Foreign policy. The concept of the Russian Federation

The foreign policy of the state is the sphere of interethnic and interstate communication. In the process of developing international relations, the interests of the peoples and states participating in them are realized.

Foreign policy, its content is revealed in the process of analysis of national interest. The fundamental needs of a nation state are recognized and reflected in the activities of its leaders. A national interest is shown mainly in ensuring the security of the nation and the conditions for social development and self-preservation in society.

Foreign policy pursues goals that are determined by the specific content of a separate historical process that involves the international community, as well as the nature of relations between countries. The degree of influence of external factors on the living conditions of an individual country determines the content of international political relations.

In Russia, the main directions of foreign policy are grouped as follows:

- ensuring the security of the state, strengthening and maintaining its territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as Russia's authoritative and strong positions in the world community;

- the formation of favorable conditions (external) for the modernization of the country, improving the life of the population, transferring the Russian economy to development along an innovative path;

- the impact on global processes for establishing a democratic and equitable order in the world;

- the formation of neighborly relations with neighboring countries, assistance in eliminating the conflicts that have arisen and preventing possible tensions in the regions adjacent to the Russian Federation and other parts of the world;

- the search for overlapping interests and consents with interstate associations and other states; the creation of multilateral partnerships designed to ensure stability in the international situation of Russia to fluctuations in the situation (set of conditions) in the foreign policy arena;

- ensuring comprehensive protection of the legitimate interests and rights of compatriots and citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad;

- assistance in perceiving Russia as a democratic state, preserving foreign policy independence and a market-oriented economy oriented socially;

- popularization and support in foreign countries of the culture of the Russian language and Russian peoples, making a unique contribution to the cultural and civilizational diversity in the modern world.

In the modern world for the development of the state, the necessary condition is the establishment of international relations. Foreign policy is a combination of the country's military, social, economic and cultural activities in relation to its international environment. The development of relations between countries can be based on conceptual strategies and regulations. The increased mobility of citizens forms a responsibility for order in the field of international non-governmental relations.

The interests of the Russian Federation are connected with global trends. Among them is world economic globalization. Social and economic progress, the expansion of human contacts, along with additional features and can give rise to new dangers, especially for the weak countries in the economic sphere. Moreover, an objective strengthening of multilateral democracy, the mechanisms of the world economy and politics is necessary in order to increase the manageability of development in the world.

Some states or groups of states ignore the principles of international law. The Russian Federation advocates the creation of universal in terms of the application and understanding of its norms.


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