Do-it-yourself gable roof - installation features, diagram and device

One of the most important stages of building a house is the construction of a roof. The most common structures include gable roofs. If you decide to start arranging such a roof, then you should study the instructions. But the functional parameters will depend not only on compliance with the technology, but also on what materials were used during the insulation, as well as at the stage of finish coating.

It is important to determine at the construction stage not only the project, but also the type of rafter system. It can be hanging or layered. In this case, you must resolve the issue, which is to level the spacer force.

Calculation of the angle of inclination

Calculation of a gable roof should be accompanied by a determination of the angle of inclination. Making calculations is a fairly simple step. It may also include determining the amount of material. This stage must be overcome in the process of designing a house. The slope will depend on the roofing, type of attic and climatic conditions. If the house will be in a place of strong wind load, then the angle should be made small to reduce the load on the roof. When a building is being built in a region with heavy rainfall, the slope becomes significant and can reach 60˚. This reduces the load from rainwater, as well as snow.

gable roof attic

Features of the calculations

But it also happens that the value of the slope angle is determined on the already erected roof. In this case, trigonometric formulas and inclinometer should be used. If the width of the house with a gable roof is 8 m, and the length of the rafters is 10 m, then the slope can be found using the following formula: cos A = c Γ· b, in it the slope angle is indicated by the letter A, c is half the width of the building, and b - This is the length of the rafters.

The slope is calculated as follows: cos A = 4 ÷ 10 = 0.4. In this example, 1/2 the width of the building is 4 m, this value can be obtained by dividing 8 by 2. Now you can calculate the slope. This value is a radian measure of the angle. To translate radians into degrees, you should use the Bradis table, which is available to builders. From it you can find out that the required slope is 66˚.

how to calculate the height

Height determination

The gable roof height is determined in the next step. If the height of the ridge is familiar to you, then using trigonometric expressions you can determine the length of the ramp, which is the length of the rafters. Height is calculated in one of two ways. The first involves the use of a right-angled triangle, while the second provides tables for the ratio of angle to percent.

Before you build a gable roof with your own hands, you must calculate the height. Based on the first method, the calculation is carried out using the values ​​of the angle and half the width of the building. For clarity, you can consider a specific example. If the width of the house is 12 m and the slope is 40˚, then half the width of the house is 6 m. The height of the ridge is calculated by the formula for a right triangle: = Γ— tg A = 6 Γ— tg 40 Β° = 6 Γ— 0.84 = 5 , 05 m. In order to find the tangent 40˚, one should use the Bradis table.

how to calculate the height of the roof

Specialist advice

Before you build a gable roof of the house, which has a rectangle at the base, you will need to calculate the height of the roof. Some builders do not use the Bradis table for this at all, you can also use the engineering calculator installed in the operating system. Another option with which you can determine the height of the ridge is to use the ratio table.

Each angle of inclination in it corresponds to a relative value. It is expressed as a percentage. The height can be found by multiplying half the span by a relative amount. If you have a house with a span of 7 m and a tilt angle of 27˚, then the height of the ridge will be 1.78 m, which can be determined using the following calculations: (7 Γ· 2) Γ— 0.509 = 3.5 Γ— 0.509 .

Used rafter systems

The gable roof truss system may consist of layered elements. This design provides for the installation of an additional support beam located in the center between two load-bearing walls. Rafters in this case lean on a beam or internal partitions, transferring the load from the roof. This method is relevant for heavy floors or for the case when the house has an impressive area, and the step from wall to wall is more than 10 m.

A gable roof can consist of hanging rafters. They have differences from the layered ones, because they rely on lateral overlappings. This method of organizing rafters creates a bursting effect, but it can be eliminated by puffs. As they often act floor beams. Puffs are lower or upper. When setting the top puff, you will need to step back 500 mm or more from the ridge.

Quite often, developers today choose a gable roof. The rafter system for it can be made from hanging or layered elements. They are equally reliable, and the attic roof provides for their joint use. Professionals prior to work create a drawing, which is a plan that reflects the location of all elements.

gable roof rafter system

Creation of design and project

Looking at the gable roof designs, you can figure out which design is right for you. For example, this part of the building may include lucarnes. If you also want to save money, then it is better to use a metal tile for coating, since it is laid with a minimum amount of waste. A similar design can be used for buildings with a rectangle at the base.

A gable roof is better suited for houses with an attic. Windows can be placed in the gables, which will provide not only ventilation, but also illumination. When designing a house with a gable roof, you can pay attention to buildings that include a broken structure with an increased angle of inclination of the lower canvas. This value can vary from 65 to 80˚. The upper part has an angle of inclination ranging from 25 to 30˚. This technique is a great way to increase the attic space.

Such structures include a vaulted type roof, the shape of which has a circle at the base. Such a roof will decorate the protruding parts of the building. If you want to get an inexpensive house, then you should choose ready-made projects without lucarnes (front windows in the attic). Sometimes the former are replaced by the latter. Such windows look attractive, but make installation of the roof more expensive.

roof of the house


A gable roof should be built taking into account snow and wind loads in certain climatic conditions. With a decrease in the angle of inclination, the structure better resists loads. However, a small angle, which does not exceed 40 ˚, does not allow the use of the attic space to the full. The design and shape of the roof are developed taking into account the design of the house. For example, the main support points of the rafter system should coincide with the points and lines of location of the supporting structures of the floor, which is under the roof.

