Parrots: general information

Parrots were first tamed in India and were considered sacred birds, and in the 4th century BC appeared in Europe. They were brought with them by the participants of the Eastern campaign of Alexander the Great. Parrots from India and later from Africa were common in the Roman Empire . In the XV century, these birds were brought to Russia. Today they are favorite pets, and video of parrots on the Internet are very popular.

Distribution area

The vast majority of species lives within Central and South America. In Africa, Southeast Asia and Hindustan, there are several dozen, and in New Zealand, Oceania and the Philippines - 109 species. In Europe and the North American continent there are no parrots at all, not including imported ones. But in the United States, there have been cases when freed birds survived and led their usual way of life in harsh climatic conditions. The northern boundary of the range of distribution of parrots is in eastern Afghanistan, and the southern - in the forests of Argentina and Chile.

Usually parrots live in the crowns of trees, but their individual representatives live in open spaces and even in the mountains. For example, they are often found in the mountains of New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Tibet. Some species prefer the ocean coast, while others, on the contrary, prefer arid regions (Central Australia).


The parrot family has 328 species, which are combined into 5 subfamilies:

  • Woodpeckers - distributed mainly in New Guinea and on adjacent islands. They are the smallest among their brothers, because their body length is only 9.5 - 10 cm.
  • Lorievia - originally from Australia, Papua New Guinea, East Indonesia, and the Philippines.
  • Real parrots - their distribution range covers Africa and South America, some species are found in Australia. They are distinguished by a short, as if trimmed beak and a rounded tail.
  • Owls are a New Zealand endemic species similar to owls. They have soft plumage. They are sometimes called earthen, as they live in burrows or under the roots of trees.
  • Nestor - distributed in the territory of New Zealand.

Physical features

The body length of parrots, depending on the species, is 9.5 cm - 1 m. Weight - from 10 g to 1 kg. Short rare plumage of a bright color, the predominant color of which is bright green. In combination with it, other colors - red, blue, yellow - play an important role in camouflage. Photos of parrots are usually very saturated and bright. However, the color of these birds for the human eye is an optical illusion. Numerous air bubbles on the feathers refract light, therefore, for example, the blue-eyed feathers that appear violet are actually brown. In most species living in South America and Africa, males and females externally practically do not differ from each other. However, in parrots of Asia and the Pacific islands, sexual dimorphism is especially pronounced. For example, a male red-sided parrot from New Guinea is green, and a female is red.

The wings are large, pointed, of fly feathers, there are up to 20. The tail consists of 12 feathers. Parrots fly quickly, but over short distances, and also swiftly move through trees.

A distinctive feature of representatives of the parrot family is the large beak. It is incredibly durable, which allows birds to easily chop solid fruits. When a parrot climbs trees, its beak helps it cling to tree branches, acting as a third limb. Short thick legs with movable fingers are supported to the heel. The first and fourth fingers on the paws are turned back and allow you to firmly grasp the branch, making it easier to move. Compared with other representatives of birds, the brain of parrots is quite large. They have a wonderful memory, developed onomatopoeia and vocal musculature. All kinds of jokes with parrots, which are full of the World Wide Web, amaze with their amazing ability to remember and reproduce human speech.

Parrot lifestyle

Parrots - flocks of birds, nest in pairs, sometimes in groups. They feed mainly on plant foods - fruits, seeds of plants. Lori eat pollen and nectar. Some types of parrots eat food of animal origin - worms, insects and their larvae. Kea parrots even absorb carrion and attack adult sheep. Food for parrots kept at home must necessarily consist of grains, seeds, fresh herbs, tree branches (birch, apple, oak).

The maximum lifespan of parrots is about 50 years, but sometimes there are long-livers living up to 70 years. In captivity they live much less. So, for example, budgerigars die in the 13th year of life. Cuban Amazons live longer - up to 40 years. Proper care for the parrot is of great importance for longevity . Comfortable conditions and proper nutrition will ensure him a long and happy life.


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