Fallout 3 freezes: what to do?

Fans of the first two parts of the Fallout series were thrilled when they found out that their favorite game would return to PC. And the result did not disappoint anyone - the third part of the series was simply magnificent and entailed the release of several more equally excellent additions. This game has everything you need - and the atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world, and huge locations, and complete freedom of action, and an exciting non-linear plot. In general, everything is done at the highest level. However, the problem is that for many users this game freezes or slows down even on the most powerful computers. Multiple attempts to contact technical support revealed that the problem is not with the game itself, but with the user’s configuration. Therefore, this article will discuss the main reasons why Fallout 3 freezes.

The main reason

fallout 3 freezes

In fact, there may be quite a few reasons that Fallout 3 hangs on your computer. But you need to start with one simple check that everyone can do. The fact is that by default this project is designed for one processor core, and modern processors are most often multi-core, with an equal distribution of performance across different cores. Thus, the old single-core processor in Core1 will have more power than the same Core of two-, four- or six-core. Of course, there is a way out of this - you just need to connect all the kernels that are on your computer so that they give their performance to the game. You can do this through the ini-file with the name of the game. There you will need to find the line bUseThreadedAI = 0, the meaning of which is that the config specifies the rejection of the use of multi-core processors. Naturally, you need to change the value 0 to 1 to activate this feature. But it’s not enough to activate it. You need to connect the kernels themselves - for this you need to add one more line to the config. It should look like this: iNumHWThreads = n, where n is the number of cores in your processor. After completing all the necessary actions, save the file and run the game. Fallout 3 freezes due to the use of a single core, but now you have connected everything you have and the problems should go away.

Problems with the pirated version

fallout 3 freezes at the beginning

If your Fallout 3 freezes, then the previous method solves all problems in 90 percent of cases. However, not always the reason is precisely because all the cores are not connected. Then you need to look for other sources of the problem, and first of all pay attention to what version of the game you have. If you bought a licensed copy, you can skip this section because it will deal exclusively with pirates. So, if you decide not to pay and download the game from torrents, then you need to make sure that the problem is not in a specific repack - for this, download another version - from another repacker, then install it. Check if another version is working, and if so, just use it with pleasure. This often happens with pirates. That is why it is recommended to take a licensed version - there you will have an almost one hundred percent guarantee that everything will work, and if not, they will help you with technical support. If you download a pirate, then here you are on your own. But if your Fallout 3 freezes at the beginning no matter what repack you are trying to run, then the problem may be different.

System requirements

fallout 3 goty freezes

It often happens that the game Fallout 3: GOTY freezes, because users do not show due care. The first thing you need to do before buying or downloading a game is to check its system requirements. They must match the configuration of your computer, otherwise you may have problems. You can do it yourself if you know what configuration your PC has. If not, you can take advantage of efficient applications (the Game-O-Meter service is perfect) that collect information about your computer and automatically compare it with the system requirements of the game you have chosen, for example, Fallout 3. The game freezes even though Is your computer perfect for her? So you need to look for other causes of the problem.


fallout 3 game freezes

Many gamers cannot get used to the fact that modern games are not only the game client itself, but also some accompanying programs that are installed on your computer. And if you are wondering why Fallout 3 freezes, but did not install the distribution, then here you can only blame yourself. Direct X, Net Framework, RCRedist and so on are programs without which modern games may not start. Most often, complete with the game are the necessary files that will make the launch of the game possible. Do not forget to install them.


If you do not have the most powerful computer equipped with Windows 7, then there is nothing unusual in that Fallout 3 hangs. What should I do in this case? The problem here is that the operating system itself consumes a lot of resources, and you need to disable almost all programs that can occupy RAM. You also need to set high priority in the game launch settings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16060/

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