It is important to consider the width of the building, as well as the presence of the load-bearing wall, which is located along the center. If you do not plan to use the attic as an additional area for seasonal or permanent residence, you can make the roof using roof rafters. They will be fixed to the ridge run supported by the uprights. They are supported by an internal load-bearing wall.

A gable roof can have hanging rafters, which are the most economical and practical for light buildings. The rafters in this case are connected in pairs by crossbars, they are horizontal jumpers and provide rigidity. A system with such rafters rests on the side walls of the house.

If the width of the building is more than 6 m, then the installation of racks and girders is carried out. The latter are horizontal bars, performing the role of an additional support for rafters. Installation of the run involves the use of racks. They rely on beds - bars located along the ramp. They, together with the racks, serve as the skeleton of the walls of the attic. Such an inclined design allows you to make a spacious attic or attic, used for household needs.

If the roof should be reliable and simple, it is better to use a gable design with a slope of 50˚. Such a rafter system can be used for installation on residential buildings and buildings for various purposes. When calculating the materials, it should be borne in mind that the rafter system should be light, because only in this case it will not exert an excessive load on the foundation, but it will remain quite durable. The section of materials is selected taking into account the dimensions of the rafter system.

gable roof

Mauerlat installation

A gable roof suggests the presence of a Mauerlat. It is from him that one should begin installing the upper harness, which is located on the longitudinal walls of the building. This part of the roof will perceive the pressure of the roofing system and transfer it to building structures - the foundation and walls. At the heart of the Mauerlat is a beam, its cross section can be 50 x 150 or 150 x 150 mm. The material is treated with protective equipment to prevent fire and rot.

There are many ways to make a Mauerlat for a gable roof. The first involves the installation of rolled wire in brickwork. With it, the beam can be fixed on the wall. The wire is threaded through special holes and twisted. Another way to install Mauerlat is to use long steel studs that are embedded in the masonry. Their diameter is 12 mm or more.

In the upper part of the wall, it is necessary to install a monolithic concrete beam with embedded metal studs. The distance between them is 120 mm. The protruding end should have a height that is 20 mm more than the thickness of the beam and waterproofing. Holes are pre-drilled in the beam, the element itself is put on the studs and attracted by nuts with wide washers.

Work on the rafter system

A gable roof attic is a structure that is based on the rafter system. It consists of elements combined into a single whole. The farm has the shape of the letter A and is a rigid structure, working on a spreader. If the house is built from timber, then the construction of the roof is carried out in such a way that the opposite walls are reinforced with screeds. They are located at the level of the ceiling beams. The walls will not move apart under load.

gable roof height

Overlay Work

When performing the attic with a gable roof, you must mount the loungers on the ceiling . They are elements of square beam with a side of 150 mm. This parameter may be larger. The beds serve as a support for the racks, they redistribute the load on the floor surface. Installation of the bed is carried out along the lines of the walls of the attic. If you do not plan to use the attic, then the bed is laid under the ridge for the installation of support stands. It is possible to splicing the beam, but this must be done only in those places where the joint will be located on the beam. Using a steel plate or staple it will be possible to make a spike connection.


When building a gable roof with a rectangle at the base, you will need to use the repeating parts of the rafter system that are identical to each other. This will allow you to build an isosceles roof, and its weight will be distributed evenly and under atmospheric loads. For this, templates of identical parts are made. Planks are laid out on the floor of the building, this will make it possible to make a triangle with a given height. It will be based on rafters and racks.

The connection is carried out with a nail. The structure should be raised up, with the help of one or two people. A rack is installed on the central axis of the ceiling. The rafters will be located on the Mauerlat.

A gable roof, which has a rectangle at the base, can have different heights, which changes when the elements of the template are elongated. Once you have decided on the size, you should make curly cuts on the rafters. They are carried out in those places where the design will be in contact with the harness. The rafter leg rests firmly on the Mauerlat. You can use several methods for fastening, you select the most reliable and convenient. Specialists often use metal pads.

When installing the hanging rafters, at the final stage you will need to remove the temporary racks. Such rafters end at the Mauerlat level, so it is necessary to fix the filly to it, they will form overhangs. After that, you can start covering the gables and fixing the wind and cornice strips. It is important not to forget about the insulation of the coating, which is carried out before the flooring of the finishing material.

gable roof


The roof described in the article consists of inclined planes called ramps. They are connected in the area of ​​the ridge and are located at an angle to each other. This angle is the angle of inclination. The mechanical characteristics of the roof, functionality and the choice of roofing depend on it.

From the end faces, the slopes form triangles called gables. Once all the calculations are completed, you can move on to the practical part. At its first stage, it will be necessary to install a Mauerlat, which is the foundation for the roof.


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