Health Gymnastics - General Principles

Improving gymnastics sets as its goal, first of all, improving the mental and physical condition of a person to the level of stable health. A long healing effect can be achieved if you follow a few simple rules.

1. Dosage

Movement loads during health-improving exercises should be carefully dosed. The pace and duration of the exercises are strictly controlled, there is no place for over-exertion or excessive effort. The pulse must be constantly monitored so that it matches the exercises, weight and age of the person. If the heart rate will exceed the optimum, then wellness gymnastics acquires a sports orientation, which is not always permissible.

2. Cycling exercises.

Improving gymnastics consists of blocks of exercises that are repeated several times during one workout. In between blocks, pauses with a reduced load and breathing exercises are necessarily made. During these pauses, the body must restore its strength. Therefore, the greater the load, the longer the pause.

3. A variety of exercises.

Improving gymnastics is based on a combination of a wide variety of exercises, because the action should be comprehensive for the whole body. Walking, running, jumping must alternate with stretching, strength and breathing exercises. Training should not be boring.

4. Positive attitude.

For the success of exercises, confidence in a positive result is very important. Wellness gymnastics becomes truly effective in combination with auto-training and a great mood. If the exercises cause only melancholy and a desire to finish them as soon as possible, then it is better not to start so as not to harm yourself.

5. The individuality of the complex

All exercises are selected solely on the basis of the individual state of the body, so it is best to consult a specialist so that he makes up the optimal complex of health-improving gymnastics.

5. Self-massage and hardening

These are mandatory stages of healing the body. It is necessary to choose a gentle, but effective complex, and not to deviate from the daily rules.

6. Breathing exercises and coordination exercises

If a person breathes correctly, he gradually recovers. Therefore, training in special types of breathing that saturate the body with oxygen as much as possible is also health gymnastics. Coordination exercises stimulate the effective functioning of the brain, therefore they are necessarily included in the overall complex.

Improving gymnastics can especially concentrate on any individual goals. For example, if a large walking block is included in it, then this is a light load. At the same time, gymnastics itself is aimed at improving mood, improving well-being and sleep. If you alternate walking with running, then this is already a moderate load, which contributes to the training of the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation, reduces heart rate under normal conditions, reduces pressure. And jogging is a heavy load, in which there is an increase in the size of the heart and adrenal glands, and liver function is enhanced. But even a heavy load during health-improving gymnastics does not imply fatigue, confused breathing, impaired pulse and blood circulation.

The optimal duration of training is on average from half an hour to an hour and a half three times a week. If you do less, their result will be maintained, but intensive recovery will not happen. The recovery period between workouts should be two days.

Health gymnastics for children is based on the same principles.

Currently, many complexes of this kind of gymnastics have been developed, which for the most part came to us from oriental medicine: the Nishi system, Zyung Shin, Shen, the Taoist system and many others. There are both general and specialized complexes that pay special attention to spinal health, or heart health, or other body systems. It must be remembered that health gymnastics nevertheless belongs to the category of medical exposure, so it is the doctor who should advise the most suitable complex.

An optimally selected system will help restore the body after illness, establish the work of all its systems and even serve as a wonderful means of rejuvenation.


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