When to dig out cannons and how to store these flowers in winter

Cannes recently began to gain popularity and appear in private flower gardens and on alpine hills. Previously, these exotic flowers were a big mystery for most gardeners, and they could only be seen in state botanical gardens and nurseries. The main problem was the lack of correct information about when to dig cannons and how to store these plants. However, after domestic gardeners learned to care for these flowers, they began to appear en masse in almost every flower garden.

Cannes: when to dig and how to store

when to dig out cannons and how to store
There are several ways to preserve these plants in the winter, which professional flower growers can advise. We will try to reveal each of them.

First way

When applying this method, the gardener seriously intervenes in the vital activity of the plant. To save the bush, all its peduncles are completely removed, however, the leaves are left completely intact. The remains of the plant are carefully removed from the earth along with an earthen lump. When to dig out cannons and how to store these flowers when using this method? The optimal period is when the cold has not yet arrived, and the growing season has already come to an end. After extracting from the soil, the plants are placed in specially prepared pots filled with ordinary garden soil, which can be found in a regular agricultural store. After this operation, you can move the cannes to the wintering place. Usually it is a basement or a canopy at home. At this time, they need watering no more than once every ten to twelve days.

Cannes when digging

After the end of winter, it will be necessary to feed the cannas to stimulate the appearance of new peduncles. The mixture for this process is prepared as follows: the grower mixes humus and wood ash in equal parts. At the very beginning of May, flowers are usually taken out into the air for further hardening, however, it should be remembered that the cannes are incredibly sensitive to temperature extremes, so they need to be covered with a special film at night.

Second way

The essence of this technique is to provide the plant with a state of perfect peace. When to dig out cannons and how to store them in this case? Extraction from the earth using this method is carried out in dry, warm weather in early autumn. After this, it is necessary to completely cut off all the leaves and peduncles of the canna and, without clearing the rhizomes from the ground, place in a spacious pot and bring it into a cool, well-ventilated room. The soil needs to be moistened every ten to fourteen days, and at the very beginning of winter, place the plants closer to the light. Spring care is carried out in the same way as in the first method.

when to dig cannons and dahlias
Third way

It is suitable for those who are interested in digging cannes and dahlias. In early autumn, you need to dig a plant and very carefully trim all its leaves. Thoroughly clean the roots from the ground, wash and dry. After that, they can be placed in boxes, sprinkled with sawdust and placed in a cool dark place. At the end of winter, rhizomes are removed and their rotted and missing parts are separated with a clean and very sharp tool.

I hope in this article we fully answered the question of when to dig out cannons and how to store them during the winter period. Our advice can help any gardener to grow these wonderful and very beautiful flowers in his flower garden.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16065/

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