Heating batteries: DIY installation

Heating batteries, the installation of which is often carried out by consumers independently, must be selected correctly, taking into account the number of sections and material. Only in this way will it be possible to create a heating system that will be distinguished by efficiency.

Wiring methods for radiators

heating batteries installation

There are several wiring methods, among them - lateral one-way connection, lower, diagonal, as well as serial and parallel. The first option is the most common, it provides for the connection of the supply pipe to the upper pipe. Whereas the outlet pipe attaches to the bottom. This approach provides high heat transfer. If you supply coolant from below, then the inlet pipe must be connected to the lower pipe, while the power will be reduced by 7%. When using multi-section radiators, which are connected according to a one-sided lateral principle, the last section will not be hot enough. In order to prevent this nuisance, it is necessary to additionally mount an extension of the water duct.

Features bottom and diagonal connections

installation of heating batteries

Heating batteries, which you can install yourself, can be connected by a lower connection. Such wiring is used in cases where the pipes should be hidden under the baseboard or in the floor. This connection method is the most suitable from an aesthetic point of view. Return and supply pipes should be located below, and they are sent vertically to the floor.

If you want to install multi-section radiators, it is best to use a diagonal connection, since it will be the most rational in this regard. The strapping principle in this case is that the pipe supplying the hot heat carrier is connected to the upper pipe on one side of the radiator. On the reverse side, a return line is output through the lower pipe.

Features of serial and parallel connection

installation of heating batteries in the apartment

If you purchased heating batteries, installation of these system elements may be carried out by specialists, but you will have to pay extra for these works. Decide whether you want to install it yourself or with outside help, initially you need to choose a wiring diagram, which can be consistent. At the same time, water moves under the influence of pressure, and for the removal of excess air it is best to use a Maevsky crane. This connection has one drawback, which is the need to completely turn off the heating system when it is necessary to replace or repair a radiator. In cold weather, such work will be quite inconvenient.

Through a heat pipe built into the heating system, water enters with a parallel connection. By the same principle, a challenge is made. Cranes at the outlet and inlet will allow the replacement of batteries without shutting down the entire system, but this wiring has one minus, which is expressed in the insufficiently intense heating of the batteries at low pressure in the system.

Determining the location of the radiator

home heating battery installation

Heating batteries, the installation of which was made in accordance with all the rules, will work as efficiently as possible. For this, it is important to determine the distance from the upper grille to the windowsill. The same applies to the distance between the bottom edge of the battery and the floor surface. In order for the heated air to be able to circulate normally, which positively affects the heat transfer of the heat source, it is necessary to provide a distance in the range of 5 to 10 centimeters from the window sill to the radiator grill. About 8-12 centimeters should remain to the floor. Remove the radiator from the wall should be 2-5 centimeters. If the surface will be supplemented with heat-reflecting insulation, then standard fasteners may not be long enough. At the same time, you can purchase hooks-clamps, which have a more impressive length.

Calculation of the number of sections

installation of heating batteries in a private house

Do-it-yourself installation of a heating battery should be done only after you manage to determine the required number of sections to create an effective heating system. When calculating, you need to be guided by the rules that provide for the use of one section for every two square meters of area. At the same time, the height of the ceilings should not be more than 2.7 meters. If during the calculations the figure was not round, then it needs to be changed upwards. It is worth considering that the heating of the insulated cottage and the corner apartment can be considered two big differences, so it is recommended to calculate the required number of sections individually, taking into account the technical characteristics of the batteries and specific conditions. Among the latter, heat losses can be distinguished on especially cold winter days.

Tool preparation

DIY heater installation

Installing heating batteries in a private house is carried out using a specific set of tools and materials, namely: pliers, tape measure, screwdriver, pencil, impact drill and key for tightening the nozzles. To install the sections, a special key will be necessary, therefore, the store should order the assembly and connection of the sections. When using bimetallic radiators, do not use a file or emery when cleaning the joined surfaces.

Technology of work

Installing heating batteries is carried out in a certain sequence, it provides for the first stage of the dismantling of old radiators. Next, you can make markings for installing fixtures. The next step will be the installation of brackets and the installation of radiators. The master must assemble the installation kit, as well as fix the taps and valves under the thermal head. To bleed air, a Mayevsky crane should be installed . At the final stage, you need to connect the heating pipes.

Specialist recommendations

You can install the heating batteries yourself. Before starting work, it is necessary to shut off the heating circuit, and then drain the water from the system. A pump will help to cope with this task qualitatively. Using the level, you should analyze how correctly the battery was installed on the supports horizontally and vertically. Plugs are unscrewed from the equipment, and then a bypass equipped with a valve is installed. It should be part of a single pipe circuit. For the connection, it is necessary to use a run with a valve connected to it. Using throttling, the radiator can be connected to the system, and for sealing joints it is recommended to use a sealant like tow.


It is worth remembering that the installation of heating batteries in the apartment should be completed by removing the packaging shell. After crimping is carried out, for which you need to use the services of a plumber. After all, it makes no sense to purchase an apparatus for carrying out these manipulations at once. You yourself can be equipped with a system that is responsible for heating the house. Installing batteries will be one of the steps in the process. As they can be used cast iron products, which recently, although not so common, but still used by consumers. Before installation, it is necessary to unscrew the battery and adjust the nipples, and then reassemble it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16025/

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