Dark Souls 3: System Requirements

Dark Souls is a series of computer games that differs from others in that it is aimed at hardcore gamers. What does it mean? This means that it will be very, very difficult to pass it - each monster will have to fight as a full-fledged opponent, and each of them will have to look for a personal approach. Your death will throw you far back, but your opponents will not weaken. So get ready to die countless times before you can achieve any success. It would seem, who might want to be so nervous about the game, spend hours trying to kill one skeleton? But in fact, gamers, tired of captivating all the casuals, because of which every second game leads the player by the handle from the start to the final clip, very gladly accepted this project. Therefore, the second part appeared after him, and more recently, the game Dark Souls 3 saw the light of day. The system requirements of this project are actually high, since it was released very recently - in April 2016. Therefore, not every gamer will be able to try this game on his computer. You should study this article before you decide to purchase Dark Souls 3 - the system requirements here will be described in great detail, both minimum and recommended.

Operating System (minimum requirements)

dark souls 3 system requirements

In the game "Dark Souls 3", the system requirements, as mentioned earlier, turned out to be quite high - but this was not very surprising, given the fact that the gaming industry has been developing very rapidly in recent years, and computer performance has been growing along with it. That is why you should carefully study the requirements for any game before acquiring it. As for this project, it’s worth starting with the operating system - the problem is that the fact that Microsoft did not support Windows XP did not lead users to rush to the β€œtop ten”. A large number of people still use the old version of the operating system, but if you are among them and want to try out a new game project, you will have to change something. There is no support for Windows XP in this game - moreover, more and more modern operating systems should be 64-bit, not 32-bit. Thus, you need either the "eight" or the "ten" - these will be the best options, since it is under them that all modern projects have been recently tuned. But if you have installed the "seven", then do not despair - on this operating system you can also run the game "Dark Souls 3" - system requirements allow this. Just make sure that you have at least SP1 installed - and then you can enjoy the latest masterpiece.

Operating System (Recommended Requirements)

dark souls 3 system requirements

The system requirements of Dark Souls 3 will not always differ in the minimum and recommended columns - in many games some parameters coincide, for example, the operating system or the required hard disk space. This is the case in this case. The requirements for the operating system described above are relevant not only for the minimum, but also for the optimal settings - in other words, this does not affect the performance. So follow the restrictions indicated above, and you can easily run this game on your computer. However, this is far from all of the Dark Souls 3 system requirements that are worth mentioning - there is still a lot of important information ahead of you.

CPU (minimum)

dark souls 3 pc system requirements

In the case of the game "Dark Souls 3", the system requirements on the PC may surprise you, so be prepared for the fact that you have to go to the computer store to upgrade if you have a desire to play this latest masterpiece. So, most often in the system requirements there are three components of a personal computer that play the most important role in launching any project - this is a processor, RAM and a video card. Each of these components will be discussed separately so that you can analyze the information received and compare the data with the performance of your computer. So, if you do not plan to twist all the settings to the maximum and are ready to endure some slowdowns and glitches, then you have enough processor with four cores, the performance of which will be from 3.1 to 3.6 gigahertz. As you can see, these are already quite high requirements, which will be difficult to meet - but if you want to be able to play all modern projects, you should still think about an upgrade, and then you can play not only in Dark Souls 3. System requirements on a PC, as you well know, are divided into the minimum and recommended. For the processor, the minimum ones are already known to you - what about the recommended ones?

CPU (Recommended)

dark souls 3 minimum system requirements

In the game "Dark Souls 3" the minimum system requirements do not look so scary (although it’s worth recognizing that even with the minimum settings, not every gamer can afford such a pleasure) - but that’s why they are minimal. You should always focus on the recommended indicator, and here, fortunately, the developers do not require more cores from you - however, their frequency should be higher. It is advisable that it be in the region of four gigahertz - then you definitely will not have problems with the performance of the game, and you can fully enjoy the Dark Souls 3 gameplay. The system requirements on the PC, however, have a peculiar scale of importance, on which the three-element processor takes the last place - often people do not even look at which processor is required. Naturally, if you have one core for one gigahertz, and you need four for four, then you will have a problem. But otherwise you should not have any troubles. But if you close your eyes to RAM in the same way, then everything will be far from so smooth.

RAM (minimum)

dark souls 3 pc system requirements

The system requirements of the game "Dark Souls 3" say that you need to have at least four gigabytes of RAM in order for this project to even run on your computer. And if you delve into the settings and set everything to a minimum, then there is a possibility that you can even enjoy the gameplay. But it’s worthwhile to understand that these are four gigabytes - advanced computers are just beginning to be equipped with such memory. So the likelihood that you have so much is not too great - especially if you have not updated the iron in the last couple of years. Moreover, if you still want to get the most out of your game on ultra-requirements, then with four gigabytes of RAM you should not even dream about it. The recommended system requirements for Dark Souls 3 are much higher in this case.

RAM (recommended)

dark souls 3 system requirements

If you are interested in the game Dark Souls 3, the maximum system requirements for RAM may scare you away. The fact is that the developers insist that you need to have at least eight gigabytes of memory to play this project on ultra-settings. Such RAM is, of course, available in stores, but it is still not a mass product, so you will have to separately upgrade RAM if you are aiming to play Dark Souls 3. Naturally, no one insists that you urgently buy a new RAM for a lot of money, but you should be prepared for the fact that only eight gigabytes of RAM will allow you to fully enjoy this masterpiece.

Video card (minimum)

dark souls system requirements 3

The video card is also very important, especially considering that every year the graphics in computer games are becoming more advanced and realistic. Therefore, you urgently need to constantly keep your graphics accelerator up to date. Speaking specifically about this game, here you will need at least one gigabyte of video memory to run the game at the minimum graphic settings. So you can feel the gameplay, but a complete immersion in the universe of the game will not work - because everything around will not be of the same quality as the designers did.

Video Card (Recommended)

To unscrew all the settings, including graphic ones, to the maximum level, you need to double-upgrade your video card. This means that you need two gigabytes of video memory - only in this case you can see the game world as it was planned and appreciate it in all its beauties. Naturally, as in the case of RAM, there are no limits to perfection - the more memory your computer has, the better will be the performance of the game. So it makes no sense to customize the computer configuration specifically for the requirements - it is always better to upgrade with a margin.

Free hard disk space

As for the free space required to install the game on your hard drive, in this case, Dark Souls 3 will require impressive space from you. The project takes a lot - as much as fifty gigabytes, while you should not forget that it will take another half of this amount to start the game without problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16036/

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