Do I need a visa to Albania: tips for tourists

Albania is a country full of amazing contrasts and landscapes. Only here national color and excellent conditions for a good rest are artfully intertwined. Today, a simplified scheme operates within the framework of crossing the state border, which means that almost every citizen of the CIS countries can get permission to enter Albania. Do Russians, Ukrainians or Belarusians need a visa to Albania? You should get acquainted with the features of crossing the state border.

Tours to Albania

This country is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination. And all because this is where you can enjoy air baths on the Adriatic coast in the morning, plunge into the waters of the Ionian Sea at noon, and visit the local Maldives in the late afternoon.

From here it is easy to get to Greek Corfu. Only 300 kilometers are separated from Italian Bari. No wonder the inhabitants of Italy unanimously believe that the best dishes of Italian cuisine are served in Albania. Nevertheless, the local cuisine is also famous for its culinary delights - the area is generous with gifts.

In addition, in the territory of Albania there is a huge number of Ayurvedic resorts, which means that tourists can not only enjoy a good rest, but also improve their own health. For this reason, tours to Albania become especially popular during the tourist season, which, in turn, leads to a simplified scheme for crossing the Albanian border.

So do I need a visa to Albania to visit the state? It should be noted that each year a special procedure for crossing the Albanian border is established.

Do I need a visa to Albania

Entrance to the territory of Albania for tourist purposes

Albania annually cancels the visa regime for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus during the tourist season. This means that citizens of the above countries are free to travel on this amazing country. For example, in 2016, from May 15 to November 15, a simplified scheme for crossing the Albanian border was in effect. This year, the tourist season began a little later - from June 1. In this case, the question “Do I need a visa to Albania?” It is decided by itself.

Outside the tourist season, you will have to apply for entry. To do this, you must contact the Embassy of Albania, where the potential visa recipient will have to pay a consular fee, the amount of which ranges from 50 to 100 euros, depending on the type of visa.

tours to albania

Features of crossing the Albanian border with visas of other countries

A visa to Albania will not be required for those who are holders of multiple Schengen visas of categories C and D, as well as those who have a residence permit issued by one of the countries that are party to the Schengen agreement. In addition, holders of a residence permit issued in the United States or Great Britain may also not have to think about whether a visa to Albania is needed. These persons may be in the state as tourists, but not more than three months.

An important aspect: at the time of crossing the Albanian border, these types of visas should be used at least once for their intended purpose (entry into the United States, Great Britain or any other country that is a party to the Schengen Agreement).

Albania visa for Russians

Visa-free season for tourists from all over the world

As already mentioned, in recent years Albania has hospitably opened its doors to citizens of other countries. And this is not only Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. So, a visa to Albania is not needed for Russians in the summer. But with the onset of October will have to think about Schengen. This rule has been in force since 2009 - in the summer, a simplified scheme for crossing the Albanian border works. Albania canceled visas for Russians, residents of Belarus and Ukraine during the hot tourist season. It should be noted that the duration of the "free" period is shifted annually. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the visa-free period fully covers the summer period of the tourist season and partially “velvet”.

A Russian citizen has the right to stay in Albania for 90 days without a visa. Only after this period will you have to contact the embassy or the visa center of Albania for official permission. Owners of the following privileges can do without an authorization document:

  • Schengen visa category C.
  • National visa (category D).
  • Residence permit in the Schengen area.
  • Residence permit in the United States or Great Britain.

It should be noted that Albanian airports are famous for their own worldview. So, in the absence of a local visa, a traveler may simply not be allowed to board the plane.

Albania Visa Application Center

Features of crossing the Albanian border

To avoid an incident before landing, you should worry in advance about a special permit, which can be obtained on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania. By the way, the rules for crossing the state border are detailed there.

In the summer, in order to enter the territory of Albania, it is enough to present a foreign passport, which expires at least 6 months later. A stamp will be put right on the spot, which guarantees an unhindered stay in Albania for 90 days.

To travel with a child, a baby's passport and his birth certificate are required. You will also have to worry about the permission of one of the parents if the trip is planned only with the mother or father.

visa cost to albania

Autumn has come: it's time to think about Schengen

Multivisa is the best option for those who want to travel freely across European countries. The same document allows you to cross the Albanian border without unnecessary bureaucracy. The cost of a visa to Albania depends on many factors. An independent solution to the issue, perhaps, will save a few euros, but no one will guarantee that you will get a visa the first time.

An interesting fact: Albania at the moment does not belong to the Schengen zone, but it is possible to enter the country by multivisa. Here is such a paradox. It is advisable to obtain a permit in the country in which most of the travel is planned. There is one caveat: recently, the rules for crossing European borders have become somewhat tougher. At ports and airports, spontaneous document checks are often arranged to identify travelers who violate the visa regime.

how to get a visa to albania

Documents for a visa to Albania

To draw up an authorization document, the relevant package of documents must be submitted to the Albanian Embassy:

  • International passport.
  • A copy of the first page of a foreign passport (personal data of the applicant), as well as a copy of those pages where there are marks on crossing state borders (if any).
  • Visa application form filled in block letters in Russian.
  • Color photo format 3x4 cm.
  • Confirmation of the purpose of the trip (you will need to provide confirmation of the hotel reservation).
  • An invitation from a resident of Albania (necessary if it is a trip with a personal purpose).
  • An official document that confirms the applicant’s employment.
  • Confirmation of the solvency of the applicant.
  • Medical insurance.
  • Tickets for a plane or water transport.

The cost of a short-term visa to Albania varies from 50 to 100 euros. It all depends on who is involved in the design of the permit document.

visa documents for albania

Visa Application Dates

You can apply for a visa to Albania yourself, but it is better to do it if you have experience in obtaining permits. In all other respects, it is better to rely on more experienced professionals who do not require a lot of money for their work. In addition, representatives of travel agencies are likely to be able to prepare a fully equipped package of documents, not forgetting even the most insignificant piece of paper. As soon as all certificates, extracts and statements are collected, documents are transferred to the Albanian Embassy. By the way, residents of Belarus will have to go to Moscow in order to obtain a visa to Albania. This is another reason that speaks of the advantage of attracting an intermediary.

As a rule, documents are reviewed in 7 business days, excluding Russian and Albanian holidays. The cost of registration depends on the category of the requested visa. For example, a single entry visa will cost about 50 €, a double entry visa - 70 €. Multiple entry visa to Albania will cost 100 €.

Multiple Schengen, American or Irish visas avoids the need for an Albanian permit. Thinking about how to get a visa to Albania, you should pay attention to the fact that a multiple visa opens up wider prospects. Therefore, for inveterate travelers this will be the best option that will allow you to enjoy a good rest in Albania.


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