly, breast milk is the most useful and nutritious, but there are situations when such feeding is impossible for any reason. In this case, mixtures will come to the rescue. They need to be given only through special bottles. But how not to get confused and make the right choice? The Tommy Tippy Bottle has repeatedly helped out parents whose children suffer from bloating or problems with colic. What is its advantage, we will try to find out in the article.

bottle tommy tippy

This is the scary word "colic"

Surely the parents of the kids faced such a problem as colic. Why do they arise? In the first months of life, the baby adapts to new conditions. The digestive system is not yet perfect. The slightest disturbances cause discomfort in the intestines, increased gas formation. The baby expresses its inconvenience with a strong cry, jerking legs. Special medications, massage, vent tubes will help to cope with the problem .

These problems, as a rule, are encountered by children who are breast-fed. And it’s not a mixture at all. The main thing is to choose the right bottle from which the baby will receive food. The market is replete with a huge assortment, it is very difficult for inexperienced parents to make the right choice.

Tommy Tippy's anticolored bottle is perfect for a newborn. Due to the special shape of the nipples, the baby will not swallow air, which causes colic. In addition, the nipple is made of a special material that prevents it from sticking together.

baby bottle tommy tippy

At what age do you need a bottle?

On the forums of young parents you can often hear the question: "At what age do you need a bottle of Tommy Tippy anti-colic?" There is no definite answer, it all depends on the situation. Surely every mother before giving birth thinks that she will breastfeed her baby. But, unfortunately, this does not always work. There can be many reasons, ranging from health problems to a shortage of milk. In this case, you have to feed the baby with a mixture.

Tommy Tippy baby bottle is suitable for both newborns and older children. Depending on the age of the child, a nipple replacement can be done, and the capacity itself will remain the same. It is very convenient, you can save finances.

In the case when the mother still breastfeeds the baby, this thing will also be indispensable. Previously, there was an opinion that it is possible to feed a child only with a spoon so that he does not give up his chest. Times have changed, experts offer nipples that resemble the shape of a female nipple, while to get milk, you need to make every effort.

Are there any features?

Many people ask: why should you choose the products of this company? The thing is that the nipples of the Tommy Tippy bottles have anti-colic valves. They do not allow air to enter the baby’s stomach and begin the process of gas formation. This is a definite plus for newborns. In addition, there is a special ventilation ring, thanks to which there is normal air circulation.

On this, all the wonders of the bottle do not end there. Parents at first it is very difficult to choose the right temperature of the mixture or milk. It should be optimal and safe - 37 ° C. To do this, the experts came up with an indicator that changes color. Depending on the temperature of the liquid, it turns blue or red (the drink needs to be cooled).

The nipple resembles the shape of a female nipple, and the size of the hole makes the baby make an effort to get milk. This does not allow the baby to wean from the chest. The volume of bottles is quite convenient: 150 and 260 ml, which allows you to take them with you for a walk and long trips.

Many parents purchase Tommy Tippi anticolored bottles. Their price is competitive - about 800 rubles. At the same time, high quality fully justifies the finances spent.

tommy tippy bottles Price

Product advantages

Tommy Tippy's anti-colic bottle has a number of good points. Among them are the following:

  • A nipple that completely repeats the shape of a female nipple. This allows the child to freely grab the bottle and begin the process of absorption of food.

  • A valve that prevents air from entering the baby’s stomach.

  • A thermal sensor that responds to changes in the temperature regime of the liquid being poured. If the drink is hotter than 37 ° C, the indicator will turn red.

  • Ventilation ring. The air in the bottle circulates correctly.

  • Durable nipple material that cannot be gnawed. This ensures the safety of the child.

  • Silicone valve.

  • The absence of such an element as bisphenol A, which is used by other well-known manufacturers of similar products.

  • A small hole, due to which the baby needs to make an effort when feeding, this helps him not to wean from breastfeeding.

  • The convenient ergonomic shape of the bottle allows mom to comfortably hold it in her hand.

Tommy Tippy Feeding Bottles have proven their worth. Many parents stop at the products of this manufacturer.

We use correctly, extend the service life

Each bottle is accompanied by instructions that must be followed:

  1. Before using the product, it must be washed and sterilized.

  2. After feeding, the bottle should be thoroughly washed, it is better to use a ruff for the nipples. You can use a dishwasher.

  3. Check the nipple for integrity before each feeding. To do this, carefully inspect it and stretch it in different directions. If cracks or scratches are found, it must be replaced immediately.

Pediatricians advise sterilizing the bottle and nipple before each use.

Tommy Tippi Feeding Bottles

How many bottles to buy?

For many parents, the question is acute: how many bottles should the baby have? Experts say that if the baby is completely breastfed, you will not need more than 2 pieces (one for water, the other for expressed milk). If the baby is an artificial person, you will have to purchase 3-4 bottles. Moreover, they should be of different sizes.

Tommy Tippi Anticoll Bottles are for babies. After the introduction of complementary foods for the baby, you will have to purchase a pacifier with two, or even three holes.

Tommy Tippy Bottle Nipples

Useful Tips

The Tommy Tippy Bottle has proven itself among parents whose babies have suffered from colic. There are a few tips to consider:

  1. When washing, never turn the nipple inside out, it can deform and tear.

  2. Sterilize the bottle before each use.

  3. Every 3-4 months, change the pacifier.

  4. Do not use dishwashing detergents.

These simple rules will help a young mother not to harm her baby and make the process of bottle feeding as comfortable as possible.

tommy tippy bottles reviews

be careful

The use of bottles for feeding is welcomed by pediatricians, the only thing is that they must be of proper quality, the safety of the baby depends on this. Doctors advise:

  1. Never preheat fluid in the microwave.

  2. Do not use the pacifier from the bottle as a dummy.

  3. Closely monitor the temperature of the drink, even if the indicator shows a positive color.

  4. If cracks have been noticed on the nipple, it must be disposed of.

  5. If scratches form on the walls of the bottle, it is best to throw it away.

Doctors strongly recommend purchasing a similar product at a pharmacy after asking for a quality certificate first.

Parent reviews

Those parents who at least once encountered a problem of colic in children are probably ready to do everything so that this does not happen again. The reason may be the wrong feeding bottle. The company "Tommy Tippi" offers special anti-colic bottles that allow the baby not to swallow air when eating.

bottle tommy tippy anti-colic

Parents note that after acquiring the goods of this company, colic disappears. In addition, a nice bonus is the low price. The bottle is easy to wash, convenient to take with you for a walk. The advantage, of course, is the convenient shape of the container, which fits well in the hand. The Tommy Tippi bottles, which are only positive reviews, have worked well in the Russian market.

Those parents who do not want to face the problem of colic in their babies are advised by experts to purchase bottles of Tommy Tippi. They are made of modern materials, have anti-colic valves, comfortable nipples.


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